100字范文 > 金牌大国 great nations of gold medal英语短句 例句大全

金牌大国 great nations of gold medal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-14 20:04:37


金牌大国 great nations of gold medal英语短句 例句大全

金牌大国,great nations of gold medal

1)great nations of gold medal金牌大国

2)Da Jin Guo大金国

1."Da Jin Guo" in Khitan Small Scripts;关于契丹小字中的“大金国”的“金”


1."Da Jin Guo" in Khitan Small Scripts;关于契丹小字中的“大金国”的“金”

2.gold coins; the gold dome of the Capitol; the golden calf; gilded icons.金币;国会大厦金制的圆屋顶;金犊;镀金像。

3.Most of our gold reserves have drained away to foreign countries.我国大部分的黄金准备金已流往国外。

4.A heavy outflow of cash from the country.本国现金很大的外流量

5.Endowment Fund of the United Nations University联合国大学捐赠基金

6.International Fund for University Cooperation国际大学合作基金会

7.Minister of Pensions and National Insurance年金及国民保险大臣

8.Metropolitan Branch of the UNIFEM United States National Committee妇发基金美国国家委员会大都会支会

9.The troubles of dual identities: tall in trade but short in finance;双重身份的困扰:贸易“大国”和金融“小国”

10.Five New Features of International Finance and Five New Ideas for Domestic Policy五大国际金融新特点与五大国内政策新思考

11.A Change from Giant Consumer of Nonferrous Metals to Giant Equipment Manufacturer for Nonferrous Metals Industry;从有色金属生产消费大国走向有色金属装备制造大国

12.The Yindongpo gold deposit is one of the important large-size gold deposits in China.银洞坡金矿是我国重要的大型金矿之一。

13.Supervisory Framework of Canada and Lessons to China s Financial Supervision;加拿大金融监管框架及对我国金融监管的启示

14.The Enlightenments of Super Annuity of Aussie to Employer"s Pension in China澳大利亚超级年金对我国企业年金的启示

15.Amplification and Conduction of Global Financial Risk:Role of Hedge Funds in Financial Storm国际金融系统风险的放大与传导:对冲基金在金融风暴中的作用

16.International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas国际大西洋金枪鱼养护委员会

17.Q: Do any UK universities offer scholarships?问:英国大学有提供留学生奖学金吗?

18.Trust Fund for the Taejon International Exposition大田国际博览会信托基金


Da Jin Guo大金国

1."Da Jin Guo" in Khitan Small Scripts;关于契丹小字中的“大金国”的“金”

3)dajinguo Zhi《大金国志》

4)Chinese top universities国内名牌大学

1.This study reviews the changes of 9Chinese top universities supported by ″985 project″ during 1997- based on the analysis of a series of scientometric indicators.选择"985工程"第一批建设的9所国内名牌大学为样本,以科学引文索引(扩展版)和社会科学引文索引为数据源,分析回顾了这些大学1997-间一系列科学计量学指标的变化趋势。


6)events of "the most gold medal winners""金牌大户"项目

1.The purpose of this research focuses on how to shake off the backwardness of the threeevents of "the most gold medal winners" for China and provide scientific reference for their being "increase point of gold medals".田径、游泳、水上等奥运"金牌大户"项目基础性强,设项多,争金夺银机会也多,是各国竞技体育竞争的主战场。


