100字范文 > 湿法磷酸浓缩 wet-process phosphoric acid(WPA)concentration英语短句 例句大全

湿法磷酸浓缩 wet-process phosphoric acid(WPA)concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-24 12:40:51


湿法磷酸浓缩 wet-process phosphoric acid(WPA)concentration英语短句 例句大全

湿法磷酸浓缩,wet-process phosphoric acid(WPA)concentration

1)wet-process phosphoric acid(WPA)concentration湿法磷酸浓缩


1.Design Analysis of Vacuum System for Concentration Unit of Wet-process Phosphoric Acid湿法磷酸浓缩装置真空系统设计分析

2.Application of Surfactant in the Process of Wet-process Phosphoric Acid Concentration湿法磷酸浓缩过程中表面活性剂的应用现状

3.Settlement Properties of Impurities in the Concentrated Wet-process Phosphoric Acid浓缩湿法磷酸中杂质颗粒的沉降特性

4.Abstract: In this paper, a two-step method for purifying non-concentrated wet-process phosphoric acid was developed.文摘:采用两步法对未经浓缩的湿法磷酸进行净化研究。

5.The practice and theory of eliminating rock slurry thickening section in production of WPA湿法磷酸生产取消矿浆浓密工序的实践与理论

6.Retrofit for Capacity Expansion in 30kt/a Monoammonium Phosphate Unit by Slurry Concentration30kt/a料浆浓缩法磷酸一铵装置的扩能改造

7.Study on purification of low concentration WPA by TBP in the sulfuric acid-phosphoric acid system利用磷酸三丁酯在硫酸-磷酸体系中萃取净化低浓度湿法磷酸工艺的研究

8.Experimental study on production of enriched superphosphate with thickened sludge acid from concentrated WPA以浓缩磷酸的浓密渣酸制取富过磷酸钙的实验研究

9.Optimization and application of stage concentration in WPA production分级浓缩在磷酸生产中的优化及应用

10.Phosphoric acid produced by the wet process is in the ortho form.用湿法生产的磷酸呈正磷酸状态。

11.Techno-Economic Evaluation on Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate by Double Decomposition with Wet-process Phosphoric Acid;湿法磷酸生产磷酸二氢钾的技术简述

12.Study on production of industrial monoammonium phosphate by purification of wet-process phosphoric acid湿法磷酸净化生产工业磷酸一铵研究

13.In the production of nitrophosphates by the mixed acid process the main components of the acidulation tail gas are nitrogen oxides, and the steam condensate from evaporation contains ammonia.混酸法硝酸磷肥酸解尾气的主要成分是氮氧化物,其浓缩过程产生的蒸汽冷凝液含有氨。

14.The issues existed in rock wet grinding process matched with WPA plant and some improvement suggestions湿法磷酸装置配套湿法磨磷矿工艺技术的改进

15.Closed-Circuit Wet Grinding Process of Raw Materials in Wet Method Phosphoric Acid Equipment湿法磷酸装置中原料的闭路湿磨工艺

16.Study on Removal of Inorganic Impurities and Saccharides in Phospholipid Concentrate by Extraction Method萃取法制备透明浓缩磷脂的工艺研究

17.The Construction of Xiang-tan Phosphate Rock Company Using Low Grade Phosphate Rock to Produce Humidity Method Phosphate湘潭磷矿利用低品位磷矿生产湿法磷酸工程

18.Measurement of the Physicochemical Properties of Acidic Ammonium Phosphate Slurry and Its Concentrating;酸性磷铵料浆物性测试及其浓缩新工艺研究


vacuum concentration of wet-process phosphoric acid湿法磷酸真空浓缩

1.For the design selection issue of vacuum source forvacuum concentration of wet-process phosphoric acid,some commonly used types and their process flows and operating conditions are outlined,and through comparisons of energy consumption and investment,it is considered that the vacuum source should be selected according to the actual situation.针对湿法磷酸真空浓缩真空源的设计选用问题,阐述了常用的几种类型及其工艺流程和操作工况,通过能耗、投资等的比较,认为应结合具体情况选用真空源。

3)Phosphoric acid by wet process湿法(浓)磷酸

4)phosphoric acid concentrated process磷酸浓缩法

5)phosphoric acid concentration磷酸浓缩

1.A novel energy saving and exhaust reduction process,characterized byphosphoric acid concentration with the heat recovered from the DAP tail gas exhausted from the pre-neutralization reactor,is proposed for AP production,which results in the energy consumption reduced by 31.首次提出DAP预中和反应尾气分流进行余热回收浓缩稀磷酸的磷铵节能减排工艺,源头减少湿线尾气水蒸气排放量,降低湿法磷酸浓缩能耗31。

2.For problems occurred during the production after upgrade of the tube and shell type graphite heat exchanger and axial flow pump equipment of thephosphoric acid concentration system for DAP production,a revamp scheme for parallel use of a new train and an old train of graphite heat exchanger and axial flow pump with different type and size is adopted.针对DAP生产磷酸浓缩系统的管壳式石墨换热器和轴流循环泵设备更新后生产上出现的问题,采用型号、规格有差异的新老两套石墨换热器和轴流泵并联使用的技改方案,讨论了工艺指标的确定和操作控制要点,并介绍了运行效果。

6)concentrated phosphoric acid浓缩磷酸

1.Study on technology for production of IMAP withconcentrated phosphoric acid;浓缩磷酸生产工业级磷酸一铵的研究


