100字范文 > 胶态分散体系 colloidal dispersion system英语短句 例句大全

胶态分散体系 colloidal dispersion system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-21 12:44:59


胶态分散体系 colloidal dispersion system英语短句 例句大全

胶态分散体系,colloidal dispersion system

1)colloidal dispersion system胶态分散体系

1.Gelling property evaluations of HPAM/AlCitcolloidal dispersion system and its effect on rock wettability;HPAM/AlCit胶态分散体系成胶性能评价及其对岩石润湿性的影响

2.Effect of HPAM/AlCitcolloidal dispersion system on rock wettabilityHPAM/AlCit胶态分散体系对岩石润湿性的影响

3.The HPAM/AlCitcolloidal dispersion system (HACDS) can be used for profile modification and oil flooding in the multi-layered reservoirs.在不同的 HPAM 浓度、HPAM/AlCit 质量比和矿化度等条件下合成了 HPAM/AlCit胶态分散体系 (HACDS)。


1.Effect of HPAM/AlCit colloidal dispersion system on rock wettabilityHPAM/AlCit胶态分散体系对岩石润湿性的影响

2.The Optimization and Application of the Colloidal Dispersed Gel;胶态分散凝胶调驱体系的优化与应用

3."Aerosol: System of tiny liquid or solid particles evenly distributed in a finely divided state through a gas, usually air."气溶胶:液体或固体微粒以极细分散的状态均匀分布于整个气体(通常为空气)中形成的体系。

4.Transport and Diffusion of the Small Molecules within Supramolecular Gel;超分子凝胶体系内小分子的传质与扩散研究

5.Salicylic acid/ dried gel system releasing at swelling state was diffusion-controlled.含水杨酸的干凝胶体系在溶胀状态下释放是扩散控制型释放体系。

6.Dynamic Light Scattering Study on the Aggregation Kinetics of Soil Colloidal Particles in Different Electrolyte Systems不同电解质体系中土壤胶体凝聚动力学的动态光散射研究

7.A foam is a colloidal system in which gas bubbles are dispersed in a liquid or solid.泡沫也是一种胶体体系,其中气泡分散在液体和固体里。

8.By improving the homogeneity and dispersity of the colloid, theagglomerate state of the powders can be controlled effectively.改善胶体的均匀性和分散性,可以有效地控制粉末的团聚状态。

9.The dispersion medium, water, has the ability to disintegrate the material sufficiently to carry it into colloidal suspension.作为分散介质的水能够充分地将这些物质分散并使之成为胶态悬浮体。

10.Study on Development of Colloidal Dispersion Gel & Evaluation of Its Property;胶态分散凝胶的研制及其性能评价研究

11.The Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Study of Mixed Silver/Gold Sol-molecule System混合金银溶胶-分子体系的表面增强拉曼散射活性研究

12.Phase Behavior of Aqueous Suspensions of Mg_2Al Layered Double Hydroxide: Competition among Nematic Ordering, Sedimentation and Gelation;Mg_2Al LDH分散体系的相行为:液晶相变、胶凝和重力作用的竞争

13.Influence of mass ratio and pH on the thixotrophy of magnesium ferrum hydroxide-kaolinite suspension;胶土质量比及pH值对Mg-Fe-MMH-高岭土分散体系触变性的影响

14.Research Progress of the Preparation of Highly Mono-disperse Small Size QDs in the Reverse Micelle System反胶束体系制备高度单分散、小粒径量子点的研究进展

15.Study of the Breviscapine Solid Dispersions Sustained-released Capsule;灯盏花素固体分散体缓释胶囊的研究

16.state estimation of decentralized systems分散系统的状态估计

17.The hydrophilic colloids are readily dispersed in water.亲水胶体很容易分散在水中。

18.Analysis and Evaluation on Ecological Environmental Effects of Main Models of Forest Ecological Net System in Jiaonan City;胶南森林生态网络体系主要模式的生态环境效应分析与评价


Colloidal Dispersions胶态分散体

3)colloidal dispersion gel胶态分散体冻胶

1.Characteristics of Cr~(3+)-HPAMcolloidal dispersion gel by citric acid reductant;用柠檬酸还原的Cr~(3+)-HPAM胶态分散体冻胶性能研究

4)colloidal dispersion胶体分散体系

1.The petroleum solution is acolloidal dispersion in which the asphaltene comprises the micellar nucleus, the resin forms the solvation layer and the remaining gas oil acts as the dispersing medium.石油溶液是以沥青质为胶束中心,胶质为溶剂化层,瓦斯油分为分散介质的胶体分散体系。

5)dispersed gel system分散凝胶体系

6)dispersion system of colloid胶体分散系统


分散体系一种物质(称为分散相)的粒子分散到另一种物质(称为分散介质)中所形成的体系叫做分散体系。按照分散相和分散介质的存在状态不同,分散系可分成九种类型。分散相分散介质 实例气 液泡沫液 液酒、醋、煤油在水中形成的乳浊液固 液糖水,粘土在水中形成悬浊液气 固木炭、砖块液 固湿砖块、珍珠固 固合金、有色玻璃气 气空气、爆鸣气液 气云、雾固 气烟、尘如果分散介质是液态的,叫液态分散体系,在化学反应中此类分散体系最为常见和重要,水溶液、悬浊液和乳浊液都属液态分散体系。溶液、悬浊液和乳浊液中分散相粒子的线性大小(近似其直径大小)没有绝对的界限。一般地说,分散相的粒子的线性大小小于10-9 m时是溶液,溶液里的粒子实际上处于分子、离子或水合分子、水合离子的状态。分散相的粒子的线性大小在10-9 m~10-7 m之间的是胶体(一些有机物的水溶液,如淀粉溶液,实际上是胶体)。分散相的粒子的线性大小在10-7 m~10-3 m之间的是悬浊液或乳浊液。在分散体系中,分散相的颗粒大小有所不同,分散体系的性质也随之改变,溶液、胶体和浊液各具有不同的特性。溶液和液态胶体都是澄清透明的,区分这两者用到丁达尔现象。丁达尔现象是指:用一束光照射胶体,会在胶体中观察到一条明亮的光路,而溶液中没有此现象。胶体中的胶粒是带电的。这一点用电泳可以证实。用两极板接上电源,插入胶体中(胶体有颜色的话现象比较明显),一段时间后,颜色会变得不均匀。某一极附近颜色会加深,另一极附近颜色变浅。通过此现象可以判断胶粒带电情况,即胶粒带什么电性。
