100字范文 > 物质分配 dry matter distribution英语短句 例句大全

物质分配 dry matter distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-02 18:01:44


物质分配 dry matter distribution英语短句 例句大全

物质分配,dry matter distribution

1)dry matter distribution物质分配

1.A pot experiment was carried out at 3 water supply rates of 75%,60% and 45%(field moisture capacity),to investigated the effect of 3-methyl-phenol on the yield anddry matter distribution of wheat and faba-bean.通过盆栽试验研究了3个供水水平下小麦根系分泌物间甲酚对小麦、蚕豆产量和物质分配规律的影响。


1.Effects of Water Stress on Dry-matter Distribution of Winter Wheat水分胁迫对冬小麦干物质分配的影响

2.Simulation on Photosynthetic Production and Dry Matter Partitioning in Wheat;小麦光合生产与物质分配的模拟模型

3.Root Growth, Dry Matter Distribution and Leaf Senescence in Spring Wheat Mulched with Plastic Film;地膜春小麦根系生长、物质分配及叶片衰老研究

4.The Effect of Different Water Treatments on the Partition of Dry Matter and Carbohydrate Concentration of Winter Wheat;不同水分处理对冬小麦物质分配和可溶性碳水化合物含量的影响

5.a substance prepared according to a formula.根据配方配制的物质。

6.Synthesis and Properties of Amidinate Supramolecular and Metallic Coordination Compounds脒基超分子聚合物和金属配合物的合成及性质

7.Effect of Water Stress on Dry-matter Partition of Summer Maize水分胁迫对夏玉米干物质积累与分配的影响

8.By upholding the principle "to each according to his work" and by recognizing material interests we intend to increase the material well-being of the entire people.我们提倡按劳分配,承认物质利益,是要为全体人民的物质利益奋斗。

9.It is impossible to apply that principle without overwhelming material wealth.按需分配,没有极大丰富的物质条件是不可能的。

10.A Study on the Material Flow of Paulownia Forest(Ⅱ)Redistribution of Paulowrria Canopy Throughfall泡桐林物质流研究(Ⅱ)——泡桐林冠对降雨的再分配

11.Build loaves and fishes and spirit to encourage the allocation of photograph union.建立物质利益与精神鼓励相结合的分配。

12.Studies on Simulation of Optimal Distribution of Dry Matter and Growth of Young Plants in Greenhouse Tomato;温室番茄干物质优化分配与苗期生长模拟研究

13.A Study on Preparation, Separation and Properties of the Porphyrin Complexes with Rare Earths, Lead and Cadmium;稀土及铅镉卟啉配合物的制备分离和性质研究

14.The Spectral Properties of Polyamide Polymer Doped with Rare Earth Ions;稀土聚酰胺类高分子配合物光谱性质研究

15.The Games between Manpower Capital and Material Capital Which Participating in the Distribution of Income;人力资本与物质资本参与收益分配的博弈

16.Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Wheat Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution after Blooming氮素形态对小麦花后干物质积累与分配的影响

17.Characteristics of Accumulation and Distribution of Nitrogen and Dry Matter in Wheat at Yield Level of Ten Thousand Kilograms per Hectare公顷产10000kg小麦氮素和干物质积累与分配特性

18.Effects of Density on Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Silage Maize密度对饲用玉米干物质积累和分配的影响


matter distribution物质分配

3)dry matter partitioning干物质分配

1.Simulation of the effects of nitrogen on after anthesisdry matter partitioning and yield of greenhouse cucumber;氮素对温室黄瓜开花后干物质分配和产量影响的模拟研究

2.Dynamic simulation on shootdry matter partitioning and yield formation of rapeseed;油菜地上部干物质分配与产量形成模拟模型

3.Simulation ofdry matter partitioning and yield prediction in greenhouse cucumber;温室黄瓜干物质分配与产量预测模拟模型初步研究

4)dry matter distribution干物质分配

1.Effects of ratios of basal to topdressed nitrogen on post-anthesis photosynthesis,dry matter distribution and grain yield in malting barley氮肥基追比对啤酒大麦花后叶片光合特性、干物质分配及产量的影响

2.The results showed that the yield increased; the content of soluble sugar content and ratio of sugar and acid increased, organic acid content decreased; ratio ofdry matter distribution of fruit increased in fruit veaping period; the effect of K+G treatment on cherry tomato Hongyu is the best of the three treatments, and K treatment is better t.在日光温室内以辽园多丽和红玉番茄为试材,进行叶面喷施磷酸二氢钾(K)、葡萄糖(G)、磷酸二氢钾加葡萄糖(K +G)混合液,以喷施清水为对照,以探讨K、G及其相互作用对番茄产量、品质及干物质分配的影响。

5)dry matter allocation干物质分配

1.Pot experiments in 3 phosphorus levels were conducted with 5 masson pine (Pinus massoniana) provenances in various areas to study the differences of root morphology anddry matter allocation of these provenances under low-phosphorus stress.利用不同地区5个典型马尾松种源,布置3种P水平的盆栽实验,研究马尾松应对低P胁迫时根系形态和干物质分配特征的种源差异。

6)Dry matter partition干物质分配

1.A simulation model of dry matter partition and yield formation based on the accumulated product of thermal effectiveness and PAR(TEP)is designed in this paper in accordance with the relationship between organ vegetation of sweet potato and temperature and radiation and is validated by the experimental data.根据甘薯器官生长与温度和辐射的关系,建立了基于累积辅热积的甘薯干物质分配及产量形成的模拟模型,并利用试验资料对模型进行了检验。


茶树营养物质运输分配茶树营养物质运输分配transportation and distribution of nutrients in tea plant茶树曹养物质运输分配(transportationand distribution of nutrients in teaplant)维持茶树整体性和决定茶叶产t、品质的营养物质的愉送与分配活动。茶树营养物质包括无机营养(水分、二氧化碳、矿质元素)和有机营养(箱类、脂肪、蛋白质、氛墓酸以及微t生理活性物质)。这里主要是指矿质元素、氮基酸和精类的运愉和分配。矿质元素茶树根系吸收的矿质元素,一部分在根内利用,大部分运到其它组织和器官。矿质离子或其它形式由根内经导管向上运愉。氮以氨基酸、酸胺、茶氨酸以及少量NH未、NO百形式运愉,硫以含氮基酸和50不2形式、碑以碑酸盐和有机碑化物形式运愉.金属离子则以离子状态运愉。据R.R.塞尔凡特兰(1974年)研究:茶树木质液NH才含量在施硫酸按3天后迅速增加,4~5天达最高水平后下降,木质液氮墓酸总量急剧增加,基中以谷氨酞胺和茶氨酸为最多,10天后达最高水平,其间伴随着木质部淀粉含t降低.5周后恢复原来水平。根部吸收的矿质也可经木质部横向运愉到韧皮哉中国农业科学院茶叶研究所(1964年)利用P”“标记茶树老叶,24小时后.在新梢P32t达到老叶吸收总量的42%左右,7天后,新梢P32t上升到93%。叶片吸收矿质离子向上向下运艳都是通过韧皮部,也能从韧皮部横向运输到木质部而向上运愉。一般横向运愉较慢。氮、磷、钾、镁在体内易移动,是参与循环的元素,能被再利用,这些元素在幼嫩芽叶、茶花和幼果中含量较高;而钙、铁、锰等是不参与循环的元素,不能被再利用,在成叶和老叶中含量较高。氮、磷、钾在体内的分配利用以叶中为最多,其中氮占全吸收量的60%,磷、钾各占40%和48%。格类物质茶树各器官、组织所需要的褚类物质.主要都是由叶片光合产物提供的。‘月C标记茶树成叶证明:光合产物既可向上运物到芽梢、花果中,也可向下运艳至根系。向上向下运愉的途径都是韧皮部,而且在韧皮部中可同时进行双向运愉。春季休眠芽萌发时,根茎中贮截的箱类可由导管上运。光合产物横向运摘较慢。只有在纵向运摘受阻时,横向运愉才加强。坡地茶园,因水土管理不当,茶树根系的“上塑下空”现象,引起树冠的不对称生长,就是因为横向运愉较慢所致。茶树箱类运愉形式,主要是蔗搪,另外棉子褚和水苏箱在精运愉和贮截方面也起一定作用。近年来,常用代谢源和代谢库概念来说明茶树中营养物质的运抽与分配。
