100字范文 > 演奏形式 the forms of the performance英语短句 例句大全

演奏形式 the forms of the performance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-07 12:51:03


演奏形式 the forms of the performance英语短句 例句大全

演奏形式,the forms of the performance

1)the forms of the performance演奏形式

1.This article,according to the "Music Meeting"itself,discusses the natural environment,administration districts,economical and cultural system,the historical source and the cultural background,the band organization and structure,the musical instruments,the forms of the performance,score,music,tone,mode and the function in folk activities."音乐会"是冀中乡村的民间音乐组织,从"音乐会"本体的角度对北高洛"音乐会"的自然环境、行政区划以及经济文化系统,历史源流与文化背景,乐队编制、结构、乐器、演奏形式、乐谱、曲目、调高、调式以及在民俗活动中的作用等作了初步研究。


1.Fine music is performed either by soloists or by small ensembles, and is divided into two types soft and hard.细乐的演奏形式为独奏或小合奏,分硬软两套。

2.an instrumental version of the blues (especially for piano).勃鲁斯乐的乐器演奏形式(尤指用钢琴演奏。

3.Silk and Bamboo music is an ensemble performance by string (silk) and wind (bamboo) instruments in the Chinese orchestra.丝竹乐是丝弦与竹管乐器相结合来演奏的一种"细乐"演奏形式。

4.""strolling strings" approach"“边行边奏”演出形式

5.In their concert, the12 Brasses of Berlin Philharmonic play the works of Baroque, adapt lots of classical and original music.他们以重奏的形式,演奏包括交响乐在内的风格各异的作品。

6.I don"t like to jazz up the classics我不喜欢用爵士乐的形式来演奏古典乐曲。

7.a person who plays the kettledrums.演奏半球形铜鼓的人。

8.this should be played glissando, please.这一段请以级进滑奏的方式来演奏。

9.a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s; flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazz.流行于二十世纪三十年代由大型乐队演奏的爵士乐形式。

10.Research on the Music Modality of Mr.Se Rashi"s Choir Playing--Mode features of 20 pieces of Choir music色拉西先生演奏的潮尔曲音乐形态研究——20首潮尔乐曲的调式特点

11.When the musicians are seated, an arrangement of alternating wind and string instruments is strictly adhered to, and the eight parts are played by the individual instruments in turn;民间采用坐乐形式演奏、严格按照一竹一丝相间的顺序排坐、8个部分以不同乐器依次轮流独奏,

12.A chord played or sung in this manner.用这种方式演奏或演唱的弦乐器

13.From "Zou an" to "Zou Chao;从奏案到奏抄——汉唐间奏事文书形态的演进与行政审批制度的变迁

14.An ensemble of players.合奏演奏者们的合奏

15.music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies.作为宗教仪式一部分进行演奏的音乐。

16.played the violin in his own curious fashion.以他独有的奇特方式演奏小提琴

17.this passage should be played rallentando.这一部分应该以渐慢的方式演奏。

18.a movement that is to be performed in a slow and broad manner.用缓慢、明朗的方式演奏的乐章。


accordion performing style手风琴演奏形式

1.Accordion chamber music is one ofaccordion performing styles, which appears at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe.手风琴室内乐是手风琴演奏形式之一,最早出现在十九世纪末的欧洲。

3)performance way演奏方式

1.The paper discussed fou both as a clay utensil and as instrument with its figure,performance way, its putting way, and its status in the history of Chinese ancient instrument.本文的讨论包括作为陶瓦器类名的“缶”、“乐器缶”的形制,“乐器缶”的演奏方式和置放样式,以及“乐器缶”在中国古代乐器史上的地位等。

4)forms of folk music instrument performance民间器乐演奏形式

5)rhythmic form节奏形式


1.Quiet but With the Result that Far——theperformance and comprehension of Beethoven s piano sonata,op.110;宁静而致远——贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲作品OP·110的演奏与感悟

2.The Manufacture of the Yi clan Suo Na and Give musical Performance the Procedure and Compete the Shallow Theory of Rules;彝族唢呐的制作、演奏程序和比赛规则浅议

3.The Analysis of Beethoven s Piano Concerto No.4 in G Major Performance;贝多芬《G大调第四钢琴协奏曲》的演奏研究


