100字范文 > 基层税务机关 the Grass-roots Tax Department英语短句 例句大全

基层税务机关 the Grass-roots Tax Department英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 18:30:29


基层税务机关 the Grass-roots Tax Department英语短句 例句大全

基层税务机关,the Grass-roots Tax Department

1)the Grass-roots Tax Department基层税务机关

1.A Study on the Performance Evaluation forthe Grass-roots Tax Department Based on Balanced Scorecard;基于平衡计分卡的基层税务机关绩效评估研究


1.A Study on the Performance Evaluation for the Grass-roots Tax Department Based on Balanced Scorecard;基于平衡计分卡的基层税务机关绩效评估研究

2.Benchmarking the Perspective of Grass-roots Tax Authorities on Performance Management;标杆管理视角下基层税务机关绩效管理研究

3.A Study on Consolidation of China s Primary Tax Agency;我国税务机关基层派出机构撤并研究

4.Resource Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities.资源税由税务机关征收。

5.For tariff refund, taxation and customs authorities;关税退税,税务主管机关和海关;

6.Analyses of Synthetic Professional Abilities of the Basic Taxation Functionaries and Construction for Interrelational Model;基层税务人员综合能力分析及相关性模型构建

7.On the Present Situation and Improvement of Incentive Mechanism for Grassroots National Tax Bureau;论基层国税部门公务员激励机制的现状与改进

8.Thought on the Administrative Law Enforcement Responsibility System of the Basic SAT Institution;关于基层国税机关行政执法责任制的思考

9."Upon examination and verification of the supporting documents, the tax authorities shall issue tax registration certificates."税务机关审核后发给税务登记证件。

10.State Administration of Taxation and local taxation authorities.国家税务总局和地方税务主管机关

11."The "tax authorities"referred to in this Law means the tax Bureau at various levels and their subBureau and tax stations. "本法所称税务机关是指各级税务局、税务分局和税务所。

12.For official以下由税务机关填写

13.Provisions of Tax Service as the Primary Task of Tax Authority;论税务机关的首要任务是提供纳税服务

14.Discussion on the Estimation of Taxation Income of County-level Taxation Affairs Departments;县级税务机关税收收入预测工作探索

15.Check with the revenue offices of each country for information on their tax regulations.(你需要)了解各国税务机关有关税务规定的信息。

16.Analysis of the Problm about Our Country s Grass-roots Tax Offices Reform in the Perspective of the New Public Management;新公共管理理论视角下我国基层税务机构改革问题探析

17.Consumption Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities.Consumption Tax on the importation of taxable consumer goods shall be collected by the customs office on behalf of the tax authorities.消费税由税务机关征收,进口的应税消费品的消费税由海关代征。

18.Research of How to Control the Tax Collection Cost in Grassroots Tax Authorities控制基层税务部门税收征收成本的研究


Grassroots of tax authorities基层税务机构

3)tax agency税务机关

1.Several two-player dynamic game models were studied co ncerning export duty refund cheating between atax agency and an export company in the case of complete information and imperfect information.研究税务机关和出口公司之间就出口骗税所进行的双人博弈的若干模型 ,探讨各模型的均衡解 ,结果表明 :在对税务机关无激励的情况下 ,对骗税公司课征罚款的威胁不能阻止外贸公司骗税 ;而课征罚款与对税务机关的激励相结合 ,可以部分地抑制或减少出口骗税 ,但却不能根除骗

2.Right of subrogation in tax is the right by which thetax agency of a country can executes the right of a debtor on behalf of taxpayers when taxpayers do not pay their tax on time.税收代位权,是指欠缴税款的纳税人怠于行使其到期债权而对国家税收即税收债权造成损害时,由税务机关以自己的名义代替纳税人行使其债权的权利。

4)tax authorities税务机关

1.This paper explains the concept of computer virus, introduces the reasons why computer virus occur and types of the virus, analyzes the characteristics of computer virus, and probes into howtax authorities to prevent computer virus from the technology level and application level.解释了计算机病毒的概念,介绍了计算机病毒产生的原因及病毒的种类,分析了计算机病毒的特点,探讨了税务机关如何从技术层面和应用层面预防计算机病毒。

2.Tax Planning at present is on the rise in our country,it has attracted the attention of both the theoretical circles andtax authorities.文章在阐述我国税收筹划发展现状的基础上,分析了其发展的制约因素,并提出了政府及税务机关、企业、税务代理中介机构、税收筹划理论研究工作者等四类主体在促进税收筹划业务发展的对策建议。

3.The realization of the right of subrogation by thetax authorities requires compliance with the contract law and other related laws.税收代位权制度是税法对民法债权保全制度的移用,税务机关实现代位权不仅要符合合同法以及相关司法解释的规定,更要结合税收债权的特点,充分考虑税收债权的优先权和税收征收行为的行政性特点,确定其实现的条件、期限、方式和途径。

5)tax authority税务机关

1.The paper firstly analyzes the influence which asymmetric information between taxpayers and thetax authority produces.税务机关与纳税人之间的信息不对称造成的影响:其一,造成了纳税人的逆向选择;其二,造成了税制的扭曲;其三,加大了税收的征收成本。

6)Tax Organ税务机关

1.On Construction of Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship InsideTax Organ;论税务机关内部和谐人际关系的构建


