100字范文 > 春季冻害 Spring cold injury英语短句 例句大全

春季冻害 Spring cold injury英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 13:28:51


春季冻害 Spring cold injury英语短句 例句大全

春季冻害,Spring cold injury

1)Spring cold injury春季冻害

2)frost damage in spring春霜冻害

3)early Spring freezing damage早春冻害


1.Freezing damage in early spring induced by simulated global warming:a case study in Abies faxoniana模拟增温引发的早春冻害:以岷江冷杉为例

2.Study on the Physiological Mechanism and Production Countermeasures of Yield Reduction of Potato Caused by Freeze Injury in Early Spring早春马铃薯冻害减产的生理机制及生产对策研究

3.Investigation and Protective Measure of Oaks Frost Damage in Dandong in the Spring of 春丹东地区柞树霜冻害调查与预防措施

4.Analysis of Forest Damages Caused by the Snow and Ice Chaos in Transect of Southern China in Spring春季中国南方冰雪冻害林木物理折损典型样带分析

5.GIS-based study on zoning of cold damage to early rice in GuangxiGIS支持下的广西早稻春季冷害区划研究

6.The frost killed off most of the insect pests霜冻冻死了大部分害虫。

7.There was a thaw in the spring.那年春天曾一度解冻。

8.The sudden thaw means that spring is here.一朝解冻, 便是春天来到.

9.To injure or damage by freezing.冻伤由于冰冻造成的伤害或损伤

10.On freeze damages of frozen soil to foundation and roadbed and treatment measures thereof浅谈冻土对地基和路基的冻害及处理

11.worried/scared/frozen stiff非常担心[极其害怕/冻僵

12.frozen damage prevention and treatment of hydraulic structure水工建筑物冻害防护

13.The greenhouse protect vegetable from cold.温室保护蔬菜免受冻害。

14.The frost injury to the railway subgrade is regarded as the common phenomena in freezing regions. Analysis is made on the formation of the frost injury and given the countermeasures.路基冻害是严寒地区普遍存在的病害。本文分析了冻害形成的原因,提出了冻害防治措施。

15.The lake was frozen over until late spring.那湖全让冰封住了, 到晚春才解冻.

16.The spring thaw often caused flooding.春天解冻常常引起洪水泛滥。

17.He propose an early holiday in the spring.他想提早在春天休假。

18.On: on a cool morning in spring春天的一个凉爽的早晨


frost damage in spring春霜冻害

3)early Spring freezing damage早春冻害

4)winter freeze calamity冬季冻害

1.The critical influence of thewinter freeze calamity twice in the 1990s to the citrus production of Jinagxi Province was analysed in this paper.对 90年代以来出现的 2次冬季冻害对江西柑桔生产的严重影响进行了分析 ,指出冬季冻害是江西发展柑桔生产的主要威胁和障碍。

5)spring thaw period春季解冻期

1.Based on hydrological data recorded by Dalai Hydrologic Station and the same period of meteorological data by the 16 stations in area of Nenjiang River,we analyzed the climate change ofspring thaw period from 1963 to 1988 and its influence on soil erosion.利用嫩江流域控制站大赉水文站的春季解冻期径流量和输沙量资料和同期嫩江流域16个气象站的气象资料,分析了1963-1988年嫩江流域春季解冻期土壤侵蚀对气候变化的响应。

2.The results showed that: in thespring thaw period,the thawing of black surface soil is not complete and the infiltration capacity of it is bad because of the freeze-thaw effect.为开展我国东北地区关于冻融作用对春季降雨与未完全解冻土壤侵蚀关系的定量研究,对东北黑土室外冻结,室内表层融化下部冻结,在此冻融条件下对其进行室内模拟降雨试验,研究了春季解冻期黑土在不同含水率、不同解冻深度及降雨量条件下的侵蚀特征。

6)Spring cloudy moist hazerd春季阴湿害


