100字范文 > 电气信息类专业 electronic information specialty英语短句 例句大全

电气信息类专业 electronic information specialty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 13:29:20


电气信息类专业 electronic information specialty英语短句 例句大全

电气信息类专业,electronic information specialty

1)electronic information specialty电气信息类专业

1.Research on practice in teaching forelectronic information specialty;电气信息类专业实践教学的研究与探索


1.Application of Simulation Technology in the Teaching Practice of the Electrical Information Specialty仿真技术在电气信息类专业中的应用

2.An Exploration to Practical System of Electric Information in Teachers University of Technology;职技高师电气信息类专业的实践教学体系建设

3.The Discussion on Teaching Methods of ESP in Electrical & Information Field;电气信息类专业英语课程教学方法的探讨

4.Research on practice in teaching for electronic information specialty;电气信息类专业实践教学的研究与探索

5.A Study of Practice Program of Electrification & Information Engineering Specialty in Applied Science Universities;应用型本科电气信息类专业的实践性教学研究

6.Reform and implementation of cultivating scheme for credit system of electrical and informational speciality;电气信息类专业学分制培养方案的改革与实施

7.Research on Cultivating theCreative Ability of Students in Electric Information Speciality;电气信息类专业人才创新能力培养模式初探

8.Exploration on the Embedded System Course Teaching for Electric Information Majors电气信息类专业嵌入式系统课程教学的探讨

9.The Application Research of MATLAB language and scientific computing Course in Electric Information TeachingMATLAB语言课程在电气信息类专业教学中的应用

10.An Exploration to the Sustainable Development of the Professional Education on Electric Information in Institutes for Nationalities;民族院校电气信息类专业教育的可持续发展探讨

11.Exploration and Practice of Teaching Mode on Electrical Information Basic Professional Courses电气信息类专业基础主干课程教学模式的探索与实践

12.The major basic courses for electronic information specialty are“ Signals and Systems” and“ automatic control principle”.电气信息类专业两门重要的专业基础课是“信号与系统”与“自动控制原理”。

13.Development of Electronic Industry in Changjiang River Deltaand Its Enlightenments for us;长三角地区电子工业的发展对大学教育的启示——谈电气信息类专业的教学改革

14.Thinking Several Problems about the Specialty Construction of the Electric-communication Discipline;电气信息类新专业建设若干问题的思考

15.On Electronics and Information Laboratory Construction;对电子信息类专业实验室建设的探讨

16.Some Thoughts about Experimental Teaching of Electronics and Information Discipline电子信息类专业实验教学的几点思考

17.Experiment education reform in the speciality of electrical engineering and electronic information engineering;电气工程和电子信息专业实验教学改革思考

18.Improvement in Graduated Project Topic Selection for Electronic Information Specialty电子信息类专业本科毕业设计选题环节的改进


Electronic information-Majors电子信息类专业

1.The course arrangement and instruction of the course program language for electronic information-majors;电子信息类专业《程序设计语言》课程的设置和教学改革

3)Electronic Information Specialty电子信息类专业

1.The matter of specialty building mode and innovating system of new electronic information specialty in Chinese local engineering colleges/universities of higher education is studied in this paper.针对我国地方高等工科院校新办电子信息类专业的建设模式与创新体系问题进行了研究。

4)electrical majors电气信息专业

5)information specialty信息类专业

1.According to the characteristics ofinformation specialty in a university,the construction of practical teaching system has been researched and explored in this paper.根据本校信息类专业的特点,对创新"实践教学体系"的构建进行了研究与探索,提出了实践教学体系模式,阐述了实践教学体系的基本框架、内容结构以及具体设计原则,给出了创新"实践教学体系"的架构,介绍了该实践教学体系近几年来的实践效果。

2.Based on graduated design evaluation system ofinformation specialty,this paper analyses graduated design evaluation system with the method of two-grade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.毕业设计评价是毕业设计中的一个重要环节,本文在建立我院信息类专业毕业设计评价体系的基础上,采用二级模糊综合评判方法对我院信息类专业的毕业设计评价体系进行分析和描述,并以一具体实例介绍了这种模糊综合评判的过程,将模糊综合评判运用到我院信息类专业的毕业设计评价中将有利于提高毕业设计的教学质量。

6)major of electronic information engineering电信类专业

1.Teaching reforms of the engineering drawing for themajor of electronic information engineering in the higher vocational colleges高职院校电信类专业“工程制图”课程教学改革探讨


