100字范文 > 可视化会商 Consultation in Visual Form英语短句 例句大全

可视化会商 Consultation in Visual Form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-04 01:42:34


可视化会商 Consultation in Visual Form英语短句 例句大全

可视化会商,Consultation in Visual Form

1)Consultation in Visual Form可视化会商

2)television consultation视频会商

1.Study on developing the Fujian Province flood control command system oftelevision consultation;福建省防汛指挥视频会商系统的建设研究


1.Establishment and Current Status of Video Consultation System in CDCs of Sichuan Province四川省疾控系统视频会商系统的建设与现况

2.Meteorological Video-Television Consultation and Conference System Based on H.323基于H.323的气象视频电视会商系统设计与实现

3.Research and Design of Videoconference System Based on Industrial and Commercial Network;基于工商系统的视频会议系统的研究与设计

4.Study on the Technology of Video and Pictures in Software-based Videoconference System软件视频会议中的视频图像技术研究

5.Visual Mechanism of Focus Media Video Ads;分众商务楼宇视频广告的“视觉”机制

6.Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA)视频电子设备标准协会

7.videoconferencing, fax machines,视频会议系统、传真机、

8.Video & Audio Transport Module in Video Conference Based on Satellite and CERNET天地互连视频会议系统视音频传输模块

9.Research and Application of H.264 Video Coding Standard in Video Conference;H.264视频编码标准在视频会议中的研究与应用

10.Research and Implementation of Video Real-time Transmission System in Conferencing;视频会议中视频实时传输系统的研究与实现

11.The Study and Implementation of Technologies Correlated with Video Transmitting in the Network Conference System;视频会议中视频传输相关技术的研究与实现

12.The Implementation of Multimedia Dispatching Middleware in VCS;视频会议中音视频数据转发引擎的设计与实现

13.Design of Video Module in Conference System Based on SIP基于SIP的视频会议系统视频模块的设计与实现

14.Development of video switching platform of Jiangxi power video conference system江西电力视频会议系统视频切换平台的开发

15.Application of DirectShow Video Capture in H323 Video Conferencing SystemDirectShow视频捕捉在H.323视频会议系统中的应用

16.Analysis on the Impact Factors on Video and Audio Effects of the Video Conference System影响视频会议系统视音频效果的因素分析

17.Sending Movie to Video Hosting Provider正在将电影发送至视频宿主提供商

18.The video hosting provider has not accepted your movie.视频宿主提供商未接受您的电影。


television consultation视频会商

1.Study on developing the Fujian Province flood control command system oftelevision consultation;福建省防汛指挥视频会商系统的建设研究

3)television meeting电视会商

4)visualization meeting可视会议

1.Then, the design and development of the visual information inquiry for construction and management of Three Gorge Project is mainly discussed, it includes the description model of its geography entities, information inquiry based on hypertext andvisualization meeting.接着,对三峡工程施工和管理信息的可视查询的设计和开发进行了详细的讨论,并着重研究了它的地理实体描述模型、基于超文本的信息查询和可视会议的实现。

5)BAVIP British Association of Viewdata Information Providers英国可视数据提供商协会

6)controllable visualization可控可视化

1.Based on the characteristics of mine facilities planning and designing, the technical way forcontrollable visualization of 3D computer model of a mine surface plant was presented.根据煤矿设施规划与设计的特点 ,研究了实现矿井工业广场计算机立体模型可控可视化的技术途径 。

2.Because the quantity of establishments is great,the complex degree of scene is high and the dynamic goals are tool many in building the aero equipment scene,the technology of itscontrollable visualization become a difficulty.在对航空装备保障场景进行可控可视化建模时,由于场景中包含的设施量大、场景复杂程度高、运动目标多,造成对其进行可控可视化的技术方法成为当前的难点和重点,探讨了利用Vega软件多通道显示技术实现视点切换、地势追踪、自然环境变换等功能的方法,研究了通过拟合运动路线实现装备的可控可视化运动的技术。


