100字范文 > 情感类电视谈话节目 the programs of the emotional TV talk shows英语短句 例句大全

情感类电视谈话节目 the programs of the emotional TV talk shows英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-09 23:34:50


情感类电视谈话节目 the programs of the emotional TV talk shows英语短句 例句大全

情感类电视谈话节目,the programs of the emotional TV talk shows

1)the programs of the emotional TV talk shows情感类电视谈话节目

1.So this article will be divided into five parts to discuss the efficient communication of the hosts inthe programs of the emotional TV talk shows.从20世纪90年代开始,情感类电视谈话节目。


1.The Efficient Communication of the Hosts in the Emotional TV Talk Shows论情感类电视谈话节目主持人现场的有效沟通

2.On the Flourishing Reasons and Parried Questions of Emotion Video Talk Show Programmes浅析情感类电视谈话节目的兴盛原因及背后问题

3.The Shape Characteristics and the Cultural Significances of Televisionemotional Talk Show in China;我国电视情感类谈话节目的形态特征和文化意义

4.To Explore the TV Program Seeking for Love;电视情感类纪实节目《寻情记》探析

5.On Analysis of Psychological Effect of Conversation TV Programing;电视谈话类节目制作的心理效应研究

6.Analysis for TV Talk Show Being Popular With Additional Discussion of the Way to Make a Brand Program;电视谈话类节目的热播与思考——兼论打造品牌谈话节目的路径

7.On Story-telling Talk Shows under the Guide of the Narratology Theory;叙事学理论指导下的故事类电视谈话节目研究

8.Requirements for the Individuality of the Anchorperson of TV Talk Programmes;浅论电视谈话类节目对主持人的个性化要求

9.Critical Analysis of Chinese TV Talk Shows from Cross-Cultural Perspective从跨文化角度分析中国电视谈话类节目

10.A Comparative Study of Conversation Structure in Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较研究

11.The Discourse Analysis of Spoken English in American TV Talk Shows and Spoken English Teaching;话语分析·电视谈话节目·口语教学

12.Women TV Talk Shows under the Feminist Perspective女性主义视阈下的女性电视谈话节目

13.Basic Acts Analysis of Host Discourse of the TV Talk Show Program电视谈话节目主持话语的基本话目分析

14.Investigating the Intercultural Sensitivity of Culture Matters: An English Language Discussion Program on International Channel Shanghai对上海电视台英语谈话节目跨文化敏感度的调查

15.The Study of the Hosts of Television Talk Shows in Terms of Pragmatics.;电视谈话节目主持人的语用问题研究

16.An Approach to the Communication Feature and Basic Elements of TV Talk Show;电视谈话节目的传播特质及元素分析

17.The Questioning Strategy of Talk Show TV Host浅析电视谈话节目主持人的提问策略

18.Relevance Theory and Compere s Construction of Speech--On Talking Show;关联理论和节目主持人话语建构——从电视谈话节目谈起


Television emotional talk show电视情感类谈话节目

3)the television talk show电视谈话类节目

1.In future several years,the television talk show will be the professional operation , the artistic scenario turns,and will lead to di verse consciousness and creative appearance of televisions ,etc.电视谈话类节目是电视媒介进行的大众传播活动。

4)TV talk show电视谈话节目

1.A Comparative Study of Conversation Structure in Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较研究

2.The Narrative Research on TV Talk Show;电视谈话节目的叙事学研究

5)Talk show电视谈话节目

1.In today’s society , talk shows appear not only as a form or means of media but also a social phenomenon , which has raised more and more attention from scholars in the field of mass culture and media srudies .电视谈话节目在当今社会不仅仅是作为一种传播的方式和手段而存在,同时它最为一种社会现象,正日益引起大众文化及传媒研究的注意。

2.Nowadays, talk show is very popular around the world.电视谈话节目自诞生以来,在世界范围内得到了长足的发展。

3.The present of talk show manifests the respect of the people s right of speaking, it is a reflection of social progress.电视谈话节目是我国近年来十分盛行的电视节目类型,谈话节目的出现,体现了对人的说话权利的尊重,是社会进步的表现。

6)TV talk shows电视谈话节目

1.There are both similarities and differences between the features of theTV talk shows in Hong Kong-Taiwan areas and that in mainland China.港台与内地电视谈话节目既有联系,又有区别。

2.In the future, the TV talk show programs in China will further merge to the international stage, and the programs will be gradually shaped as the real matureTV talk shows.无论在内部还是外部,我国电视谈话节目都面临着许多现实困境,但它仍然具有广阔的发展空间。


