100字范文 > 资源植物 resource plant英语短句 例句大全

资源植物 resource plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-13 23:38:40


资源植物 resource plant英语短句 例句大全

资源植物,resource plant

1)resource plant资源植物

1.The Research Advance on Resource Plant Fagopyrum dibotrys.;资源植物野生金荞麦的研究进展

2.Investigation onresource plant at Daliangzihe National Forest Park,Heilongjiang province demonstrated 454 species of 245 genera of 73 families.在调查和分类的基础上,发现大亮子河国家森林公园共有资源植物454种,分别属于245属、73科。

3.Based on an on - the - spot survey of the cultivated plants and economically - important wild plants in Chengkou county, Se content in 8 mainresource plants was determined.在对重庆城口县主要农作物和野生经济植物进行实地调查的基础上,确定以8种主要资源植物为研究对象,对其含硒量及其分布进行了系统研究。


1.Litsea cubeba is an important export essential oil resources plant in China.精油植物山鸡椒是我国重要外销精油资源植物。

mission on Plant Genetic Resources植物遗传资源委员会

3.International Fund for Plant Genetic Resources植物遗传资源国际基金

4.International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources植物遗传资源国际约定

5.State of the World"s Plant Genetic Resources世界植物遗传资源状况

6.International Plant Genetics Resources Institute国际植物遗传资源研究所(植物遗传所)

7.Studies on Flora of Mt. Zijin Vascular Plants & Studies of Wild Resource Plants南京紫金山植物区系与植物资源研究

8.Research on Planting Segregation method to Preserve Bamboo Germplasm Resources竹类植物种质资源栽植隔离方法研究

9.The Exploitation of Honey Plants on the Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲蜜源植物资源开发与利用

10.Studied on the Flora of Vascular Plant and Wild Plant Resources of South Dahong Mountain;湖北大洪山南麓维管植物区系和植物资源研究

11.Studies on Flora of Mt. Qixia Vascular Plants & Studies of Wild Resource Plants;南京栖霞山植物区系地理及野生植物资源研究

12.Ethnobotanical Studies on Wild Plant Resources of Ejina;额济纳野生植物资源的民族植物学研究

13.On The Distribution and Districts of State-Protected Plants in Ankang City;安康市国家保护植物资源及植物区系研究

14.A Preliminary Investigation On Medicinal Plant Resources of Yushan (Ⅱ);虞山药用植物资源研究初报(二)──草本植物类

15.Studied on the Flora of Vascular Plant and Plant Resources of Suzhou苏州市维管束植物区系和植物资源研究

16.An investigation into Plants Resource in Tianshui and a Research in It s Development and Use──Rare and Extinctiong Plants Resource;天水植物资源调查及开发利用研究——稀有濒危植物资源

17.Preliminary evaluation on Chinese non-food plant resources for biodiesel production中国非粮生物柴油能源植物资源的初步评价

18.Investigation on Germplasm Resources of Energy Plant--Saccharum arundinaceum Ratz.in Sichuan Province生物质能源潜力植物——斑茅种质资源考察与收集


Resource plants资源植物

1.It has an important value for protecting wild resource plants and biodiversity.对长白山区珍稀濒危植物的种类、分布状况等进行了调查研究,分析了造成植物种类珍稀、濒危的原因,提出了具体的保护措施及建议,这对于保护野生资源植物及保持生物多样性具有一定参考价值。

2.The resource plants in Saihanba are classified into eleven groups according to theiruses,such as timber trees etc.按照植物的用途,将塞罕坝地区资源植物划分为用材树种等11类,并对每类进行了扼要的分析。

3.This paper studied the 26 species resource plants laterally developing dominance and their chemical component parts and the uses,discussed the way of rational using the resource plants.研究了宁夏大罗山具有潜在优势的资源植物 2 6种 ,以及它们各自所含的化学成分 ,探讨如何合理开发利用这些植物资源的途

3)plant resources资源植物

1.Theplant resources and its ecological characteristics in dry-hot valley of Jinsha River;金沙江干热河谷的资源植物及其生态特征

2.There are enrichment, multiplicity and characteristic, potential utilizationplant resources in Maowusu sandland .毛乌素沙地资源植物蕴藏丰富,种类较多,特色鲜明,开发潜力巨大。

4)resources plants资源植物

1.Analysis on flora andresources plants of Labiatae in Shengnongjia Nature Reserve;神农架自然保护区唇形科植物区系及资源植物分析

2.The result of investigation and analysis on the species shows that the overwhelming ma jority in the flora belong to temperate component Most species in liliaceae areresources plants and should be exploited appropriately.神农架百合科植物种类共29属129种(含变种),其中北温带成分共有9属53种,东亚成分共8属21种,旧世界温带成分共3属20种,东亚、北美间断分布成分共有6属14种,泛热带分布成分共有1属18种,旧世界热带成分共有1属2种,热带亚洲成分共有1属1种,这表明神农架百合科植物区系以温带成分占优势;百合科资源植物十分丰富、按其用途可分为:野生疏菜类、淀粉植物类、观赏植物类、药用植物类、香料植物类等。

5)Resource foliage资源植物

1.Study on the Utilization and the Biological Characteristic of Juema (Potentilla Anserina L.) That is Wild Resource Foliage;野生资源植物—蕨麻(Potentilla Anserina L.)的生物学特性及应用研究

6)plant resource植物资源

1.Application of regenerativeplant resources in the synthetic flavor and fragrance materials;可持续利用植物资源在香料合成中的应用

2.Investigation and studies on natural pigmentalplant resources inJiangsu and Zhejiang Province;江浙天然色素植物资源调查和研究

3.Study on distribution and utilizing prospect of Gramineae forageplant resources of grassland in Gansu;甘肃草原禾本科饲用植物资源分布及利用前景


药用植物资源(见天然药物资源、中国药用植物分布)药用植物资源(见天然药物资源、中国药用植物分布)medicinal plant resourcesYaOYong zh一wu ziyuon药用植物资源(medicinal Plant resouoes)见天然药物资源、中国药用植物分布。
