100字范文 > 高阶动态电路 high order dynamic circuit英语短句 例句大全

高阶动态电路 high order dynamic circuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-10 09:49:43


高阶动态电路 high order dynamic circuit英语短句 例句大全

高阶动态电路,high order dynamic circuit

1)high order dynamic circuit高阶动态电路

2)First Order Circuit一阶动态电路

1.The Expansion Application of Three-Factor Method forFirst Order Circuit;一阶动态电路三要素法的扩展应用

2.Analysis ofFirst Order Circuit with Controlled Source;含有受控源的一阶动态电路分析


1.The Study on the First-order Dynamic Circuit Response by Singular Signal奇异信号δ(t)对一阶动态电路响应的研究

2.A Discussion on the Use of the Unit Step Function in Analyzing Fist-Order Circuits也谈单位阶跃函数在一阶动态电路分析中的用法

3.The Application of MATLAB in Second-order Dynamic Circuit AnalysisMATLAB在二阶动态电路中的应用

4.Search for Teaching of Transient State Analysis of First-order Linear Circuit;“一阶线性电路暂态分析”教学探讨

5.A High Dynamic Circuit for Visual Function Recovery一种高动态范围的视觉功能修复电路

6.RF-bit Based Multi-stage Dynamic Path Identification Model基于RF位的多阶段动态路径标识模型

7.A device that periodically and automatically opens and closes an electric circuit, producing pulses.断续器一种阶段性的能自动打开及关闭电路并产生脉冲的仪器

8.The Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for the Unique Steady State ofthe Dynamic Circuits with Nonlinear Resistors;含有非线性电阻的动态电路唯一稳态充分必要条件

9.The typical way to analyze dynamic circuit is writing differential equation, then obtaining the solution.求解动态电路一般是列微分方程,解微分方程.

10.Order reduction of power system dynamic model using mode act基于模态摄动法的电力系统动态模型降阶分析

11.Question of deserve notice in one order circuit response;一阶电路响应中一个值得注意的问题

12.Quantum Effects in Mesoscopic RLC Circuit under Eigenstate of Ladder Operator阶梯算符本征态下介观RLC电路的量子效应

13.Application of a First Order Reduced-dimension Karnaugh Map in Digital Circuit Design一阶降维卡诺图在数字电路中的应用

14.System Research of Surrounding Rock Mass Dynamic Classification in Highway Tunnel of Construction State;高速公路隧道施工阶段围岩动态分级系统研究

15.The percentage of time that a circuit or device with two operational states is in the higher level or more active state.一个有两个工作状态的电路或设备处于高电平状态或经常活动状态的时间百分比。

16.A Type of Dynamic-varying Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control for Third-order System一类三阶非线性动态滑模变结构控制

17.To start action in a circuit or circuit device by using a pulse.用一个脉冲启动一个电路或电路设备。

18.Control circuit design of step electromotor six beat working state步进电动机工作状态控制电路的设计


First Order Circuit一阶动态电路

1.The Expansion Application of Three-Factor Method forFirst Order Circuit;一阶动态电路三要素法的扩展应用

2.Analysis ofFirst Order Circuit with Controlled Source;含有受控源的一阶动态电路分析

3)second-order dynamic circuit二阶动态电路

4)RC first-order dynamic circuitRC一阶动态电路

1.In view of problems existing in experiment teaching such as limitation,aging and damage of equipments,using simulation software Multisim 9 analyze theRC first-order dynamic circuit\"s response and the basic common-emitter amplify circuit in analog circuitry due to its functions and characteristics.针对实验教学中存在的设备有限、老化和损坏等问题,利用仿真软件Multisim 9的功能及特点,对电路分析课程中RC一阶动态电路的响应、模电课程中的基本共射放大电路进行仿真分析。

5)higher order circuit高阶电路

6)high-order Jerk circuit高阶Jerk电路


