100字范文 > 实际操作能力 practical operative ability英语短句 例句大全

实际操作能力 practical operative ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-27 11:16:39


实际操作能力 practical operative ability英语短句 例句大全

实际操作能力,practical operative ability

1)practical operative ability实际操作能力

1.Simulation teaching, applying public security practice in class and putting it into teaching aspects, gives the students real experiences and cultivates their originality andpractical operative ability.治安管理是一门实践性很强的学科,而治安管理模拟教学正是将治安实践内容搬进课堂,注入教学环节,通过增强学员的实际体验,培养独创精神和实际操作能力。


1.Strengthening Ability Training, Improving Students’Ability of Operating Digital Mechanical Machines;强化能力培养,提高学生数控实际操作能力

2.The Abilities of the Periodical Editors and Their Practice;论期刊编辑能力及实际操作能力的培养

3.Good at operating home electricity, telecom and sound control.会家电,电信,音控为主,着重实际操作能力。

4.Making Effort to Improve College Teachers Practical Skills in Multimedia Teaching;略论高校教师多媒体教学实际操作能力的培养和提高

5.How To Improve The Operational Capacity of Students in the major of clerical Profession--Improving the Practical Teaching for simulated office;文秘专业如何提高学生的实际操作能力——加强“模拟办公室”的实验教学

6.He was hopelessly impractical when it came to planning new projects.一到规划新项目,他就完全没有了实际操作的能力。

7.On Cultivation of the Biology Experimental and Operational Ability of the Senior Middle School Students论高中学生生物实验操作能力的培养

8.To Foster Junior Students Operating Ability in Experiment;多渠道培养初中学生的实验操作能力

9.On the Importance of Improving Students Operating Skills;论提高高职学生实际操作技能的重要性

10.Precise positioning can be achieved by the application of preloading.采用了预压力后,才能实现精密的定位操作。

11.Research of On-line Interlocking and Its Distributed Intelligent Implementation Method;电力操作闭锁方法及其分布式智能实现模式

12.Strengthening the Operating Ability of the Curriculum "Market Investigation" by "Three Documents";以“三文档”强化《市场调查》课程实践操作能力

13.Senior middle school students character and manipulative ability in physics experiment;高中生物理实验操作能力及品质的发展研究

14.Junior middle school students character and manipulativeability in physics experiment;初中生物理实验操作能力及品质的比较研究

15.Exploring the direct approaches to improve the operation ability of medical traning students尽快提高医学实习生外科操作能力的方法探讨

16.Reforming Experiment Teaching Means for Cultivating Student"s Computer Skill改革实验教学手段 培养学生计算机操作能力

17.The systembased on operating rules and actual state of electric equipment of substation can be applied to several substations andgive correct operation order.该系统能根据变电站操作规则和电气设备的实际状态,同时面对多个变电站,开列正确的操作票。

18.Applying School Work to Reality to Improve the Principal s Executive Ability;紧密联系学校工作实际 努力提高校长执政能力


actual operation实际操作

1.Application of the practical method of operation,reasonable and effective protective measures to address the medical electrical equipment for general safety requirements and the environmental requirements test and theactual operation encountered some problems.应用切实可行的操作方法和合理有效的防护措施,解决了实际操作和测试中遇到的一些疑难问题。

3)practical operating abilities实践操作能力

1.The teaching of professional technologies on chemistry"s basic theories must actively carry out teaching reforms, strengthen students" abilities in self-taught chemistry and improve theirpractical operating abilities so as to cultivate the chemical technological talents for marlet.化学基础理论职业技术教学,必须从自身教学特点出发,积极实施教学改革,增强学生自学化学的能力和提高实践操作能力,以培养适应市场要求的化工技术人才。

4)experimental operation ability实验操作能力

5)practical operating ability操作性实践能力

6)practical ability to operate实务操作能力


操作型职业能力操作型职业能力vocational ability of operating type操作型职业能力(voeational ab;一;:y。;一“r”t‘””飞、pe)以掌握特定技术或工艺的熟练动作为标志,并形成相应的职业技能与技巧的能力,如掌握打字、制图、控制仪表、驾驶汽车、植物嫁接与栽培等技术或丁_艺的能力。这种能力广为工农业生产所必需,它是一种以掌握某种作业或操作方式为特征的职业能力。(张燕逸撰张燮审)
