100字范文 > 文学气质 literary qualities英语短句 例句大全

文学气质 literary qualities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 18:44:35


文学气质 literary qualities英语短句 例句大全

文学气质,literary qualities

1)literary qualities文学气质

1.From the points of bamboo character, metaphysics andliterary qualities, the nature of their spirits is analysed as abandoning main religions, respect of nature, emphasis on humanity, being against reality, pursuing quiet life in seclusion and satisfaction in spirit.本文从竹子品格、玄学精神、文学气质诸方面,分析和探讨了七子的文人精神,得出他们的精神本质是抛弃名教、崇尚自然、张扬个性、反对现实,追求的是淡泊宁静和与世无争的隐逸生活及精神满足。


1.One who has literary tastes is rarely expert in military exercises.有文学气质的人,在军事演习上也是一位难能可贵的专家。

2.Masculinity in China Contemporary Literature and Mass Culture;中国当代文学和大众文化中的男性气质

3.The Person Who Has Poetic Temperament but Is Out of Poem--Valuation on Lin-Huiyin s Contribution to Chinese Modern Literature by Analyzing Her Activities in Literature;“诗中气质诗外人”——试论林徽因的文学活动对中国现代文学的贡献

4.A Rhetorical Analysis of the Creation and the Temperament of "Scholar Prose" in Recent Years;晚近“学者散文”写作及其气质的修辞分析

5.The Spiritual Temperament of Modern Science and Its Cultural Context and Greek Origin;近代科学的精神气质及其文化背景和希腊来源

6.Social and Psychological Origin of Scholar-officials Makings Getting Tender inFeudal China and Its Reflection in Literature;中国男性文人气质柔化的社会心理渊源及其文学表现

7.Cultural Composition of "Karamazov"s Temperament"--The Stereotype in Russian Literature Subjects“卡拉马佐夫气质”的文化构成——俄罗斯文学性格题材中的特定类型

8.On Caopi s Wenqishuo--and Talk about Writer s Temperament and Style;论曹丕的“文气说”——兼谈文人的气质与文风

9.characteristic of scholars or scholarship.有学者气质的,有学问的。

10.To visit it without any bias, be touched by the humanitarianism and their courage.会默默地感动。人道主义人文气质加上胆识和不算庸俗的学识。

11.Image is with an inbred nature of literature, which intends to reflect the wise thoughts and restraint of feelings.意象天然带有“文学性”气质,它必然是一种智性的运思、感的节制。

12.THE TANGLE OF POETRY AND LITERATURE HISTORY: On Wen Yiduo’s Poetic Style Having an Effect on His Study on the Literature History;“诗”与“史”的缠绵——试论闻一多的诗人气质对其文学史研究的影响

13.The Tension of Political Thoughts Behind the Mettle of a Literary Giant - on the Art ofthe Paradox of Kafka’s The Castle and The Trial;文学大家气质后的政治思想张力——论卡夫卡《城堡》、《审判》的悖论艺术

putation on the Mass Balance of Glaciers in North Himalaya with a Hydro-meteorological Method水文气象学方法计算喜马拉雅山北坡冰川流域物质平衡

15.The Temperament of Oriental Civilisation and the Spirit of Sino-Indian Studies--A Discussion on the Purpose and Mission of "Chindian Studies"东方文明的气质与中印研究的灵魂——探讨“中印学”的目的与任务

16.The Aesthetics in Cao Pi s Theory of Literature--Wenqi;“文以气为主”——论曹丕“文气”说的美学意义

17.Personal Temperament,Literary Accumulation and Historical Context-Duanmu Hongliang s Novels and Chinese Literary Tradition;个性气质·文学积累·历史语境——端木蕻良小说创作与中国文学传统导论(下篇)

18.balloon-based radio astronomy气球观测无线电天文学


literati character文人气质

1.Mao Shuiqing s prose Liu Yun Collection, this article summarizes the "literati character" feature in his prose.本文通过评析毛水清先生散文《流云集》中各类文章表述的思想情感,概括出其散文的“文人气质”特征。

3)Morale Quality文士气质

4)cultural makings文化气质

5)essence of literature文学本质

1.While the apposition ofessence of literature and existing mode of literature leads to the separation of the literary theories,the establishment of noumenon is the initial consi.20世纪的西方哲学和文论研究为克服文学本质主义,为确立文学存在方式的文学本体观念开辟了道路。

6)literary nature文学本质

1.Now there are many interpretations of them in the perspective of the imperial examinations but theirliterary nature is ignored.在目前学术界热衷于从科举文化解读文社兴起和繁盛的热潮下,却忽视了文社的文学本质。


