100字范文 > 高职法律专业 law major in higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职法律专业 law major in higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 15:54:28


高职法律专业 law major in higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职法律专业,law major in higher vocational colleges

1)law major in higher vocational colleges高职法律专业

1.After studying the professional skills necessary for alaw major in higher vocational colleges,the author points out that in the teaching of law majors we should pay more attention to practice teaching,focus on the fostering of students\" professional skills,help them enhance their ability in seeking the jobs,venturing and changing the jobs.在研究高职法律专业应具备的职业技能后,指出高职法律专业应该加大实践教学力度,注重学生法律职业技能的培养,增强学生的就业能力、创业能力和职业转换能力。


1.Exploration of Teaching Reform on Private International Law in vocational legal profession高职法律专业国际私法教学改革初探

2.On Quality of Higher Vocational Law Students;试论高职法律专业学生应具备的素质

3.Some Thoughts on Law Teaching Reform in Vocational College;对深化高职法律专业教学改革的几点思索

munity Service:A New Study of Practice Teaching Model on Law Major of Higher Vocational Education社区服务:高职法律专业实践教学模式新探

5.Application of Teacher-student Subject Interactive Teaching Methodology in the Law Major of Polytechnic Schools;师生主体性互动式教学法在高职法律专业中的运用

6.On Training Mode of Legal Profession in Higher Vocational College;论高职高专法律类专业人才培养方式

7.On the legal talents training mode about higher vocational and technical education高职院校法律专业人才培养模式探析

8.On the Approach of Cultivating the Legal Professional Skills in Higher Vocational College and Academy试论高职高专院校法律职业技能的培养途径

9.The Application of Law Clinic In Higher Vocational College of Law;法律诊所教育在法律高职专业中的应用

10.A study on teaching practice of the higher vocational law education;高职高专法律专业实践性教学环节初探

11.Thoughts on Patterns of Training up Higher Vocational Professionals in Law Affairs高职高专法律事务专业人才培养模式的新思考

12.Professional Ability Establishment and Training for Students in Higher Vocational Law Service Specialty;高职法律服务专业学生职业能力的构建与培养

13.The Establishment of the Mode of Practical Legal Personnel Training in Colleges: Taking the Reform in the Legal Profession as a Visual Angle;高职高专应用型法律人才培养模式的构建——以法律职业改革为视角

14.To Construct the Economic-Law Course to Fitting Law-service Specialized Subject of High Vocational Education;关于高职法律服务专业经济法课程的建设

15.Research on legal practical teaching in higher vocational college--Taking the Criminal Procedure Law as an example;高职高专法律专业实践性教学环节的设计研究——以“刑事诉讼法”为例

16.Preliminary Discussion on the Design of Developing Aims and Curricula about the Vocational Education Legal Profession;职业高等教育法律专业的培养目标与专业课程设置初探

17.To Construct System of Practical Courses for Law Affairs Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职法律事务专业实践课程体系的构建

18.Study on Practical Teaching System in Higher Vocational Legal Speciality;高职法律事务专业实践教学体系的研究


reduction of enrolment高职法律专科

3)higher vocational education law major高职高专法学专业

4)higher vocational specialty高职专业

5)legal profession法律职业

1.Legal Profession:Concept,Subject,and ethics;法律职业:概念、主体及其伦理

2.This book review summarizes the crisis confronting Americanlegal profession, such as the prevailing of legal commercialism, the degenerating of the professional ethics, and the absence of professional regulation, etc.该书评总结了美国法律职业面临的重重危机 ,例如“法律商业主义”盛行 ,职业伦理沦丧和行业规制的欠缺等 ;提出在职业改革、法律教育、法律消费和公众参与诸方面的改革方案 ;并对我国法律职业研究现状进行反思。

3.Eventually,the law education administration regime and the format of legal talents cultivation shall be established aslegal profession oriented, that is, to reinforce the supervision function of political and law organ over the law education, improve the struc.有鉴于此,应建立以法律职业为目标导向的法律教育管理体制和法律人才培养模式,强化政法机关对法律教育的指导管理职能,优化法律人才培养层次结构,实行二阶段国家司法考试和职业培训制度。

6)law profession法律职业

1.As a subsystem of thelaw profession,the judges profession plays an important role in the development of society and law.法律职业是随着社会分工而产生和发展的,法官职业作为法律职业中一个重要的子系统,在社会和法律发展中发挥极大的作用;西方法官职业溯源于古罗马,随着近代社会的理性化、制度化,在王权、贵族、教会、商人等社会结构力量的相互博弈中兴起,同时也离不开法官职业阶层自身的利益追求。

2.In old days China hadn t judicial examination so that law education was divorced fromlaw profession.司法考试与法学教育之间存在着密切联系,将二者紧密结合在一起,是大多数法治国家的做法;过去,我国没有统一司法考试,以致法学教育与法律职业脱节;今天,司法考试制度的建立,使一些人矫枉过正,把司法考试视为法学教育的指挥棒。

3.When thelaw profession is becoming an international phenomenon, our country s legal system construction also has gained stable improvement: Law education is flourishing and judicial reform has become successful.在法律职业化浪潮席卷全球之际 ,我国法制建设亦稳步推进 ,法学教育蓬勃发展 ,司法改革渐入佳境 ,统一司法考试制度正是在这一时代背景下浮出水面。


