100字范文 > 竞技体育政策 athletic sports policy英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育政策 athletic sports policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-29 12:46:21


竞技体育政策 athletic sports policy英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育政策,athletic sports policy

1)athletic sports policy竞技体育政策


1.From Fragmentation to Coordination--The Policy Growth of Mass and Competitive Sports in China;从断裂到协调——中国群众体育与竞技体育政策的演进

2.Globalization and reconstruction of competitive sports policies--From administrative control to networked management;竞技体育政策的全球化与重建——从行政控制到网络化管理

3.Research of Competitive Sports Macro-control Policy and Law Issues竞技体育宏观调控政策和法律问题研究

4.Looking at the Chinese Sex Equality and its Policy from Female Competitive Sports Brilliant;从女性竞技体育的辉煌看中国性别平等及其政策

5.Research on policy of coach development and sustainable development of competitive sports in Shanxi province;陕西省教练员人才政策与竞技体育可持续发展的研究

6.Research on Development and Countermeasure of Whole Country System of Sports;竞技体育“举国体制”的发展对策研究

7.Study of governmental function transition in the development of the competitive sports undertaking;竞技体育事业发展中政府职能的转变

8.A Research on Present Situation and Countermeasures of Competitive Sports in Hubei Province;湖北省竞技体育发展现状与对策研究

9.The Administrant and Educational Actuality and Countermeasure Investigation about the Subsidiary Sports School of Institutes of Physical Education in China;竞技体校管理教育现状及其对策研究

10.Study on School Competitive Sport Condition in Chongqing City;重庆市学校竞技体育现状及对策研究

11.On Obstacles & Solutions to the Education of Elite Sports Human Resources in China;我国竞技体育人力资源的现状与对策

12.Status and developing strategy of competitive sports in Hunan province;湖南省竞技体育现状和发展对策分析

13.Analysis on Strategy of Changing the Backward of Competitive Sports in Some Provinces;改变竞技体育落后省区现状策略探析

14.Study on Present Situation of Sichuan Competitive Sport and Countermeasure;四川省竞技体育现状及发展对策研究

15.Study on Trends and the Development Countermeasure of Competitive Sports in Shannxi;陕西竞技体育发展态势及对策的研究

16.Motive Analysis and Strategy Exploration on Sports Informatization;竞技体育信息化动因分析及对策研究

17.Development and Countermeasure of Insurance Industry in Competitive Sports;竞技体育中保险业的发展状况与对策

18.Present Situation of Competitive Sport Talent Exchange in Our Country and Countermeasures;我国竞技体育人才交流的现状及对策



1.Anti-doping——the eternal topic ofsports;反兴奋剂——竞技体育永恒的话题

2.Influence onsports by the TVsports;电视体育对竞技体育的影响

3.On the situation and developing strategies of Korea-Yanbian reservesports talents cultivation;延边朝鲜族竞技体育后备人才培养现状及发展对策

3)Athletic sports竞技体育

1.Review of athletic sports since the founding of Hainan Province;建省后海南省竞技体育述评

2.Relations between "the direct and the indirect thought" and athletic sports tactic change;孙子奇正思想与竞技体育战术的变化

3.Correlation analysis on the revenvue and expenditure situation of urban residents and athletic sports;我国城镇居民收支状况与竞技体育的相关分析研究

4)competitive sports竞技体育

1.Analysis of feasibility ofcompetitive sports in coordinate development of higher learning institutions;竞技体育结合高校协调发展的可行性分析

2.On the harmonious development betweencompetitive sports and nationwide body-building in Gansu Province;甘肃省竞技体育与全民健身运动的协调发展

3.The embodiment of scientization withcompetitive sports;论竞技体育科学化的丰富表现

5)competitive sport竞技体育

1.Contemplation of issues about understanding the theory of the science ofcompetitive sport and the theory of the science of sports training;关于竞技体育学与运动训练学理论认识问题的思考

2.Psychological expatiation oncompetitive sports tragedies;竞技体育悲剧心理学阐释

6)Athletics sports竞技体育

1.To athletics sports In order to be comparable Taking the Practice Query;对竞技体育中“以赛带练”的质疑

2.The current situation and the development countermeasure study of Reserve talents of athletics sports in Gansu;甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养发展对策研究

3.The training and sustainable development of Gansu athletics sports reserve talents;甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养及可持续发展


