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情境性 situation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-18 08:49:41


情境性 situation英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on thesituation of learning from psychological perspective;关于学习的情境性的心理学研究


1.situational homosexuality情境性同性恋情境性同性恋

2.transient situational personality disorder暂时情境性人格异常

3.psychological function of dramatic situation戏剧性情境的心理功能

4.The Effect of Sociality of Context on Undergraduates Emotional Expression;情境的社会属性对大学生情绪表达的影响

5.Tacit Knowledge of Teaching Situation in Information Technology of High School;高中信息技术教学情境中的隐性知识

6.On the Women s Situation in Love and Marriage in Zhou Dynasty from The Book of Songs;从《诗经》爱情诗看周代女性的婚恋处境

7.To Construct the Situations of Teaching Activities, to Develop Student’s Creativity;创设教学活动情境,培养学生创造个性

8.Set up Scene of Teaching Activity to Train Students Creativeness;创设教学活动情境 培养学生创造个性

9.On effectiveness of moral education with definition of classroom situation;论课堂情境定义与德育教学的有效性

10.An Analysis of the Influence of Situational Factors on Fairness of Intelligence Test影响智力测验公正性的情境因素分析

11.Research on the Enterprise Sustainable Information Insurance in the Network Environment网络环境下企业持续性情报保障研究

12.Analysis on Acquisition Right to Environment确认环境知情权的可能性、必要性和可行性分析

13.Spoony Compass of Female Culture in A Dream of Red Mansionsfrom the Viewpoint of Gender;从性别视角论《红楼梦》女性文化的“痴情”生命境界

14.The Relation Between the Suggestiveness of Literature and the Thought Provoking of Literature Language;文学情境的假定性与话语的阻拒性关系初探

15.Bisexual Relation in “Modern Sex" Context -- On Sugar by Mianmian;“现代性”情境下的两性关系——关于棉棉小说《糖》

16.Closed and Open Characteristics in Learning and Teaching --From the Point of Contextualism;学与教的封闭性与开放性——从情境主义看学与教

17.The Impact of Dispositional Affect on Job Satisfaction: A Research Based on the Circumstances of China;气质性情感对工作满意度的影响:基于中国情境的实证研究

18.Text and Context of the Community s History--A Co-discussion on Historical Mood,Style of Writing and Patternizing Complex;族群历史之文本与情境——兼论历史心性、文类与范式化情节



1.Consequently, the issue of interpreting quality can be formulated as“What makes an effective communication in interpreting?”After an analysis of interpreting from the perspective of communicative process, the author presents three basic criteria and thesituationality of user expectations for effective communication in interpreting.接着,作者提出了有效交际过程的基本标准,同时指出用户期望的情境性对有效交际的影响,进而提出成功的口译就是由基本标准和情境性分析共同作用而产生的有效交际。

2.The paper is dedicated to the theory on chunks first,for most part on thesituationality in memorizing and retrieving chunks,and then to the analysis of thesituationality of language learning and teaching.试在分析词块理论的基础上,强调记忆和提取词块的情境性,进而分析语言学习和教学的情境性。

3)situated rationality情境理性

4)context problem情境性问题

5)fundamental situation本源性情境

1.This article reviews the development of western philosophy,examines thefundamental situation of philosophy,reveals its human nature and human confirmation,thus illustrating the significance of Marxist philosophy renovation.本文以西方哲学发展历程为视域,对哲学本源性情境作了历史性考察,揭示了哲学的属人性、为人确证的根本特征,进而阐明了马克思哲学变革的伟大意义。

6)designative situation设计性情境


情境性学习情境性学习:学习的社会建构理论对知识与学习的一种看法,认为知识不是个人的认知结构,而是随着时间而发展的社会团体的创造。社会团体的习俗(practices of community)——相互作用和办事的方式以及该团体所创造的工具——构成了该团体的知识。学习意味着变得更有能力参与那些实践和应用那些工具。
