100字范文 > 改进工艺流程 improving the process英语短句 例句大全

改进工艺流程 improving the process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 18:32:40


改进工艺流程 improving the process英语短句 例句大全

改进工艺流程,improving the process

1)improving the process改进工艺流程

1.In this paper, Benxi Iron and Steel ironworks raw material transport system in the existing conditions, byimproving the process, transform their facilities so that the operating rate of raw material transport systems, transport capacity increased to meet the Benxi Iron and iron for a variety of higher raw material and fuel The feeding requirements.本文阐述了本钢炼铁厂原料运输系统在现有条件下,通过改进工艺流程,改造设备,使原料运输系统的运转率、运输能力提高,以满足本钢炼铁对各种原燃料更高的供料要求。

2)modification of treatment process工艺流程改进


1.Improvement of the Handling Technological Procedure for the Nickel Ore and Its Realization in the Tianjin Port天津港镍矿作业工艺流程改进与实现

2.Application of Flow Diagram in the Improvement of Workshop Process Flow;工艺流程图表法在生产车间工艺流程改进中的运用

3.Optimize and ameliorate the production flow and enhance the production efficiency.对各生产线工艺流程进行优化改进,提高生产效率。

4.We enhanced the adhesive force of black gold layers by improving technological process flow.改进了原工艺流程 ,提高了金黑层的附着力 ,使之实用化。

5.Improvement and Optimization of Workshops, Facilities and Process Flow Design during the GMP Certification in Troche of Traditional Medicine对中药饮片GMP认证中厂房设施、工艺流程设计的改进及优化

6.In allusion to present situation for the process flow in copper washing, has made a technical and economic analysis and a benefit summarization of energy conservation for reforming the copper washing by using the energy recovery machine.针对铜洗工艺流程现状,对采用能量回收机改造铜洗工艺进行了技术经济分析和节能效益总结。

7.An Improved Current-Inpouring Mixer Based on CMOS Technology基于CMOS工艺的改进型电流注入混频器

8.Improvement on the cyclone drying process for the production of 100 kt/a PVC10万t/a PVC旋流干燥工艺的改进

9.Reconstruction practice of process circuit of crush-grind system in Chengjiang Phosphate Mine澄江磷矿碎磨系统工艺流程改造实践

10.Sum-Up of Process Flow Renovation in NJ Φ1200 mm Ammonia Synthesis SystemNJ型Φ1200mm氨合成系统工艺流程改造小结

11.Emulation and Technology Optimization Design for Cast Steel Concretion Procedure;铸钢件凝固过程仿真及工艺改进设计

12.Try to Improve Technigue of Bell and Bucket Infiltrating by Using the Methods for Industrial Engineering应用工业工程方法改进钟斗浸润工艺的尝试

13.fabric flow diagram织物流程图,工艺流程图

14.Many industrial engineers in the United States can do operations improvement work, called operations research, But not process improvement work.尽管美国有不少工业工程师能够对操作进行改进,称之为操作法研究,但却不能改进整个工艺流程。

15.Engineering Retrofit Study on Ethanol Synthesis Process by Ethylene Hydration;乙烯水合乙醇反应工艺的工程改进研究

16.The Scheme and Improvement of 600MW Supercritical Whirl PC Burner60万超临界旋流煤粉燃烧器工艺方案及工艺改进

17.The technical reformation of slack coal cyclone in Fangezhuang Coal Preparation Plant范各庄矿选煤厂末煤旋流器车间的工艺改进

18.Remolding Construction of Handling Technology Process of Phase One Project, Chaofeidian Ore Terminal曹妃甸矿石码头一期工程装卸工艺流程改造施工


modification of treatment process工艺流程改进

3)Technologic process工艺流程的改进

4)process flow modification工艺流程改造

5)Process improvement工艺改进

1.The process improvement of slime treatment in Nantong Coal Preparation Plant;南桐选煤厂选矿矿泥处理方法的工艺改进

2.Approach to process improvement based on process failure knowledge and its implementation;基于工艺失效知识的工艺改进方法及实现

3.Fracture analysis and process improvement on industry pump crankshaft;工业泵曲轴断裂原因分析与工艺改进

6)improved process工艺改进


