100字范文 > 罗马公法 Roman Public Law英语短句 例句大全

罗马公法 Roman Public Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 10:27:03


罗马公法 Roman Public Law英语短句 例句大全

罗马公法,Roman Public Law

1)Roman Public Law罗马公法

1.Nature and Name of Praetor: A Study ofRoman Public Law by Justifying the NamePraetor的实与名:从正名开始的罗马公法研究


1.Nature and Name of Praetor: A Study of Roman Public Law by Justifying the NamePraetor的实与名:从正名开始的罗马公法研究

2.An Exploration and Analysis of the Publication Method of Real Property Transfer in Roman Law;罗马法中不动产物权变动公示法分析

3.A digest of Roman civil law, compiled for the emperor Justinian in the sixth century a.d.and part of the Corpus Juris Civilis.罗马法典罗马公民法汇编,是在公元6世纪为罗马皇帝贾斯蒂尼安编辑的,是《国法大全》的一部分

4.the twelve tables罗马法典(公元前451-450年颁布)

5.A native, inhabitant, or citizen of ancient or modern Rome.罗马人古代或现代罗马人、居民或公民

6.Between the 5th century and the 10th century, the authority of Roman law collapsed completely.自公元5世纪到公元10世纪的时间里,罗马法的权威完全失落了。

7.A specialist in Roman or civil law.罗马法专家或民法专家

8.Crpus Juris Civilis was a code on Roman law compiled by Justinian in Byzantine in the6 th century.民法大全》是公元6世纪东罗马皇帝查士丁尼主持编纂的一部法典。

9.Franco-Siamese Treaty of 1907 1907年法国--暹罗公约

10.The Ethical Evolution of Personality: Resulting from Roman Law and Back to Roman Law;法律人格的伦理变革——来自罗马法又回到罗马法

11.Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court国际刑事法院罗马规约

12.The prestige of Rome as of something just and great and law-upholding spread far beyond the Roman boundaries.罗马作为公正、伟大、维护法律的象征,它声名远扬,驰誉世界。

13.Corpus Juris Civilis and the raising of the law status of Roman women;《罗马民法大全》与罗马妇女法律地位的提高

14.According to the old tradition, Romuluis was the founder of Rome.依照传统说法,罗缪拉斯是罗马创造者。

15.Romance languageph.1. 罗曼语(指法、意、西、葡、罗马尼亚等语)

16.The Public Welfare Lawsuit (PWL) originates from the Roman Law and has a long history, whereas, the emergence of civil public welfare lawsuit (CPWL) dates back not long ago.公益诉讼源于罗马法,具有古老的历史,但民事公益诉讼存在的时间并不很长。

17.As we know, the tradition of distinguishing public law and private law goes to ancient Rome.众所周知,公私法划分的传统在西方法律史上最早可以追溯到古罗马时期。

18.Behind her lord his helpmate, bing awast, to Romeville.跟随老公当配偶,朝着罗马维尔走。


Rome Convention罗马公约

3)A Roman Catholic.罗马公教

4)Roman Citizens罗马公民

5)Roman Law古罗马法罗马法

6)Roman Law罗马法

1.On the Cause of the Decline of the Formalism of theRoman Law;罗马法形式主义衰落的原因探析

2.The Experiences and Lessons of Germany s Reception ofRoman Law in Middle Ages;浅析中世纪德国继受罗马法的经验与教训


