100字范文 > 酸浸液 acid leaching solution英语短句 例句大全

酸浸液 acid leaching solution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-04 20:19:33


酸浸液 acid leaching solution英语短句 例句大全

酸浸液,acid leaching solution

1)acid leaching solution酸浸液

1.Extraction of vanadium fromacid leaching solution of stone coal by ion exchange resin was studied.研究了用离子交换法从石煤直接酸浸液中提取钒,考察了树脂类型、吸附接触时间、pH等因素对钒吸附率的影响。


1.Recovery of Indium from Acid Leachate of Blast Furnace Dust with Emulsified Liquid Membrane用乳状液膜萃取瓦斯灰酸浸液中的铟

2.Degradation of Methylene Blue by Acidic Leaching Solution of Steelmaking Flue Dust-Fenton Method炼钢粉尘酸浸液-Fenton法降解亚甲基蓝

3.Study on Recovering Indium from the Oxygen Pressure-Leaching Solution of Indium-Containing Zinc Concentrate含铟锌精矿低温氧压酸浸液铟的回收试验研究

4.Crystallization Conditions of Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate from Acid Leachate of the Ash Containing Vanadium含钒灰渣酸浸液结晶铵明矾的工艺条件

5.Preparing magnesium hydroxide with acid leaching filtrate from low grade phosphate rock边缘磷矿酸浸液制备氢氧化镁影响因素探讨

6.Separation of Fe and Ni by solvent extraction with LK-C2 from nitric acid leaching solution of wasted printed circuit boardsLK-C2萃取分离废线路板酸浸液中的铁和镍

7.Elimination of Magnesium Oxide in the Platinum Palladium Ore by Acid Leach and Comprehensive Utilization of the Leach Liquor云南某铂钯矿酸浸除镁及浸出液综合利用研究

8.Removal of Magnesium Oxide from High MgO Content Ores Using Sulfuric Acid Leaching Method and Comprehensive Utilization of the Leaching Solution;高镁矿石酸浸降镁及浸出液综合利用研究

9.The Study of Dephosphorization from High Phosphorus Hematite by Using Acid Leaching and Utilization of Leaching Solution;高磷赤铁矿酸浸降磷及浸出液综合利用的研究

10.Technique of oxidizing roast-acid leaching of vanadium from stone coal石煤氧化焙烧-酸溶液浸出提钒工艺

11.Reduction Leaching of Lateritic Nickel by Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Solution稀盐酸溶液还原浸出红土镍矿的研究

12.Study on using oil shale residues for leaching sodium aluminate solution油页岩灰渣浸取铝酸钠溶液试验研究

13.To become immersed in or as if in liquid.浸泡浸在液体中、沉浸

14.The old man soaked a sprained ankle in Epsom salt water to lesson the swelling老人把扭伤的脚踝浸于硫酸镁溶液中以消肿。

15.To treat(metal) in a chemical bath.用稀酸液浸洗在化学电解槽中处理(金属)

16.Iron Removal from Hot Acid Leaching Solution of Zinc Roasting Dust by Goethite Process用针铁矿法从锌焙烧烟尘的热酸浸出液中除铁

17.Study on Water-borne Diallyl Phthalate Resin Impregnated Paper;乳液型邻苯二甲酸二烯丙酯树脂浸渍纸的研究

18.Study on Preparation of Gossypol Acetic by Leaching Cottonseed in a Two-Liquid Phase Solvent System;双液相溶剂浸取棉仁制备醋酸棉酚研究


acidic solution leaching酸性浸液

3)acid leaching liquor酸浸出液

1.A solvent extraction process using P,,,-kerosene-H,SO" extraction system for separa-tion of Fe3+ from sulfuricacid leaching liquor of electroplating sludge was studied.研究了采用P507-煤油-H2SO4萃取体系分离电镀污泥酸浸出液中Fe3+的工艺,确定了从含有多种金属组分的硫酸溶液中萃取铁的最佳工艺条件以及负载有机相反萃取较优工艺条件。

4)waste acid solution酸浸废液

5)sulfuric acid leached liquor硫酸浸液

1.On the basis of thermodynamics theory,and according to the content of Fe3+ insulfuric acid leached liquor from waste Mn-Zn ferrite powders and the theoretical prescription of Mn-Zn ferrite,the sulfuric leached liquors’ proportion reduction processes,in which special proportion reducing agents of Fe,Mn and Zn powders were used,were studied.在热力学理论分析的基础上,依据锰锌铁氧体废料硫酸浸液中Fe3+的量及铁氧体理论配方,研究利用金属铁粉、锰粉和锌粉对此浸出液的定比例还原过程。

6)waste pickle liquor废酸浸液


酸浸酸浸acid leachingSUGnjln酸浸(a cid leaching)用无机酸的水溶液作浸出剂的矿物浸出工艺。它是化学选矿中最常用的浸出方法之一。硫酸、盐酸、硝酸、亚硫酸、氢氟酸及王水等均可作为浸出剂,其中应用最广的是硫酸。稀硫酸为弱氧化酸,可用于处理含大量还原性组分(如有机质、硫化物、氧化亚铁等)的矿物原料,硫酸价廉易得,设备防腐蚀间题较易解决,硫酸溶液具有较高的沸点,常压下可采用较高的浸出温度。热浓硫酸为强氧化剂,可将大部分硫化矿物转变为相应的硫酸盐。盐酸的反应能力比硫酸强,可浸出某些硫酸无法浸出的含氧酸盐矿物,但盐酸的价格较高,易挥发,劳动条件较差,设备的防腐蚀要求比硫酸高。硝酸为强氧化酸,价格较高,设备防腐蚀要求较高,一般不单独用作浸出剂,常用作氧化剂。中等强度的亚硫酸具有还原性,常用于浸出含氧化性组分的物料(如二氧化锰、锰结核等),其浸出选择性较高。氢氟酸常用作钮妮矿物原料的浸出剂。王水主要用于浸出贵金属,使铂、把、金转入浸出液中,而锗、钉、俄、铱、银等则呈不溶物留在浸出渣中,然后用相应的方法将它们分离为单一产品。酸浸可分为简单酸浸、或化酸浸和还原酸浸三类。简单酸浸采用弱氧化酸作浸出剂,用以浸出某些硫化矿物、金属氧化物和某些含氧酸盐矿物。氧化酸浸则采用氧化酸或弱氧化酸加氧化剂作浸出剂,可浸出大部分金属硫化矿物和某些低价金属化合物。还原酸浸采用还原性酸性溶剂作浸出剂,浸出某些高价金属氧化物或氢氧化物。热浓硫酸浸出及热压氧酸浸出金属硫化矿物的过程属氧化酸浸。
