100字范文 > 交际冲突 Conflict英语短句 例句大全

交际冲突 Conflict英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-16 10:38:55


交际冲突 Conflict英语短句 例句大全



1.An Analysis of CommunicativeConflicts in SLA Caused by Stereotype;浅析文化定势在二语教学中带来的交际冲突


1.An Analysis on the profound causes of the conflict in the intercultural communication and its countermeasures;跨文化交际冲突深层原因分析与对策

2.The Predictability of Self-construal over Face Concern and Conflict Style;自我理念对面子和交际冲突方式的可预见性

3.An Analysis of Communicative Conflicts in SLA Caused by Stereotype;浅析文化定势在二语教学中带来的交际冲突

4.On the Inevitability of Conflict in Cross-cultural Communication between the East and the West从东西方文化差异看跨文化交际冲突的必然性

5.Human Communication,Social Conflict,Reason and Social Development;人际交往、社会冲突、理性与社会发展

munication Strategies for Conflicts in the Ingroup and Outgroup;关于内群体和外群体在冲突中交际策略的研究

7.The Confliction and Melting of the Cooperative Principle and Euphemism in Language Communication;语言交际中合作原则与委婉语的冲突与融合

8.Cultural Conflicts between Chinese and Western Conventions--Analysis of Some Living Examples in Intercultural Communication;中西习俗文化“冲突”——跨文化交际实例分析

9.Diplomacy and Conflict(1812-1907);外交与冲突(1812-1907)

10.Type and Frequency of Metaphorical Coding in Interpersonal Conflict Discourse;交际口语中人际冲突话语的隐喻类型及频率分析

11.Research on the Intercultural Conflicts in Movie Babel Based on Intergroup Communication Theory基于群际交际理论对《巴别塔》中跨文化冲突的研究

12.human relations views of conflict冲突的人际关系观点

13.The cultural obstacles caused by silence in intercultural communication from the perspective of Chinese and American philosophical emphasis;从中西方哲学冲突解析沉默在跨文化交际中所产生的文化障碍

14.On Settlement of China s Interstate Conflict of Laws by the Law of Interstate conflict of Laws;区际冲突法与我国区际法律冲突的解决

15.But actual and potential conflicts abound.但是,实际之冲突及潜在之冲突,却不计其数。

16.Reasons for the Intensification of the Conflicts in Kosovo and its Development into an International Conflict;科索沃冲突激化并演变成国际冲突的原因

17.An Inquiry for Inter-district Administrative Conflict of Laws and Conflict between Administrative laws of Different Divisions区际行政法律冲突和区域行政法律冲突探究

18.The Impact of Computer-mediated Communication upon the Intercultural Communication;论网络交际给跨文化交际带来的冲击


conflictual communication冲突性交际

3)interpersonal conflict人际冲突

1.Reasons of and countermeasures tointerpersonal conflicts in college student dormitories;大学生宿舍人际冲突原因与对策探析

2.Mulitiple Modernities: A Comparative Study on Styles of Managing Interpersonal Conflicts between American and Chinese University Students;多样的现代性:中美大学生人际冲突管理方式的跨文化比较

3.Theinterpersonal conflict is a basic conflict form.人际冲突是组织中一种基本的冲突形式。

4)International conflict国际冲突

1.This article makes academically pectinating, scanning and explacning on the coception, type and solution of international conflicts so as to provide a paradigm for people to have a proper knowlege of numberous and complicated international phenomenon.国际冲突是国际行为主体之间经常发生的国际现象 ,是国际政治学研究的重要内容。

5)inter-county conflict县际冲突

1.On the base of analyzing the practical backgroud of the county tourism development at present in China,this paper chooses theinter-county conflict during tourism development as a study subject and defines the relative concept.在分析我国现阶段县域旅游开发实践的基础上,本文选择了旅游开发中的县际冲突为研究主题,对相关概念进行了界定。

6)interregional conflict of laws区际冲突


