100字范文 > 尾气温度 temperature of tail gas英语短句 例句大全

尾气温度 temperature of tail gas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-13 05:07:23


尾气温度 temperature of tail gas英语短句 例句大全

尾气温度,temperature of tail gas

1)temperature of tail gas尾气温度

2)aircraft EGT index发动机尾气温度指数

3)temperature at the rotary kiln terminal窑尾温度

1.By adjusting the back pressure at the terminal and the top of a rotary kiln, thetemperature at the rotary kiln terminal as well as the lengths of the drying, preheating and calcining zone in the the rotary kiln have been controlled.通过调整窑头窑尾负压,达到控制窑尾温度和干燥带、预热带、煅烧带长度的目的。

4)plume temperature尾焰温度

1.Plume temperature of the rocket is an important physics parameter that reflects the propellant’s combustion condition, the temperature measurement for SPRE plays a dominant role in the total diagraph.应用神经网络技术研究固体火箭尾焰真温测量,对于提高我国火箭发动机尾焰温度诊断水平;对科学确定火箭的使用寿命有着重大的战略意义和现实巨大的经济价值。


6)gas temperature煤气温度

1.A series of technical measures such as adjustment ofgas temperatures and amelioration of the quality of circulating oil were adopted,reaching the goals of reducing naphthalene content in gas after primary cooling and energy saving.对横管式初冷器煤气脱萘生产状况进行深入研究,通过煤气温度的调整及循环油质量的改善等一系列技术措施,达到降低初冷后煤气含萘及节能的目的。

2.Reasons and harm of highergas temperature at the final cooling stage are analyzed and solutions are proposed.分析了终冷段煤气温度偏高的危害及原因,并提出了处理办法。


1.Study on Neural Network for the Recognition of Blast Furnace Top Gas Temperature Distribution;高炉炉顶煤气温度分布模式识别神经元网络的研究

2.Study on Variation of Temperature and Composition of Self-Reforming of Coke Oven Gas焦炉煤气自重整炉气成分与温度变化规律研究

3.The limit on thermodynamics for gas cooling is the adiabatic saturation temperatures.煤气冷却的热力学极限是绝热饱和温度。


5.Analysis of Monitoring Method of the Texaco Coal-water Slurry Gasifier Chamber TemperatureTexaco水煤浆气化炉炉膛温度监测手段分析

6.B-Mode Relational Degree Analysis of Index Gases in the High-Temperature Section of Coal Spontaneous Combustion煤自燃高温段指标气体的B型关联度分析

7.Numerical Simulation of Influence of Temperature on Coal Gasification Process in Pressurized Spouted Fluidized Bed温度对喷动流化床煤气化影响的数值模拟

8.The Analysis of the Measurement of Flue Gas Dew Point in the Coal-fired Boiler燃煤锅炉烟气露点温度确定方法的分析

9.Kinetics of hydrogasification of coal and char at pressure Ⅰ. Influence of temperature煤和煤焦在压力下加氢气化的动力学研究——Ⅰ.温度的影响

10.Effect of gasifying agent preheating temperature on pressurized turbulent CFB coal gasification气化剂预热温度对加压湍动循环流化床煤气化的影响

11.Oxygen rich blast can make gas decrease, theory burning temperature high.富氧鼓风后引起炉缸煤气量减少,使风口前理论燃烧温度明显升高。

12.A liquid-solid dynamic coupling modelof ultrasound enhanced coalbed gas desorption and flow声场促进煤层气渗流的应力-温度-渗流压力场的流固动态耦合模型

13.Simulation and analysis of a liquefaction and separation process of low concentration CBM一种低浓度煤层气低温液化分馏工艺的模拟与分析

14.Influence of Gas-phase Temperature Fluctuations on the Release of Nitrogen Compound in the Pyrolysis of Pulverized Coal Particles气相温度脉动对煤粉颗粒热解氮化合物释放的影响

15.In order to simulate the procedure, the temperature ofOxygeu into the stove has to follow the tracks of coal"s precisely.为真实地仿真这个过程,必须使进入护中的氧气温度高精度地跟踪煤温变化。

16.Effects of Water Feeding Temperature of Low-calorific Value Gas-fired Boiler on Fume Exhaust Temperature and Heat Economy of Power Plant燃用低热值煤气锅炉给水温度对排烟温度及电厂热经济性能的影响

17.The lower temperature corresponds to the plastic temperature of a certain coal.较低的温度相当于某些煤的塑性温度。

18.tracheal air stream temperature detector气管气流温度测量器


aircraft EGT index发动机尾气温度指数

3)temperature at the rotary kiln terminal窑尾温度

1.By adjusting the back pressure at the terminal and the top of a rotary kiln, thetemperature at the rotary kiln terminal as well as the lengths of the drying, preheating and calcining zone in the the rotary kiln have been controlled.通过调整窑头窑尾负压,达到控制窑尾温度和干燥带、预热带、煅烧带长度的目的。

4)plume temperature尾焰温度

1.Plume temperature of the rocket is an important physics parameter that reflects the propellant’s combustion condition, the temperature measurement for SPRE plays a dominant role in the total diagraph.应用神经网络技术研究固体火箭尾焰真温测量,对于提高我国火箭发动机尾焰温度诊断水平;对科学确定火箭的使用寿命有着重大的战略意义和现实巨大的经济价值。


6)gas temperature煤气温度

1.A series of technical measures such as adjustment ofgas temperatures and amelioration of the quality of circulating oil were adopted,reaching the goals of reducing naphthalene content in gas after primary cooling and energy saving.对横管式初冷器煤气脱萘生产状况进行深入研究,通过煤气温度的调整及循环油质量的改善等一系列技术措施,达到降低初冷后煤气含萘及节能的目的。

2.Reasons and harm of highergas temperature at the final cooling stage are analyzed and solutions are proposed.分析了终冷段煤气温度偏高的危害及原因,并提出了处理办法。


航空发动机推重比(见航空发动机推力)航空发动机推重比(见航空发动机推力)thrust to weight ratio of aeroenginehQngkong角dong)1 tuizhongbi航空发动机推重比〔thros*:。wdgh:ra-tio of aeroengine)见航空发动机推力。
