100字范文 > 长笛独奏曲 flute solo英语短句 例句大全

长笛独奏曲 flute solo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-22 10:15:16


长笛独奏曲 flute solo英语短句 例句大全

长笛独奏曲,flute solo

1)flute solo长笛独奏曲


1.Music Connotation and the Use of Special Techniques in the Flute Solo "Sunset Xiao Drum"长笛独奏曲《夕阳箫鼓》中的音乐内涵与特殊技巧运用

2.To play(a tune) on a flute.吹笛子用长笛演奏(曲子)

3.the qudi is longer, and is often used to accompany Kunqu Opera.曲笛较长,常用于昆曲伴奏,

4.at the same time, there appeared some solos for Western musical instruments such as the cello, obo, clarinet, trombone and flute.同时,也出现了大提琴曲及双簧管、单簧管、长号、长笛等西洋乐器的独奏曲。

5.a violin, piano, flute, etc solo小提琴、 钢琴、 长笛等的独奏

6.Analysis and Performance Experience of J.S.Bach s Flute and Harpsichord Sonata in B Minor;浅谈巴赫b小调长笛奏鸣曲及演奏体会

7.Research On the Performance of Ernesto Kohler s 35 Flute Etudes, Op. 33;科勒《长笛练习曲Op.33》之演奏研究——长笛教材研究系列(之二)

8.There"s a wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony.在交响乐中间有一段美妙的抒情长笛独奏。

9.There’s wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony.在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

10.On the Composition Features of E.Varèse"s Density 21.5试论瓦列兹长笛独奏《密度21.5》的创作特色

11.He will be performing on the flute [at the piano].他将吹奏长笛[弹奏钢琴]。

12.Flute Concerto No. 1 in G Major" and Mozart s Music Life;《G大调第一长笛协奏曲》与莫扎特的音乐人生

13.Exploration and Application of the Performing Skills of Flute in "Op.25 Fantisie sur Carmen de Bizet"长笛演奏技巧在《卡门主题幻想曲》中的应用

14.An independent, relatively long piece that precedes a fugue.独奏曲段赋格曲之前的独立的,相对较长的乐曲

15.The music accompanying such a dance.角笛舞曲用于为角笛舞伴奏的乐曲

16.Prokofiev 《D Major Flute Second Piano Sonata and 》 Analysis of Performance Practice普罗科菲耶夫《D大调第二号长笛与钢琴奏鸣曲》的演奏实践探析

17.Simon picked up the flute and began playing.西蒙拿起长笛开始吹奏。

18.In the middle section the "fixed idea" reappears in waltz time, introduced by flute and oboe.在中部,长笛和双簧管用园舞曲的节奏再次引出了“固定乐思”。


the performing of flute长笛独奏

3)Flute sonata长笛奏鸣曲

4)a fine solo performance on the flute优美的长笛独奏

5)flute performance长笛演奏

1.This paper will give a full account of his attainments influte performance and training, and draw a conclusion about his contributions and influence on arts of flute.李学全是我国老一辈的长笛演奏家、音乐活动家,是我国长笛艺术发展事业中的一个重要人物。



