100字范文 > 少数民族训练基地 ethnic minoritys traditional P.E training bases英语短句 例句大全

少数民族训练基地 ethnic minoritys traditional P.E training bases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 17:43:11


少数民族训练基地 ethnic minoritys traditional P.E training bases英语短句 例句大全

少数民族训练基地,ethnic minority"s traditional P.E training bases

1)ethnic minority"s traditional P.E training bases少数民族训练基地

2)minority area少数民族地区

1.The problems and countermeasures in sustainable development of small and medium enterprises inminority area少数民族地区中小企业可持续发展问题及对策

2.The promotion ofminority area development through sports充分的体育传播对少数民族地区进步的作用

3.Theminority area has a variety of ecological systems but its ecological environment is fragile with much damage to the natural resources.少数民族地区生态系统丰富多样,但生态环境脆弱,自然资源破坏严重。


1.Ethnic Economy and the Economy in Ethnic Regions论少数民族经济与少数民族地区经济

2.In some cases minority peoples can be found living in concentrated communities in areas inhabited mainly by the Han people, while in other cases the situation is just the other way round.汉族地区有少数民族聚居,少数民族地区有汉族居

3.The education of teachers and the idea of nationality in minority areas;少数民族地区教师教育与民族性理念

4.The Study of the Enterprise of the National Minority Andits Economic Development in the Minority(nationality) Region;少数民族企业与少数民族地区经济发展

5.Minority Customary Laws and Village Politics in the Minority Areas;少数民族习惯法与少数民族地区的乡村政治

6.Study on Cultivation of Civic Consciousness for Farmers in Ethnic Minority Areas论少数民族地区农民的公民意识培育

7.On Construction of National Identification in Minority Region of China;论我国少数民族地区国族认同的构建

8.Study on Gender Preference of Peasants in Ethnic Minority Areas;少数民族地区农民子女性别偏好研究

9.Study for New Peasants" Training in the Minority Area少数民族地区新型农民培养问题研究

10.On the Development of Private Economy in Guangxi Ethnic Minority Areas广西少数民族地区民营经济发展探析

11.Influence of the Northwest Immigration on Ethnic Relations;当代西北少数民族地区移民对民族关系的影响

12.An Analysis of the Education Present Situations in West China--Based on the Example of Yunnan Minority Regions;西部少数民族地区教育的现状分析——以云南少数民族地区为例

13.The Building of the Digital Library in the Minority Areas;浅析少数民族地区数字图书馆的建设

14.Research on the Practice of Nationality s Sports Policy in National Minority Area;民族体育政策在少数民族地区的实践研究

15.Marketing Measures of Nationalities Cultures in Yunnan Minority Area;云南少数民族地区民族文化的市场营销策略

16.The Poverty Alleviation Program for Ethnic Minorities and Minority Areas少数民族和民族地区扶贫开发

17.Thoughts on Minority Groups and Their Development;少数民族和民族地区发展的几点思考

18.China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas.中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。


minority area少数民族地区

1.The problems and countermeasures in sustainable development of small and medium enterprises inminority area少数民族地区中小企业可持续发展问题及对策

2.The promotion ofminority area development through sports充分的体育传播对少数民族地区进步的作用

3.Theminority area has a variety of ecological systems but its ecological environment is fragile with much damage to the natural resources.少数民族地区生态系统丰富多样,但生态环境脆弱,自然资源破坏严重。

3)minority regions少数民族地区

1.On National Civil Service Capacity Construction about Ethnic Minority Regions少数民族地区公务员能力建设问题研究

2.The ecological system inminority regions is very rich.少数民族地区生态系统丰富多样,但生态环境脆弱,自然资源破坏严重。

3.As the Western Development of China becomes escalated,it is possible to say that there will be a new promoting development of the economics,social and cultures ofminority regions in the west of China.随着西部大开发的深入,西部少数民族地区有可能形成社会、经济、文化发展的新高潮,这一时期,大众媒介对西部少数民族地区的发展能够起到什么样的积极作用?从大众媒介与西北少数民族地区的民族关系、经济建设以及少数民族文化建设三方面对其加以探讨。

4)minority areas少数民族地区

1.Issues and strategy of rebuilding rural cooperative health system inminority areas;少数民族地区恢复建立农村合作医疗制度的问题与对策

2.Application of Association Rule Mining in Economy Pattern of Minority Areas;少数民族地区经济模式中关联规则挖掘技术的应用

3.Reflection on School Yard Cultural Construction in Middle and Primary Schools in Minority Areas in Gansu Province;甘肃省少数民族地区中小学校园文化建设的思考

5)Minority Region少数民族地区

1.An analysis of driving factors for land use change in minority region of Guizhou Province——With special references to Tianzhu county;贵州少数民族地区土地利用变化及其驱动因子分析——以天柱县为例

2.Reflecting on the community tourism in minority region;少数民族地区开展社区旅游的思考

3.Study on the provincial economic division and its countermeasures in Chinese minority region;中国少数民族地区省级经济分区及其发展对策

6)inhabitation place of minorities少数民族集居地


