100字范文 > 税收行政制裁 the punishment of administration in tax英语短句 例句大全

税收行政制裁 the punishment of administration in tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-27 07:35:06


税收行政制裁 the punishment of administration in tax英语短句 例句大全

税收行政制裁,the punishment of administration in tax

1)the punishment of administration in tax税收行政制裁

2)administrative sanction行政制裁

3)tax administrative power税收行政权

1.It includes tax legislative power,tax administrative power and tax judicial power.税权是国家权力在税收领域的体现,包括税收立法权、税收行政权和税收司法权三个方面的内容。

4)the punishment of criminal in tax税收刑事制裁

5)Shrink of Administrative Discretion行政裁量收缩论

1.The Formation and Progress of the Theory ofShrink of Administrative Discretion:From the Perspective of Administration to Prevent Dangers;行政裁量收缩论的形成与展开——以危险防止型行政为中心


1.The Formation and Progress of the Theory of Shrink of Administrative Discretion:From the Perspective of Administration to Prevent Dangers;行政裁量收缩论的形成与展开——以危险防止型行政为中心

2.On the Legal Foundation of the Shrink of Administrative Discretion:Why the Norms of Authority and Responsibility Can Be Transformed to Duty?行政裁量权收缩的法理基础——职权职责义务化的转换依据

3.On the Discretion of the Tax Administration and the Abuse of Control;论税收行政自由裁量权的滥用及其控制

4.On the Control of Administrative Discretion and Construction of Administrative Personality;论行政裁量之控制与行政人格的建构

5.On the Rational Exercise of Police Power of Free Executive Decision论警察行政自由裁量权的合理行使

6.On Judicial Review Intensity of Administrative Discretion Act;论行政自由裁量行为的司法审查强度

7.Public Administrator"s Action Choice Based on Interest Man Theory“利益人”论域中的行政自由裁量行为

8.The Police Administration s Discretion and Its Legal Control;论公安行政自由裁量权及其法律控制

9.Talk about the Right of Sanction Amount of Freedom in the Summary Procedure of Administrative Penalty;论行政处罚简易程序中的自由裁量权

10.On the judicial supervision of the principle of rationality over administrative discretion;论行政自由裁量权合理性的司法审查

11.On the Judicial Investigation Control over the Power of the Administrative Free Rule;论司法审查对行政自由裁量权的控制

12.Discussion on the Discretionary Power of Administrative Justice in Drug Administration;论药品监督行政执法中的自由裁量权

13.The Theoretics Analysis And Ethic Reconstruction of Free Administrative Judgement行政自由裁量的理论解析与伦理重构

14.On the Control of the System of the Administrative Files over the Power of Administrative Discretion;论行政案卷制度对行政自由裁量权的控制

15.The Study on the Control of the Administrative Procedure to the Abuse of the Power of Administrative Freedom;论行政程序对行政自由裁量权滥用的控制

16.On Rational Administrative Principle s Control for Free Administration Right;论行政合理性原则对行政自由裁量权的控制

17.On the control of the principle of administrative rationality over administrative discretion;试论行政合理性原则对行政自由裁量权的控制

18.On the Value Orientation of Administrative Discretion in the "Campaign-style" Administrative Law Enforcement论“运动式”行政执法中行政裁量价值取向


administrative sanction行政制裁

3)tax administrative power税收行政权

1.It includes tax legislative power,tax administrative power and tax judicial power.税权是国家权力在税收领域的体现,包括税收立法权、税收行政权和税收司法权三个方面的内容。

4)the punishment of criminal in tax税收刑事制裁

5)Shrink of Administrative Discretion行政裁量收缩论

1.The Formation and Progress of the Theory ofShrink of Administrative Discretion:From the Perspective of Administration to Prevent Dangers;行政裁量收缩论的形成与展开——以危险防止型行政为中心

6)administrative tax collection行政收税行为


