100字范文 > 自主创新体系 independent innovation system英语短句 例句大全

自主创新体系 independent innovation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-24 23:31:34


自主创新体系 independent innovation system英语短句 例句大全

自主创新体系,independent innovation system

1)independent innovation system自主创新体系

1.Operation mechanism of theindependent innovation system of the national high-tech development zone;高新区自主创新体系运行机制

2.The paper starts with talking about theindependent innovation system,the main body of which is enterprises,combining government,universities and institutes.本文从建立以企业为主体,官产学研紧密结合的自主创新体系谈起,重点探讨科技信息工作如何助力自主创新。

3.Enterprise’s independent innovation is a complex systematic project, technical innovation、mechanism innovation、management innovation and cultural innovation all are important toindependent innovation system.在我国企业自主创新体系建设过程中,十分强调技术创新,文化创新工作却相对滞后,这严重影响了我国企业自主创新体系的建立。


1.Research on the Construction of Auto-Industry Independent Innovation System in China;我国汽车产业自主创新体系构建研究

2.Study on the Function of Government in Building the Independent Innovation Systems;构建自主创新体系中的政府行为研究

3.Accelerating the Construction of China s Industrial/Enterprise Independent Innovation System;加快建设我国工业企业自主创新体系

4.Role of Firm and Government in the Indigenous Innovation System;企业与政府在自主创新体系中的角色

5.Research on Independent Innovation System of Agricultural Product Processing Industry in China我国农产品加工业自主创新体系研究

6.Studies on the connotation,functions and construction of the independent innovation system of national hi-tech industrial development zones;高新区自主创新体系内涵、功能和结构研究

7.Analysis on Factors Model of Open Independent Innovation System in China;我国开放式自主创新体系要素模型分析

8.Research of China automobile industry self innovation main relation中国汽车产业自主创新主体关系研究

9.Research on Independent Innovation and Construction of Regional Innovation System in Jiangsu Province;自主创新与江苏省区域创新体系建设研究

10.Research on Construction of Regional Innovation System Based on Indigenous Innovation;基于自主创新的区域创新体系建设研究

11.The Cooperative Innovation System of Industry,University and Research I nstitute and Independent Intellectual Property;产学研合作创新体系与自主知识产权

12.Perfecting National Awardable of Science and Technology for Pushing Independent Innovation;完善国家科技奖励体系,推进自主创新

13.Studies on the evaluation index system of national self-innovation capability;国家自主创新能力评价指标体系研究

14.Promoting Independent Innovation Ability Structuring Independent Innovation System;提升自主创新能力 构建自主创新系统

15.A Consideration of Creation,Creative Corpus and It s System;关于创新、创新主体与创新体系的思考

16.Study on the independent innovation strategy of the different innovation subjects;不同层次创新主体自主创新策略研究

17.Evaluation system and model of high-tech zones ability of autonomous innovation;高新区自主创新能力评价指标体系及模型

18.We will continue to advance the building of a national innovation system, encourage enterprises to play a dominant role in technical progress and innovation, and increase their capacity for independent innovation.继续推进国家创新体系建设,促进企业成为技术进步和创新主体,提高自主创新能力。


the construction of the independent innovation system model自主创新体系模型结构

3)the scientific self-innovation ability of regions region区域科技自主创新体系

4)sci-tech independent innovation system科技自主创新体系

1.This paper sets up the theoretical frame and the evaluation system for the regionalsci-tech independent innovation system, advances a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for the regionalsci-tech independent innovation system, and makes the empirical study on the independent innovation system of eight important cities in China.建立了区域科技自主创新体系的理论框架和评价体系,提出了一个区域科技创新体系的模糊综合评估模型,并对国内八个重点城市自主创新体系进行了实证研究。

5)regional self-innovative system区域自主创新体系

1.Research on how to construct Chineseregional self-innovative system by using experiences of foreign S&T policy model;国外科技政策模式对我国构建区域自主创新体系的启示

6)national indep endent innovation systems国家自主创新体系


