100字范文 > 吻合口出血 anastomotic bleeding英语短句 例句大全

吻合口出血 anastomotic bleeding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-06 07:13:05


吻合口出血 anastomotic bleeding英语短句 例句大全

吻合口出血,anastomotic bleeding

1)anastomotic bleeding吻合口出血

1.Clinical treatment ofanastomotic bleeding after the surgery of gastroesophageal mechanical anastomosis;胃食管机械吻合术后吻合口出血的治疗

2.Objective To explore causes ofanastomotic bleeding after transabdominal anterior resection of rectal cancer and propose nursing countermeasures.目的探讨并分析直肠癌经腹前切除术后吻合口出血的原因,并提出护理对策。

3.Objective To observe the occurrence ofanastomotic bleeding between different approaches adopted i.目的 探讨腹腔镜与开腹直肠癌根治术后吻合口出血发病率是否存在差异及其影响因素,总结预防和治疗措施。


1.Prevention and treatment of anastomotic bleeding after intrathoracic esophagogastric anastomotic stapling operation胸内食管胃器械吻合术后吻合口出血的术中防治

paring the Occurrence of Anastomotic Bleeding in Rectal Carcinoma Resection between Laparoscopic and Open Radical Approaches, and Ways to Prevent and Manage It.;腹腔镜与开腹直肠癌根治术后吻合口出血的防治比较

3.Effects of Different Types of Bypass Vascular Anastomosis on Blood Flow and Intimal Hyperplasia at Distal Stoma血管吻合术对远心端血管吻合口血流量及内膜增生的影响

parison of hemostatic efficacy of epinephrine injection alone and injection combined with argon plasma coagulation in treating marginal ulcer bleeding内镜下药物注射治疗与联合氩离子凝固治疗对吻合口溃疡出血的疗效比较

5.Experimental Study on the Effects of Beta Rays in Preventing the Stenosis of Vessel Anastomosis;β射线对血管吻合口狭窄预防作用的研究

6.Reasons and countermeasures for bleeding in procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids吻合器痔上黏膜钉合术出血的原因及对策

7.3 cases of thrombosis occurred in stoma and were cured by urge vein transplantation.其中3例发生吻合口血栓,经切除血栓部位用静脉移植后再吻合成功;

8.Experimental Study of Vascular Anastomosis with Nitinol Clip镍钛合金吻合夹吻合血管的实验研究

9.closure of gastro-jejunostomy胃空肠吻合口闭合术

10.marginal ulcer of gastroenteric stoma胃肠吻合口边缘溃疡

11.dysfunction of gastroenteric stoma胃肠吻合口机能障碍

12.(5)In all views of anastomic ostium,Doppler displayed artery vein flow spectrum.(5)多普勒显示各切面吻合口处为动、静脉血流频谱。

13.Research of the Connection between the Measuration of Change of Stomach Serosa Blood Flow and Anastomotic Leakage after Esophagestomy;术中胃浆膜血流测定对食管胃吻合口瘘发生的评估

14.Predictable Value of PCR Detecting Bacterial DNAs in Rat s Blood and Ascites for Early Diagnosis of Intestinal Anastomotic Leakage;PCR检测大鼠血液及腹水中细菌DNA对肠道吻合口漏的早期诊断价值

15.The Effect of High Dose External Beam Radiation on the ePTFE Prosthesis-arterial Anastomosis;大剂量体外射线照射对ePTFE人工血管吻合口的影响

16.The Effect of Post-operative Irradiation External Beam Radiation on the ePTFE Prosthesis-vascular Graft Anastomosis after Vein Prosthetic Vessel Replacement in Canine术后放疗对犬下腔静脉ePTFE人工血管置换术后吻合口的影响

17.The influence of diabetes mellitus on microvascular anastomoses after free flap transplantation:a comparison study糖尿病对游离组织移植血管吻合口病理变化影响的比较研究

18.Experimental Study of Venous Anastomosis with Titanium Microclips;微型钛血管吻合夹吻合静脉血管的实验研究


vascular anastomostic stoma/repair血管吻合口/修复

3)prosthesis-arterial anastomosisePTFE人工血管吻合口

1.Objective To explore the effect of the high dose external beam radiation on the ePTFEprosthesis-arterial anastomosis.目的观察术后大剂量体外的射线照射对ePTFE人工血管吻合口的影响。

4)vascular anastomosis血管吻合

parison of the tri-cuff and classical methods forvascular anastomosis in heterotopic small bowel transplantation in rats;三袖套法与经典血管吻合法在大鼠异位小肠移植中的应用比较

2.The experimental study on the microstructure of a new stents forvascular anastomosis;三种血管吻合用支架相关物理特性的超微结构观察

3.Mechanicalvascular anastomosis is a technique that uses special vascular anastomotic devices to entirely or partly substitute vascular anastomotic suturing .机械性血管吻合技术是以特制的血管吻合装置替代或部分替代缝线的一种血管吻合方法。


1.Biodynamic study of vascularanastomosis with microclips;微型钛血管吻合夹吻合血管的生物力学研究

2.Method 10 cases of anterior tibial large area soft tissue defect with severe open wound were transplanted withanastomosis of cross leg anterior lateral femur (muscular) skin flap, skin flap graft area being 12 x 8 ~ 28 x 15cm2, followed up for 6 months to 5 years .方法 对10例胫前严重的开放性损伤伴大面积软组织缺损病例,采用股前外侧(肌)皮瓣交腿血管吻合移植方法,移植皮瓣12×8~28×15cm~2,随访6个月-5年。

3.We made doubt that the contrast media made the injury ofanastomosis site.怀疑为造影剂引起的血管吻合口的损伤,查阅资料未见有相似的临床及实验报道。

6)vascular anastomosis吻合血管

1.Anatomical basis of allogeneic femoral transptantation withvascular anastomosis;吻合血管同种异体股骨干移植的解剖学基础


吻合口空肠溃疡吻合口空肠溃疡stomal ulcer on the jejunal side又称“复发性溃疡”、“边缘溃疡”、“吻合口溃疡”或“胃空肠溃疡”。指胃切除后在胃-空肠吻合口或其附近复发的溃疡。90%以上发生于十二指肠溃疡术后。多在吻合口对侧的空肠壁上。常发病于术后2年内,疼痛较剧,节律不强,局部压痛,易出血、穿孔,可形成胃空肠结肠瘘。溃疡原因:①手术选择不当,包括胃切除不够、胃窦黏膜残留、空肠输入襻过长。②第1次手术时遗留胃泌素瘤。处理:药物治疗无效,宜行手术治疗,重行合乎要求的胃大部切除术或同时行迷走神经切断术。
