100字范文 > 政府管理会计 government management accounting英语短句 例句大全

政府管理会计 government management accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 23:21:52


政府管理会计 government management accounting英语短句 例句大全

政府管理会计,government management accounting

1)government management accounting政府管理会计


1.Environment and Reform of Government Management Accounting Based on Contingency Theory: Retrospect and Prospect;基于权变理论的政府管理会计环境与政府管理会计变革:回顾与展望

2.Based on the Concept of a Harmonious Public Finances Management Accounting System of Government;基于和谐公共财政理念的政府管理会计体系构建

3.Government Lotteries Management Committee政府奖券管理委员会

4.Study on Government Accounting Confirmation Base--Based on Governmental Function Transformation under the Background of the New Public Management Paradigm;政府会计确认基础研究——基于新公共管理范式下政府职能的转换

5.Scientize the Government Post Design,Innovate the Modern Government Management;科学设计政府职位创新现代政府管理

6.Current Situation of Government Accounting Management and Reform in UK and Enlightenment for China from UK;英国政府会计管理与改革情况及对我国的启示

7.On the System of Accounting Regulation;论企业会计管理体制——兼评企业会计人员政府委派制

bination of the government s macro-control and the respective trade s autonomy;政府宏观管理与行业自律相结合——试论改革会计人员管理体制

9.Harmony between Government and Citizen: Harmonious Society from the Perspective of Government Management;政府与公民的和谐:政府管理视野中的和谐社会

10.Research on the Management Problems of the Finance and Accounting for the Government Department in Charge of the Traffic;政府交通主管部门财会管理问题研究

11.Hawker Control Officers Branch [Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants" Association]小贩管理主任分会〔香港政府华员会〕

12.Conceptual Conflicts and Standards Harmony of American Federal Management Costs Accounting Practice;美国联邦政府管理成本会计实务中的概念冲突及其准则协调

13.A Study on Government Regulation of the CPAs in China;中国政府对注册会计师监管问题研究

14.Government control in China s accounting information market;试论我国会计信息市场政府管制行为

15.Thinking On Governmental Supervision of CPA Industry;注册会计师行业政府监管问题的思考

16.Although the program is administered by a federal agency, the Social Security Administration, it uses no federal funds.虽然这一计划是由联邦政府机构“社会保障管理局”来执行的,这一机构并不使用联邦政府的经费。

17.China s Government Procurement Management System Optimal Design;我国政府采购管理体制优化设计研究

18.The Design and Implementation of the Content Management System for Government Website;政府网站内容管理系统的设计与实现


Environment of government management政府管理会计环境

3)accounting Reform of government management accounting政府管理会计变革

4)Governmental accounting regulation政府会计监管

5)accounting governmental regulation会计政府监管

1.It is becoming important both theoretically and practically to studyaccounting governmental regulation nowadays.现时期进行会计政府监管研究不仅仅有重要的理论价值,而且具有重要的实践意义。

6)governmental social management政府社会管理

1.Under the condition that the functions ofgovernmental social management and public services are to be perfected, the all-sided construction of well-to-do society can be offered forceful structral protection and its requirement can be satisfied.只有实现政府社会管理职能转变,才能建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的政府社会管理体制。


