100字范文 > 经济生态因子 economic ecology factor英语短句 例句大全

经济生态因子 economic ecology factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-26 19:43:00


经济生态因子 economic ecology factor英语短句 例句大全

经济生态因子,economic ecology factor

1)economic ecology factor经济生态因子

2)suitability assessment factors of land ecological economy土地生态经济适宜性评价因子

3)economy factor经济因子

1.In order to analyze the effect so many factors have on highway passenger demand and reveal the relationships between them roundly and effectively,the proposal that highway passenger factors are divided intoeconomy factors and elastic factors and the key factor analysis method about elastic coefficients of highway passenger transportation is given.为全面、有效地分析众多指标因子对客运需求的影响并揭示它们之间的联系,将公路客运影响因子划分为公路客运经济因子和公路客运弹性因子两种,给出了公路客运弹性系数的因子分析法,并对江西省1980年—公路客运指标采用因子分析法进行计算,通过经济因子和弹性因子的关系来获取该省公路客运的弹性系数。


1.Analysis of Social-economic Influence on Water Pollution in Taihu Basin;太湖水环境污染的社会经济因子分析

2.It is good economy to buy well-made shoes, as they will last longer.买成品鞋子经济实惠,因为它们更经穿。

3.Study on Coordination Degree of Local Economy-environment System Based on the Coupling Theory;经济—环境系统影响因子耦合度分析

4.Tentative exploration into the harmonious elements in the economic ideology of ancient China;试探我国古代经济思想中的和谐因子

5.Research on Key Factors, Structures and Policies for Economic Growth;经济增长核心因子、结构与政策研究

6.Factor Analysis of the Main Cities Economic Strength in Jiangxi Province;江西省主要城市经济实力的因子分析

7.Study of the City"s Economy Transition Based on the Factor Analysis Method基于因子分析法的城市经济转型研究

8."White Nose Disease" in Fur Animals经济毛皮动物“白鼻子病”发病原因初析

9.Urban Economic Development Level Evaluation of Central China Economic District Based on Factor Analysis基于因子分析的中原经济区城市经济发展水平评价

10.They bought an old house for economic reasons.出于经济上的原因他们买了一所旧房子。

11.Analysis on Spatial Pattern of Regional Agricultural Economy and Its Influencing Factors;区域农业经济空间格局及其影响因子分析

12.Study on the Socio-economic Driving Ingredients of the Land-use Change;土地利用变化的社会经济驱动因子研究

13.Integrated Analysis & Evaluation on Economic Benefits of Land Utilization in Xinjiang Based on Factor Analysis;基于因子分析的新疆土地利用经济效益分析

prehensive Evaluation of the Industrial Economic Benefit in Mianyang City with Factor Analysis Method;基于因子分析的绵阳市工业经济效益综合评价

15.The Research of Discount Factor Based on Patience Model of Enterprise Investment in the Cycle Economy Background;循环经济背景下企业投资的贴现因子的研究

16.The Evaluation on Economic Benefit of Construction Industry Based on Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis;基于因子和聚类分析法的建筑业经济效益评价

17.Application of factor Analysis in the Evaluation of Comprehensive Performance of General Economic force in Suburban Areas;因子分析法在县域综合经济实力评测中的应用

18.Research on the economy development level of each city in Liaoning province by using factor analysis;基于因子分析的辽宁省各市经济发展水平研究


suitability assessment factors of land ecological economy土地生态经济适宜性评价因子

3)economy factor经济因子

1.In order to analyze the effect so many factors have on highway passenger demand and reveal the relationships between them roundly and effectively,the proposal that highway passenger factors are divided intoeconomy factors and elastic factors and the key factor analysis method about elastic coefficients of highway passenger transportation is given.为全面、有效地分析众多指标因子对客运需求的影响并揭示它们之间的联系,将公路客运影响因子划分为公路客运经济因子和公路客运弹性因子两种,给出了公路客运弹性系数的因子分析法,并对江西省1980年—公路客运指标采用因子分析法进行计算,通过经济因子和弹性因子的关系来获取该省公路客运的弹性系数。

4)ecological economy生态经济

1.Evolution Analysis of Mine Ecological Economy Based on Ecological Carrying Capability;基于承载力的矿区生态经济系统演化分析

2.To realize the change from traditional economy toecological economy;实现传统经济向生态经济的转变

3.Onecological economy of fruit and timber harvest forest of Koran pine;论红松果材林的生态经济问题

5)ecological economics生态经济

1.To explore the radical measure of prevention and control about Mu Us Desert,the methods ofecological economics is used for finding out the causes of historical formation and system hinder of present administer slowly about Mu Us Desert.为探求毛乌素沙漠治理的根本措施,本文从生态经济学的视角探析我国毛乌素沙漠的历史成因和当前治理缓慢的制度障碍,认为毛乌素沙漠形成的历史成因是人口压力和落后生产方式导致的人地关系矛盾,当前治理缓慢的制度障碍在于沙漠生态公共产品外部性尚未内部化。

2.This passage is directed by the theory ofecological economics and think over the particularity of forest tourism program,analyses the main factors which affect the program of forest tourism industry,expounds the basic principle and put forwards the problems which should be considered top-priority in programming the modern forest tourism industry.本文以生态经济学理论为指导 ,充分考虑森林旅游业的特殊性 ,分析了现代森林旅游业规划的主要因素 ,阐述了现代森林旅游规划的基本原则 ,并提出了现代森林旅游业规划必须优先考虑的问

3.To have a better plan of earlier stage is the premise and base to build theecological economics of mountain area.东北山区是我国经济欠发达区域之一 ,尽管资源丰富 ,但脆弱和日益失衡的生态环境严重影响了当地经济发展 ,搞好前期规划 ,是建设山区生态经济的前提和基


1.Probing intoeco-economy development in the mountain area South of Hunan——Take Rucheng County as an example;湖南南部山区生态经济发展初探——以汝城县为例

2.Constructing Harmonious Society in South Mountain Areas of Ningxia Needs Eco-economy;宁夏南部山区构建和谐社会呼唤生态经济

3.Vulnerability ofeco-economy in northern slope region of Tianshan Mountains.;天山北坡生态经济的脆弱性


土地适宜性评价土地适宜性评价land suitability evaluationtudi shiyixing Pingiia土地适宜性评价(l and sultabilityevaluation)评价土地对特定利用类型的适宜程度的过程。通过分析某块土地对特定的土地利用方式是否适宜和适宜程度,从而作出适宜等级的评定。特定利用类型或利用方式在内涵上宽窄不一,宽者如农业、牧业、林业、城镇建设、旅游等;窄者如小麦、柑橘、杉木等。世界上影响最大和使用最广泛的是联合国粮农组织(FAO)于1976年公布的《土地评价纲要》中的土地适宜性评价体系。土地适宜性评价从土地利用研究和土地调查开始,要求明确土地利用条件和每一土地单元的属性和相关的社会经济条件。在此基础上进行土地质量与土地利用的相宜性比较以及相关的环境、经济、社会条件的分析。根据上述比较分析确定土地适宜性等级,建立土地评价的数据档案,以便在有关成本、收益因价格发生重大变化时,可以重新评价,改变适宜性类型。 (陈百明)
