100字范文 > 对象研究 the study of objects英语短句 例句大全

对象研究 the study of objects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-15 01:38:18


对象研究 the study of objects英语短句 例句大全

对象研究,the study of objects

1)the study of objects对象研究

2)research objects研究对象

1.Further Speculation on the Research Objects of Ideological Political Education;对思想政治教育学研究对象的再思考

2.After introducing the concept ofresearch objects and research methods of Web metircs,this paper analogize its apprehensive applications.本文通过介绍网络信息计量学的由来及概念、研究对象、研究方法 ,进一步论述了网络信息计量学的广泛应用前

3.To determine whether a science has its value to exists,it is essential to delimit the range of itsresearch objects.要判定一门学科有没有独立的存在价值,就必须对这一门学科研究对象及其范围进行划界。


1.cryogenics:The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperature phenomena.低温学:以低温现象为研究对象的学科.

2.The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperature phenomena.低温学以低温现象为研究对象的学科

3.Analysis of Study Object and Characteristics of Meteorological Economics气象经济学研究对象及气象服务特征分析

4.Protection Ethic of the Subject in Educational Scientific Study;教育科学研究中“研究对象”的保护伦理

5.An Initial Probe in Study Object and Content of Tourism Aesthetics;试论旅游美学的研究对象和研究内容

6.Know Again of Research Object of Political Economics--some time comment research object of western economics;对政治经济学研究对象的再认识——兼评西方经济学的研究对象

7.Further Speculation on the Research Objects of Ideological Political Education;对思想政治教育学研究对象的再思考

8.The Symbol of Being is the Object of Ideological Politics;浅析“思想现象是思想政治教育学的研究对象”

9.From ‘Chaos’ to ‘Abstraction’--On the Unity of the Objects of Economic Scientific Studies;从“混沌”到“抽象”:经济科学研究对象的统一性

10.Research on External Object Technology in Microsoft Office;Microsoft Office外接对象技术研究

11.Research on Investigating Approaches, Objects and Contents of Enterprises;企业形象调查的方法、对象和内容研究

12.Study on Object Model and Normalization in OODB面向对象数据库中对象模型和规范化研究

13.Study on the Segmentation of Video Object Plane and Extraction of Video Object;视频对象平面分割和视频对象提取方法的研究

14.Study on Class-specific Fragment Based Top-down Image Object Segmentation;基于对象基元的Top-down图像对象分割方法的研究

15.Researches and Implement on Object Extracting of Legacy Systems Written in Conventional Procedural Language;非面向对象系统中对象抽取方法的研究与实现

16.Based on Object-oriented Technology to Realize the Research of Distillation Model Object;基于面向对象技术的精馏模型对象化研究

17.Research on Global Persistent Object Storage System based on Peer-to-Peer Network;基于对等网的广域对象存储系统研究

18.The Contrast Study on the Targeted Prepositions "Gei, Wei, Ti";常用对象类介词“给、为、替”对比研究


research objects研究对象

1.Further Speculation on the Research Objects of Ideological Political Education;对思想政治教育学研究对象的再思考

2.After introducing the concept ofresearch objects and research methods of Web metircs,this paper analogize its apprehensive applications.本文通过介绍网络信息计量学的由来及概念、研究对象、研究方法 ,进一步论述了网络信息计量学的广泛应用前

3.To determine whether a science has its value to exists,it is essential to delimit the range of itsresearch objects.要判定一门学科有没有独立的存在价值,就必须对这一门学科研究对象及其范围进行划界。

3)study object研究对象

1.It points out the significance of setting up Yangtze Three Gorges Study, and discusses thestudy object, scientific contents of this newly developed subject.论述了长江三峡学建立的意义 ,探讨了这门新兴学科的研究对象、学科内容与科学特性 ,说明了三峡文化与三峡学的研究关系。

2.Thestudy object of human-machine engineering is the whole relation between people and machine in the process of involving, manufacturing, and using man-made things, which is based on people.人机工程学的研究对象是以人为核心 ,研究人在设计、制造和使用人造物过程中所发生的全部人机关系 ,而且必须充分关注这一过程中环境因素的作用、限制和反作用。

3.Both natural and social resources are dealt with via studies o f resources science,but they are not thestudy objects.资源科学的研究领域涉及自然资源和社会资源,但其研究对象不应是具体的资源,而应是区域资源系统。

4)object of study研究对象

1.Evolution of the national musicology and theobject of study;民族音乐学及其研究对象的嬗变

2.The information structure: Theobject of study;论话语信息结构理论的研究对象

3.A new concept of theobject of study for Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育学研究对象新论

5)research object研究对象

1.Theresearch object of literary theory revisited;对文学理论研究对象的再认识

2.The theories are then re-categorized based on their differentresearch objects.首先对这些城市设计理论根据不同的研究领域进行了分类综述和评析,然后对它们各自的研究对象进行了归纳,并在此基础上对它们进行了进一步的分类。

3.Beijing Studies should have its ownresearch object.北京学要有自己特有的研究对象。


1.Study on theobject of land science;对土地科学研究对象的再探讨

2.This paper discusses the definition and specialty of music archaeology and points outobject of music archaeology study and research methods through reviewing the history of music archaeology.论述了音乐考古学的定义及其特殊性,并通过对中国音乐考古学的历史回顾,提出了音乐考古学的研究对象及研究方法。

3.Accordingly,this article probes into the goal andobject of comparative research and the quality of comparative education.文章对比较教育的研究目的任务、研究对象范围、性质归属等基本问题进行探讨,以为比较教育的学科建设略出绵薄之力。


