100字范文 > 市本级单项体育协会 city sports federations of the corresponding level英语短句 例句大全

市本级单项体育协会 city sports federations of the corresponding level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-22 21:39:09


市本级单项体育协会 city sports federations of the corresponding level英语短句 例句大全

市本级单项体育协会,city sports federations of the corresponding level

1)city sports federations of the corresponding level市本级单项体育协会

1.This article reveals existing problems ofcity sports federations of the corresponding level based on Ningbocity sports federations of the corresponding level\"s important position in turnverein.文章选择市本级单项体育协会作为研究的切入点,结合广泛的调研,来全面揭示市本级单项体育协会存在的问题,努力寻求市本级单项体育协会的发展新路径,为我国市本级单项体育协会的发展创新提供理论和实践依据。


1.Sellection of Trend of Sports Federations Development Based on the Investigation of Ningbo我国市本级单项体育协会发展路径的选择——基于宁波市单项体育协会的调研

2.Discussion On The Trust And Cooperation While Managing In The Single Sport Association;论体育单项协会协调管理中的信任与合作

3.Study on the Suability of Punitive Activities of the Individual Sports Union;单项体育协会体育处罚行为的可诉性研究

4.Development Models of Local Single Sports Association in China’s Transformation Period:A Case Study of the Ningbo Basketball Association;我国转型期地方性单项体育协会发展模式研究——基于宁波市篮球协会的个案分析

5.Article29 The national sports association of an individual sport shall manage the registration of athletes of such sport.第二十九条全国性的单项体育协会对本项目的运动员实行注册管理。

6."There are other indi~,idual sports organizations in China too. We can name a few: China Football association, China Basketball association, and China Track and field association, and so on."还有其他单项体育组织。比如:中国足协,中国篮协,中国田径协会等。

7.National competition of an individual sport shall be administered by the national association of the said sport.全国单项体育竞赛由该项运动的全国性协会负责管理。

8.The Challenges and the Approach of the Social Legitimacy about National Athletic Event Associations;全国性单项体育协会的社会合法性挑战和发展途径

9.Promotes the Ex-curricular Sports Club Development Research by the Single Item Movement Association;以单项运动协会促进课外体育俱乐部发展的研究

10.Fluctuation drive of substantiation reform in the sports associations--With Guangzhou Asian Games as an example耗散结构理论视野下的单项体育协会实体化改革——以广州亚运会为分析背景

11.Analysis of Impact on City Tour of Individual Competitive Sports Event of Our Country;单项体育赛事对城市旅游的影响分析

12.Evolution and contemplation of the reform to substantiate single event sports associations in China;对我国单项运动协会实体化改革演进的思考

13.Polloni said before he came on this invitational visit, over 20 single sports associations in Chile had asked him to forward their wishes to cooperate with China in sports.博略尼说,他这次应邀来访前,国内20多个单项协会都纷纷委托他转达和中国体育合作的愿望。

14.Model Research on Structure System of Sports Association Entity Construction in Provinces in Pan-Pearl River Delta;“泛珠三角”省级市项目体协实体化建设构架系统模式研究

15.Members of the ASF & OC are NSAs which are in turn affiliated to their international federations.协会属下的多个体育总会,本身都是国际体育协会的会员,分别致力发展和推广不同的体育活动。

16.The mode of prototype experience by the Japanese community and educational association;日本“社区与教育协会”的“原型体验”教育模式

17.Research on Marketing Development and Fund-raising Mechanism of China s National Sport Associations;全国性单项运动协会市场开发现状调查与筹资机制研究

18.The National Organization responsible for the administration of a sport under the auspices of the IF.国际单项体育组织在各个国家授权的会员机构。


National Athletic Event Association单项体育协会

1.We can draw the conclusions that Chinese athlete registration management bodies areNational Athletic Event Associations instead of National Sport Management Centers,some regulatory documents confuse the meanings of the two concepts and violate Sports Law.研究结果和结论:我国运动员注册管理的主体是单项体育协会而不是运动项目管理中心,相关规范性文件将单项体育协会与运动项目管理中心相混淆的做法违反了《体育法》的规定。

3)athletic federal association体育单项协会

4)single item association单项协会

1.Use the literature and the investigation foundation,Since earnestly has analyzed my school for six years to carry out the ex-curricular sports club activity the present situation and the existence problem,Proposed the mentality of improveing the ex- curricular sports club through the introductionsingle item association s club the mentality.采用查阅文献资料和调查访问的方法,认真分析了我校6年以来推行课外体育俱乐郝活动的现状和存在的问题,提出通过引入单项协会的俱乐部来改进课外体育俱乐部的思路。

5)sports association体育协会

1.Research on the physical activity forms after school of the boarding middle schools Exploration of making studentssports association activity as the main body of physical activities after school;寄宿制中学课外体育活动形式的研究——以学生体育协会活动为主体的课外体育活动的探索

2.Having investigated 2000 college students of 8 colleges in Jiangsu who have joined intosports association,this paper analyzes the present situation that college students do physical exercise in the form ofsports association and puts forward the countermeasures according to the existing prob.体育协会是学校体育的重要组成部分,是普通高校在校生参加课余体育锻炼的主要形式,也是大学生健康生活方式的重要内容。

3.The bylaw ofsports association plays the vital role in the settlement of disputes.体育协会章程在纠纷解决中起着重要的作用,研究我国足球协会章程中体育纠纷解决机制具有代表性。

6)National Governing Body国内单项体育联合会


单项运动协会单项运动协会续表组织名称成立时间(年)毽球协会1987门球协会1987拳击协会1987软式网球协会1990滕球协会1990铁人三项运动协会1990 [90年代成立]国际象棋协会1991围棋协会1991健美操协会1992健美协会1992汽车运动协会1993车辆模型运动协会1995定向运动协会1995龙狮协会1995贻拳道运动协会1995橄榄球协会1996拔河协会1998壁球协会1999 [21世纪成立]蹦床技巧协会2001健身气功管理中心2001DQnxlollg Yundong Xlehui单项运动协会1949年10月中华全国体育协进会改组为中华全国体育总会后,对原已存在的部分全国性体育协会陆续进行改组。在此基础上,又先后成立一批全国性单项运动协会。截至1999年10月,其总数达60余个。这些协会均为全国体总的单位会员,多数已加入相应的国际单项体育组织。它们在各自范围内开展工作,并负责举办全国性单项运动会,对一外作为该领域内惟一的全国性协会,代表中国参加各有关国际组织的各种体育活动。
