100字范文 > 防灾技术 disaster prevention technology英语短句 例句大全

防灾技术 disaster prevention technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-15 04:09:33


防灾技术 disaster prevention technology英语短句 例句大全

防灾技术,disaster prevention technology

1)disaster prevention technology防灾技术

2)disaster-prevention technology防灾减灾技术

3)fire protection technologies火灾防治技术

1.A brief review on the development history of fire science was given,and then the significant progresses of fundamental fire research in China were summarized in detail,in the aspects of fire dynamics,fire protection technologies,and fire safety engineering methodology.简要回顾火灾科学的发展历程,重点综述近来中国火灾科学领域在火灾动力学机理与规律、火灾防治技术原理和火灾安全工程方法学等方面的重要基础研究进展,展望火灾科学基础研究的发展趋势,并提出未来火灾科学的若干重点研究方向。


1.The Current Situation and Tendency of the Technologies of Provint and Curv in Mincshaft Firc;矿井火灾防治技术的发展现状及趋势

2.The technology carries out eight Lian Cheng coal mine goaf internal cause conflagration prevention and cure八连城煤矿采空区火灾防治技术实践

3.Study and Application on the Technique of Preventing and Extinguishing Spontaneous Combustion Hazards in Contiguous Seams;近距离煤层群自燃火灾防治技术的研究与应用

4.The Study of Preventing and Extinguishing Technique Against Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in the Fully Mechanized Ultra-long Top-Coal Caving Face;超长综放面煤层自燃火灾防治技术研究

5.Research on Technique of Gas and Fire Disaster Prevention and Control for Gas Burst Thick Coal Seam in Luling Coal Mine芦岭煤矿突出厚煤层瓦斯及火灾防治技术研究

6.Study and Application on the Technique of Preventing and Extinguishing Spontaneous Combustion Hazards in Mining Compound Seam of Daliuta大柳塔矿复合煤层开采自燃火灾防治技术的研究与应用

7.Research and Application on Synthesis Technology of Extinguishing and Preventing Fire in Mechanized Caving Face of Three-soft Coal Seam“三软”易燃厚煤层自然火灾综合防治技术研究

8.The Practice of Comprehensive Prevention of Freely Burning Fire in the Higher Inbreak Areas of the Tunnel巷道高冒区自燃火灾综合防治技术实践

9.Key Technologies of Prevention and Control of Subway Station Fire地铁车站火灾防灾减灾关键技术的研究

10.Applied Research on Modern Fire-preventing Technology of Fire Precautions in Lo gistical Areas现代防火技术在物流园区预防火灾中的应用

11.Study on the Technique of Forecasting and Controlling for Loose and Weak Coal Seam of Spontaneous in the No9 Field of Nantun;南屯煤矿九采区松软煤层综放面自燃火灾预测及防治技术

12.Investigation and Application of New Techniques and Air-leak Sealants for Coal Spontaneous Combustion Prevention and Extinguishment;煤自燃火灾防治新技术及矿用新型密闭堵漏材料的研究与应用

13.Discussion of Monitoring and Keeping Out the Geological Disasters with Remote Sensing Information Technology地灾监测防治中遥感信息技术的应用

14.The mechanism and prevention technology of the inrush water disaster warning of karst tunnels岩溶隧道涌突水灾害预警与防治技术

15.Discussion on the technique of gas disaster prevention in a mining area of Pingdingshan Coal Group平煤集团矿区瓦斯灾害防治技术探讨

16.Study on Cost Benefit in Fire Protection and Controlling Technology;火灾预防与控制技术实施中成本与效益的研究

17.On Fire Risks in a Bus and Technical Preventive Measures论大型客车火灾危险性及其技术防范措施

18.Research on technique for controlling disaster from blowing snowonto highway with snow fence防雪栅栏对公路风吹雪灾害的防治技术研究


disaster-prevention technology防灾减灾技术

3)fire protection technologies火灾防治技术

1.A brief review on the development history of fire science was given,and then the significant progresses of fundamental fire research in China were summarized in detail,in the aspects of fire dynamics,fire protection technologies,and fire safety engineering methodology.简要回顾火灾科学的发展历程,重点综述近来中国火灾科学领域在火灾动力学机理与规律、火灾防治技术原理和火灾安全工程方法学等方面的重要基础研究进展,展望火灾科学基础研究的发展趋势,并提出未来火灾科学的若干重点研究方向。

4)disaster prevention and control technology灾害防治技术

5)Technologyies of drought prevention and disaster reduction防旱减灾技术

6)technological disaster技术灾害

1.The daily-changed technology,complication and dimension of technique system,urbanization with high-speed and people"s limited ability of dealing withtechnological disaster increase the risk of the city technological hazard.科学技术的日新月异、技术系统的复杂化和规模化、城市化步伐的日益加快以及人们应对技术灾害能力的有限,均增加了城市技术灾害的风险。

2.The unsuitable technological action and management fault often lead to thetechnological disaster in the course of production of mankind.技术灾害是人类在生产活动中技术失当或管理失误为主因造成的灾害。


