100字范文 > 电视文化研究 researches and studies of TV culture英语短句 例句大全

电视文化研究 researches and studies of TV culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-30 11:34:21


电视文化研究 researches and studies of TV culture英语短句 例句大全

电视文化研究,researches and studies of TV culture

1)researches and studies of TV culture电视文化研究

2)Angle of cultural view文化研究视野


1.A Study on Yan Geling s Novelistic Themes in the Perspective of Cultural Research;文化研究视野中的严歌苓小说主题论

2.An Applied Research of Popular Culture Resource in Extensive Chinese Point of View;大语文视野的大众文化资源应用研究

3.The National Research of Public Administration from the View of Culture;文化视野中的行政学理论本土化研究

4.Under the Region Cultural Reconstruction Field of Vision Constructs the Study Organization to Study;区域文化视野下学习型组织构建研究

5.Culture Based School Education Study in Yi Village;文化视野中的彝族乡村学校教育研究

6.A Study on the Contemporary Learning Environment in Viewpoint of Cultural Philosophy;文化哲学视野里的当代学习环境研究

7.Research on the School-based Curriculum in the Multicultural Education Perspective;多元文化教育视野下的校本课程研究

8.A Study on a Dream of Red Mansions in the Prospective of the Cultural Integration of Manchu and Han;满汉文化交融视野下的《红楼梦》研究

9.The Art Research on Lvju in Contemporary Historical and Cultural Field of Vision;当代历史文化视野中的吕剧艺术研究

10.A Study of 20~(th) American War Fiction: A Culture Perspective;文化视野下美国20世纪战争小说研究

11.Cross-cultural Communication from the Prospective of Local Knowledge;地方性知识视野下的跨文化传播研究

12.A Study on Translation Principle Xin from the Cultural Perspective;文化视野中的翻译原则研究——以“信”为例

13.Study on Ideological and Political Education form Cultural Perspective;文化视野中的思想政治教育研究引论

14.A Geographical Study of Chinese Musicians;文化地理学视野中的中国音乐家研究

15.The Research on Leader s Behavioral Pattern in the Vies of Organizational Culture;组织文化视野下的领导行为方式研究

16.Research on the Responsibility of Wushu Education in View of Cultural Revival文化复兴视野下武术教育的责任研究

17.Research on Xianqingouji in the Vision of Consumer Culture消费文化视野下的《闲情偶寄》研究

18.Study on Architecture Surface Renewal in the View of Cultural文化视野下建筑外表皮更新手法研究


Angle of cultural view文化研究视野

3)visual culture studies视觉文化研究

1.This article is intended to makevisual culture studies of "schoolgirls" in calendar posters around May Fourth Movement.本文旨在对“五四”前后月份牌中的“女学生”图像进行视觉文化研究。

4)cultural studies of multiple perspectives多视角文化研究

5)TV Study电视研究

1.An Analysis of theTV Study Paradigm in the West;西方电视研究范式的价值分析

2.TV study is an important field of Cultural Study School.电视研究是伯明翰学派的重要领域,他们的研究,特别是后期的受众研究,是对美国经验学派长期主导的电视效果研究的一个反驳。

3.China s feminism-oriented TV study should do more than following the achievements of western researchers,but be established on the ground of localization,that is,on the ground of Chinese TV culture and China s own TV study.中国自己的女性主义电视研究不应该只是对西方研究者的机械模仿 ,而应立足于中国本土的电视文化 ,立足于中国本土的电视研究 ,用女性主义的批评视角去重新审视男权中心意识下的中国电视文化。

6)Television Studies电视研究

1.Space Expansion:the Enlightenment of Urban Sociology onTelevision Studies论城市社会学对电视研究的空间拓展

2.John Fiske is an important representative ofTelevision Studies during 1980s.费斯克是20世纪80年代以来电视研究的重要代表人物,他提出了“生产者式”的电视文本观、两种经济理论,以及快乐的受众观,等等,引领了电视研究之乐观主义的一派,对电视研究产生了重要影响。


