100字范文 > 戏剧色彩 dramatic atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

戏剧色彩 dramatic atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-27 11:23:46


戏剧色彩 dramatic atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

戏剧色彩,dramatic atmosphere

1)dramatic atmosphere戏剧色彩


1.Jeff: This is indeed legendary. The people"s stories are full of dra-matic color too.杰夫:这是够传奇的,人物的故事中也充满了戏剧色彩。

2.In Olympics packed with drama and intrigue, the swimming venue made as big a splash as any of the competitions.在充满戏剧色彩和勾心斗角的奥运会上,游泳竞技场的热闹气氛并不亚于其他任何一个赛场。

3.Pageant-like plays staged outdoors are growing in popularity.具有赛会色彩的,在露天演出的戏剧正日见流行。

4.Golden China is considering a more dramatic migration.金华正成为一家公认的带有戏剧性色彩的公司。

5.The Tragedy of Survival and Options;生存与选择的悲剧——论契诃夫戏剧中的存在主义色彩

6.reasepaint (incl. theatrical)油彩(包括戏剧化装用的)

7.The Cultural Diffusion in the Two Chinese Versions of “Death of a Salesman”;戏剧翻译中的文化色彩传递——《推销员之死》两个译本的对比分析

8.One who performs tragic roles in the theater.悲剧演员在戏剧中扮演悲剧角色的人

9.role played by an actor in a play, film,etc(戏剧、电影等中的)角色

10.hiss at a play [an actor]对戏剧 [演员] 嘘嘘地喝倒彩

11.Theatrical makeup, especially a preparation of grease mixed with colorings.化装戏剧化装,尤指用油彩化的装

12.A Tentative Analysis of Tragedy and Comedy in Shakespeare s Legendary Dramas;浅析莎士比亚传奇剧中的悲喜剧色彩

13.a serious (or tragic) role in a play.戏剧中具有悲剧结局的角色。

14.A woman who performs tragic roles in the theater.女悲剧演员在戏剧中扮演悲剧角色的妇女

15.(of a part in a play)very small and without any words to say(指戏剧角色)无台词的小角色的.

16.The diversity of the opera of human race lies on the diversity of its actors.人类戏剧的丰富多彩就在于不同演员的多样性。

17.Shakespeare illuminated Elizabethan drama.莎士比亚为伊利莎白王朝的戏剧增添光彩。

18.Primary Research on Reasons of Difficult Survival Situation of Local Drama--Taking the "Cai Diao" as Research Object;地方戏剧生存困境原因初探——以彩调为研究对象


red drama红色戏剧

1.over the history of Chinese drama in the 20th century, "red drama" under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, an important drama phenomenon, has undergone three phases:red drama in Chinese Soviet areas during the Second Revolutionary Civil War (1927 - 1937),red drama during the Anti-Japanese War (1937 - 1945) andred drama after the founding the People s Republic of China (1949-1976).在20世纪中国戏剧史上,党领导下兴起的“红色戏剧”是一个重要的戏剧现象。

3)dramatic feature戏剧特色

4)dramatic role戏剧角色

1.Shakespeare s fools are specialdramatic roles.莎士比亚创作中的弄人形象是一种特殊的戏剧角色,这类形象一方面卑微滑稽,一方面又是忠诚服从的典范。

5)tragic color悲剧色彩

1.The theme of being ambitious in Chinese ancient literature is full of worrying mentality and eventragic color.中国古代文学入世进取主题中充满着忧患意识乃至于悲剧色彩。

6)tragedy color悲剧色彩

1.However behind the prosperity we found that the feminine literature of the new period unconsciously emanates atragedy color.然而繁荣背后我们发现,新时期女性文学总是不自觉的散发出一种悲剧色彩。


