100字范文 > 渭河中下游 middle and lower reaches of Weihe River英语短句 例句大全

渭河中下游 middle and lower reaches of Weihe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-10 00:56:09


渭河中下游 middle and lower reaches of Weihe River英语短句 例句大全

渭河中下游,middle and lower reaches of Weihe River

1)middle and lower reaches of Weihe River渭河中下游

1.The results can provide the basis for the flood control prediction scheme in the middle and lower reaches of Weihe river in and have important reference value for emergency flood fighting works.利用渭河中游3月监测断面测量成果,通过对典型断面水位流量关系的修订和滩面高程、堤防状况的进一步复核,用水位~流量关系法和曼宁公式对渭河中、下游各河段相应的特征水位及特征流量进行了计算分析,结合历年防汛抢险工作的实际情况,综合分析确定了渭河中游、下游各河段警戒流量(水位)和保证流量(水位),该成果为渭河中下游防汛预案编制提供了依据,并对防汛抗洪抢险工作有重要参考价值。


1.Food Carrying Capacity and Characteristic Flow(water level) of the Middle and Lower Reaches of Weihe River in 渭河中下游过洪能力及特征流量(水位)分析

2.Distributed Hydrological Model Based on MODFLOW--A Case of the Middle and the Lower Reaches of Weihe River基于MODFLOW的流域分布式水文模型研究——以渭河中下游地区为例

3.Review on planned and revised alignments of channel regulation in the lower Weihe River渭河下游河道整治治导线规划与修订

4.Development of Mathematical Model for Unsteady Sediment Transport of the Lower Weihe River;渭河下游非恒定流泥沙数学模型研究

5.Regional ecological risk assessment in catchment area along the Weihe River based on GIS基于GIS的渭河下游河流沿线区域生态风险评价

6.Study on Regional Risk Assessment of Flood Disaster in Catchment Area along Weihe River渭河下游河流沿线区域洪水灾害风险评价

7.Study on ANN models for flood forecasting in lower reach of the Wei River渭河下游洪水预报的人工神经网络模型研究

8.Study on Risk Zoning and Safe Use of Flooded Area Land in Lower Beaches of the Weihe River;渭河下游洪泛区土地风险区划及安全利用研究

9.Study on Runoff Forecast Model and Methods of Real-time Correction in Lower Reaches of the Weihe Basin;渭河下游径流预报模型及实时校正方法研究

10.Development and Application Research of Flood Forcasting Model in Lower Reaches of WeiHe Basin;渭河下游洪水预报模型开发及应用研究

11.Study on Impact of Tongguan Riverbed Elevation on Fluvial Processes of the Lower Weihe River by Numerical Model;潼关高程对渭河下游冲淤影响的数值模拟研究

12.ArcGIS applied in flood submerged area calculation at lower reaches of Weihe River;基于ArcGIS的渭河下游洪水淹没面积的计算

13.Analysis on Relation Between the Sedimentation Variation of the Lower Reaches of the Weihe River and the Tongguan Altitude;渭河下游冲淤变化与潼关高程的关系分析

14.The Water Quality Simulation and Evaluation Research Based on GIS in the Lower Reaches of Wei River基于GIS的渭河下游水质模拟及评价研究

15.The Reasons of the Flood Happened and Controlled Measures of the Weihe River陕西渭河下游洪灾成因分析及防治建议

16.Impact of the Lawer Weihe River Channel Sedimentation and Shrinkage on the Characteristics of Flood Routing;渭河下游河道淤积萎缩对洪水演进规律的影响研究

17.Study on Regional Ecological Risk Assessment and Management in Catchment Area Along Weihe River;渭河下游河流沿线区域生态风险评价及管理研究

18.Ecological Risk Analysis Based on Landscape Structure in Catchment Area along the Weihe River基于景观结构的渭河下游河流沿线区域生态风险分析


lower Weihe River渭河下游

1.Auto-regulating function of channel of Lower Weihe River since 1960;1960年以来渭河下游河道的自动调整作用

2.Stable lowering of Tongguan bed elevation and comprehensive regulation of thelower Weihe River;潼关高程的稳定降低与渭河下游河道综合治理

3)lower course of Weihe River渭河下游

1.In the history,the super and large floods happen in thelower course of Weihe River for many times,so to bring about the serious disasters in the region.历史上,渭河下游发生多次超大型洪水,给该地区带来了严重的灾害。

4)the lower Weihe River渭河下游

1.Study on sediment-carrying water volume inthe lower Weihe River;渭河下游输沙用水量研究

2.River Shrinkage and Harnessing Countermeasures of the Lower Weihe River in Recent Period;渭河下游近期河道萎缩特点及治理对策

3.A 1-D sediment transport model was applied in this paper to study the processes of scouring and silting inthe lower Weihe River and the river course from Tongguan Station to Sanmenxia Reservoir as well as possible falling of the Tongguan elevation due to the effect of the Changjiang River-to-Weihe River Water Transfer Project.采用一维泥沙数学模型计算与分析了引江济渭工程不同引水方案对渭河下游河道和潼三河段冲淤及降低潼关高程的作用。

5)downstream of Weihe River渭河下游

1.Research on the relationship between bank-full discharge and runoff-sediment condition in thedownstream of Weihe River;渭河下游平滩流量与水沙条件响应关系研究

2.Based on analysis of the inherent relationship between the changes of erosion and deposit in Tongguan reaches and in lower reaches of Weihe river,the author pointed out that the changes of erosion and deposit downstream of Weihe river is in good agreement with the changes of erosion and deposit at Tongguan reaches.三门峡水库控制运用以来,潼关高程持续抬升,渭河下游仍在淤积发展,究竟是潼关高程抬升引起渭河下游淤积发展,还是渭河下游淤积发展造成潼关高程的缓慢上升,一直是三门峡问题的焦点。

6)lower reaches of the weihe river渭河下游

1.In this study,the change of landscape pattern and its driving forces in the flooded area along the lower reaches of the Weihe River during the period from 1989 to 2000 are lucubrated using RS and GIS means.应用GIS/RS技术与景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS,研究了1989-2000年渭河下游洪泛区土地景观格局变化及其驱动力。

2.The frequent flood and unreasonable land use deteriorate the land use risk problem in the flooded area of the lower reaches of the Weihe River, which cumbers the economy development of this area.渭河下游洪泛区由于频繁的洪涝灾害和不合理的土地利用方式,使得土地风险问题日益突出,直接制约了渭河流域下游洪泛区的经济发展。


渭河道中 其四【诗文】:海气团云白,江风吹浪寒。飞鸿离塞远,独鹤唳更阑。慷慨论时事,羁栖笑楚冠。萧萧黄叶下,回首望长安。【注释】:【出处】:
