100字范文 > 泾河中游 middle reaches of the Jinghe River英语短句 例句大全

泾河中游 middle reaches of the Jinghe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-02 02:31:10


泾河中游 middle reaches of the Jinghe River英语短句 例句大全

泾河中游,middle reaches of the Jinghe River

1)middle reaches of the Jinghe River泾河中游

1.Micromorphological Features of the Cultivated Soils in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River;泾河中游地区耕作土壤的微形态特征研究

2.A study on micromorphological features of soil in themiddle reaches of the Jinghe River was carried out in this paper by means of field investigation,chemical analysis and polarizing microscope.通过野外调查,应用偏光显微镜和图像处理软件等手段,结合理化分析,研究了泾河中游古耕作土壤的微形态特征。


1.Holocene Environmental Change of Pedogenensis in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River Basin;泾河中游地区全新世成壤环境演变研究

2.Micromorphological Features of the Cultivated Soils in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River;泾河中游地区耕作土壤的微形态特征研究

3.Studies on the Wild Fire and the Pedogenical Environment Changes of Holocene in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River;泾河中游全新世野火与成壤环境变化研究

4.Flood Discharges Reconstructed by Flood Level Marks on Cliff Faces in Middle Reaches of Jinghe River泾河中游现代洪水痕迹调查对实测洪水的校核

5.Palaeoflood Occurrence in the Late Period of the Longshan Culture in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River泾河中游龙山文化晚期特大洪水水文学研究

6.Assessment and Analysis on the Ecological Security in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Jinghe River Basin泾河流域中下游生态安全评价与分析

7.The Study on City Location of An-ding Prefecture and Its Belonging County at Jing River upper and Middle Reaches in Han Dynasty;泾河中上游汉安定郡属县城址及其变迁研究

8.Land-Use/Cover Change Process and Driving Force Analysis in Jinghe River Channels;泾河中上游流域土地利用格局变化与驱动因子分析

9.Study on the Relationship between the Pedogenetic Environment Changes and Human Impact in the Holocene Soil of the Loess Plateau in the upper Reaches of Jinghe;泾河上游黄土高原全新世成壤环境演变与人类活动影响

10.Distribution of trace elements in Holocene loess-paleosol sequence and environmental change in the upper reaches of Jinghe River泾河上游全新世黄土-古土壤序列微量元素分布特征及环境变化

11.Build a Perfect Home for Hi-tech Industries--A Sino-British"Scientific & Technological Oasis"is Emerging in Shanghai Caohejing Development Zone中英共建高科技产业理想家园——记上海漕河泾开发区“科技绿洲”工程

12.On the Cultivation of Country Improvement Talents of the National Association of Vocational Education of China--The Case of Caohejing Agriculture Education Group;中华职业教育社农村改进人才培养述论——以上海漕河泾农学团为例

13.Pollution characteristics of bromine and iodine as trace element in atmospheric particles in Shanghai Caohejing region上海市漕河泾地区大气颗粒物中痕量元素溴、碘的污染特征

14.The creek had eroded deep into the little gully.泾水把那狭窄的河床浸蚀得很厉害。

15.Design Discussion of the Ecotypic Stone Mesh-box Retaining Wall for Luojing Round Factory River Project;罗泾护厂河工程生态石笼的设计探讨

16.Piers Stability Analysis of Jing He Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge泾河多跨连续刚构桥桥墩稳定性分析

17.On Analysing the Grain Size Characteristics of Modern Extreme Flood Sediment Trace in Jinghe River Basin泾河流域现代洪水泥痕粒度特征分析

18.The river is teemed with planktons.河流中满是浮游生物。


Han Dynasty泾河中上游

1.The Study on City Location of An-ding Prefecture and Its Belonging County at Jing River upper and Middle Reaches inHan Dynasty;泾河中上游汉安定郡属县城址及其变迁研究

3)Jinghe River Basin泾河中游地区

1.Holocene Environmental Change of Pedogenensis in the Middle Reaches of theJinghe River Basin;泾河中游地区全新世成壤环境演变研究

4)the lower reaches of the Jinghe river泾河下游

1.This paper puts forward some solutions to the serious disasters of landslides visiting the southern-bank ofthe lower reaches of the Jinghe river,which is based on an introduction to the characteristics of landslides,the classification of tableland slopes through calculating the stability coefficient,and a through analysis on the paroxysmal and short-term variable causes for landslides.泾河下游南岸台塬边坡的滑坡灾害严重,本文中分析了滑坡的特征,通过计算边坡稳定性系数对台塬边坡进行了分类,对具有突发性和短期可变性的滑坡触发因素进行了分析,提出了滑坡治理的方法。

5)Upper reaches of Jinghe River泾河上游

6)Jing River泾河

1.Speciality researching on water quality of theJing River and the Wei River;泾河和渭河的水质特征研究

2.According to hydrographic data, the average runoff volume ofJing River (from 1932 to 1997)is only half of that of Wei River (from 1950 to 1997), but the suspended sediment ofJing River is 2.泾河年均径流量仅为渭河的 1/2 倍(资料截止1997),输沙量却为渭河的 2。


