100字范文 > 肛垫 anal cushions英语短句 例句大全

肛垫 anal cushions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 21:14:19


肛垫 anal cushions英语短句 例句大全

肛垫,anal cushions

1)anal cushions肛垫

1.Anal Cushions Preserving by Combined Therapy of Resection of Segmental External Hemorrhoids and injection of Internal Hemorrhoids for the Treatment of Circumferential Mixed Hemorrhoids;保留肛垫缝悬内注射治疗环状混合痔的临床观察


1.The Regional Pad Reduction In Treatment Of Severe Prolapse And Hemorrhoid选择性肛垫复位术治疗重度脱垂性内痔的临床研究

2.Clinical Study of Anal Cushion High Suspensed and External Hemorrhoid Restorated for the Treatment to Ring-ship Mixted Hemorrhoid;肛垫多点高位悬吊并外痔修复术治疗环状混合痔的临床研究

3.Clinical Study on Anal Pad Retained with Rectal Mucosa Suspended and a Linear Exo-Incision for 3re-OR 4th-Stage Prolapsed Hemorrhoids;肛垫保留直肠粘膜悬吊并线形外切口术治疗Ⅲ、Ⅳ期脱垂痔的临床研究

4.Clinical Study on Anal Pad Retained with Superior Hemorrhoidal Mucosa Suspended and a Linear Exo-Incision for 3RD-OR 4TH-Stage Prolapsed Hemorrhoids;肛垫保留痔上粘膜悬吊并线形外切口术治疗Ⅲ、Ⅳ期脱垂痔的临床研究

5.perianal abscess脏毒;肠痔;肛门周围脓肿;肛旁脓肿;肛周脓肿

6.Of, relating to, or near the anus.肛门属于、关于或接近肛门的

7."anal: Of, relating to, or near the anus."肛门: 属于、关于或接近肛门的

8.Clinical Application of Ultrasonic Diagnosis on Perianal Abscess and Anal Fistula超声诊断在肛周脓肿、肛瘘的临床应用

9.Primary radical surgery procedure in the treatment of perianal abscess 34 cases with therapeutic instrument for proctological disease肛肠治疗仪一次性根治肛周脓肿34例

10.Study of Anorectal Manometry Before and After Fistula Surgery肛瘘手术前后肛管直肠压力测定研究

11.cumulative advance累计垫款,累积垫款

12.or cushion, of low-pressure air,低压空气垫或软垫,

13.horse shoe washer开口垫圈,马蹄形垫圈

14.A decorative cushion.垫子装饰精美的垫子

15.mat (pad) typewriter of felt毡衬垫(护垫),打字机用

16.foam rubber seat & back cushion乳胶海绵座垫和靠背垫

17.a firm cushion, mattress, sofa, etc结实的坐垫、 床垫、 沙发等

18.coco(a)nut matting椰毛编织的垫子,棕垫


Anal cushion excision肛垫切除

3)sanitarian cushion健肛坐垫

4)Anal cushions theory肛垫学说

1.Until now hemorrhoids research by hemorrhoids blood vess el, hemorrhoids organization pathology research development many, whi ch support theAnal cushions theory formation which is recognized at present .在迄今为止有关痔的研究中以痔血管、痔组织病理研究为主,这些研究对于目前公认的肛垫学说的形成影响较大。

5)anal cushion suspensory肛垫悬吊

6)Suspend anal cushions悬吊肛垫


单纯性肛漏单纯性肛漏 单纯性肛漏 病名。肛漏之仅有一内、外口者。多指肛门漏管形成之初,其窦道浅在、单一、分支少或无,内口在齿线以下,与外口相通者仅只一口者,称之为单纯性肛漏。
