100字范文 > 收字 the number of characters英语短句 例句大全

收字 the number of characters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-17 19:53:16


收字 the number of characters英语短句 例句大全

收字,the number of characters

1)the number of characters收字

1.This article has compared the difference between Xinhua Dictionary and the Modern Chinese Dictionary inthe number of characters and the explanation.本文比较了《新华字典》和《现代汉语词典》在收字和释义方面的不同。


1.Discriminate the faults from the collected Chinese Characters、interpretation between Zi hui bu and Hah yu da zi dian;从《字汇补》看《汉语大字典》收字、释义存在的问题

2.The Comparison of the Number of Characters and Interpretation for Xinhua Dictionary and Modern Chinese Dictionary;《新华字典》与《现代汉语词典》收字、释义比较

3.A text-only entry control, for example, may accept only alphabetic characters and refuse to allow numbers to be entered.例如,一个纯文本输入控件可能只接收字母字符,而拒绝数字输入。

4.ROTR (Receive-Only Typing Reperforator)收报专用打字穿孔机

5.receive-only page printer只接收的页式打字机

6.digital oceangraphic data acquisition system海洋数字资料收集系统

7.teleprinter receiver电传打字电报接收机

8.numBer(s) runner数字票赌博的收款人

9.a letter marked `Personal"注明‘亲收’字样的信件

10.teletext receiver电视文字广播接收机

11.Document Received X of XX bytes文档已接收到X字节,共XX字节

12.A Philological Inspiration on the Varied Forms of Characters in the Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters;《说文解字》所收异体篆文的文字学启示

13.The invoice had the stamp `received with thanks" on it.收据上盖有"已收讫,谢谢"字样的章。

14.The invoice have the stamp" received with thanks" on it.收据上盖有“已收讫,谢谢”字样的章。

15.Design of broad-band reconnoitering and receiving digital receiver侦察接收一体式宽带数字接收机设计

16.Write out the name of the recipient here and the name of the sender there, please.收款人的名字写在这儿,寄款人的名字写在那儿。

17.Design of IF Sampling and Digital Quadrature Demodulator in Digital Receivers;数字接收机中频采样数字正交解调器的研制

18.Design and Realization of Digital Module in All-digital Shortwave Receiver;全数字短波接收机数字模块设计与实现


digital receiving数字接收

3)digit absorption数字吸收

4)collection of rhymed words韵谱收字

5)digital receiver数字接收机

1.Time domain compensation of I/Q imbalance indigital receivers;数字接收机I/Q支路不平衡的时域补偿

2.Design of control software for PCI-baseddigital receiver;基于PCI总线的数字接收机控制软件设计

6)digitalization collection数字化收藏


乘舟过贾收水阁收不在见其子三首【诗文】:爱酒陶元亮,能诗张志和。青山来水槛,白雨满渔蓑。泪垢添丁面,贫低举案蛾。不知何所乐,竟夕独酣歌。袅袅风蒲乱,猗猗水荇长。小舟浮鸭绿,大杓泻鹅黄。得意诗酒社,终身鱼稻乡。乐哉无一事,何处不清凉。曳杖青苔岸,系船枯柳根。德公方上冢,季路独留言。已占蒲鱼港,更开松菊园。従兹来往数,儿女自应门。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十一
