100字范文 > 文化触觉 sense of culture英语短句 例句大全

文化触觉 sense of culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-31 09:18:00


文化触觉 sense of culture英语短句 例句大全

文化触觉,sense of culture

1)sense of culture文化触觉

1.The new type of foreign trade talents who have asense of culture can help resolve cultural barriers and conflicts effectively, catch the opportunity of business according to the needs of trade in different countries, and establish systemic international marketing channels.随着经济全球化趋势的不断发展,国际贸易活动日益频繁,对于新型的外贸人才而言,文化触觉可以有效消解文化壁垒和冲突,根据不同国家的贸易需求,发现商机,从而建立起系统的国际营销渠道。

2)haptic visualization触觉可视化

1.This paper introduces research characteristics and application foreground ofhaptic visualization, generalizes the merits and the demerites of four systems, and also compares their performances.触觉可视化是利用虚拟现实技术将图形显示和触觉显示相结合,为主控端操作者提供操作环境的模拟信息。

3)Tactile Graphical Information触觉图文信息

4)visual culture视觉文化

1.Discussion on Book Design after Visual Culture Arrived;浅析视觉文化来临后的书籍设计

2.A brief Analysis of the Influence about Visual Culture on Modern Educational Technology;简析视觉文化对现代教育技术的影响

3.The version of post-modern advertisement in the time ofvisual culture;视觉文化时代的后现代广告文案


1.From "Vision" to "Visualization":Rethinking of Visual Culture从“视觉”到“视觉化”:重新理解视觉文化

2.Visuality and Visual Culture: The Genealogy of Visual Cultural Studies;视觉性与视觉文化——视觉文化研究的谱系

3.Study about "Visual Approach" Issue in Visual Culture Perspective;视觉文化视域中的“视觉方式”研究

4.The Vision Monopoly and Vision Settlement in the Background of Visual Culture视觉文化背景下的视觉垄断与视觉殖民

5.The Turn of Visual Design of New Media and Visual culture Times;新媒体与视觉文化时代视觉设计转向

6.Landscape and Vision: Landscape Study in the Domain of Visual Culture景观与视觉:视觉文化域中的景观研究

7.Visual Culture: The Visual Construction of Chinese and Western Magazine;视觉文化与中西方人文时尚杂志的视觉场构建

8.The Analysis of Novels Survival through Movie & TV in the Visual Era;视觉文化时代小说的影视化生存探析

9.Protection of Visual and National Cultures in the Cybertime;网络时代的视觉文化与民族文化保护

10.To View Visual Culture and Pursue the Truth,the Goodness and the Beauty from the Documentary;从纪录片透视视觉文化:追求真善美

11.Study on the Web News Picture Based on Visual Culture Theories视觉文化视域下的网络新闻图片研究

12.Aesthetic Change Aroused by Visual Culture and Value Examination of Visual Communication Design;视觉文化引起的审美嬗变与视觉传达设计的价值审视

13.Visual Culture: Female Images in Ads and Their Seeing and Being Seen视觉文化:广告女性形象的看与被看

14.The Research on the Influences of Educational Communications with the Visual Culture;视觉文化对教育传播若干影响的研究

15.Find out the Design Esthetics Conception from the Traditional Visual Culture;从传统视觉文化中探寻设计美学观念

16.Chinese Image--Cultural Study of 1990s and Cultural Visual Angle of Culture Criticism;《中国镜像》与文化批评的文化视觉

17.Cultural consciousness of P.E. curriculum under harmonious cultural ideology和谐文化视阈下的体育课程文化自觉

18.A Study on Advertising Visual Focus from Popular Culture s Viewpoint;流行文化视角下的广告视觉中心研究


haptic visualization触觉可视化

1.This paper introduces research characteristics and application foreground ofhaptic visualization, generalizes the merits and the demerites of four systems, and also compares their performances.触觉可视化是利用虚拟现实技术将图形显示和触觉显示相结合,为主控端操作者提供操作环境的模拟信息。

3)Tactile Graphical Information触觉图文信息

4)visual culture视觉文化

1.Discussion on Book Design after Visual Culture Arrived;浅析视觉文化来临后的书籍设计

2.A brief Analysis of the Influence about Visual Culture on Modern Educational Technology;简析视觉文化对现代教育技术的影响

3.The version of post-modern advertisement in the time ofvisual culture;视觉文化时代的后现代广告文案

5)cultural consciousness文化自觉

1.The definition of the concept of "cultural consciousness";“文化自觉”概念的界定

2.Ethnic interaction in thecultural consciousness——Guangxi Hakka ethnic relations as an example;族群互动中的文化自觉——以广西客家族群关系为例

3.Looking Cultural Consciousness from Islamic Civilization;从伊斯兰文明看文化自觉

6)cultural self-consciousness文化自觉

1.On constructing socialist harmonious culture withcultural self-consciousness;以文化自觉推进和谐文化建设

2.From the perspective of Anthropology,this paper discusses the present movement of Heritage in China,involving such concepts as the classification of objects,cultural space,ethnic identification,cultural self-consciousness which are closely related with heritage in the aspect of anthropology.从人类学学科的角度,对目前国内的遗产运动进行了讨论,内容涉及人类学学科中与"遗产"联系紧密的物的分类、文化空间、族群认同、文化自觉等概念,并试图对目前学界"遗产"研究理论薄弱的现状进行反思和补充。

3.In the course ofcultural self-consciousness of curriculum theory,localization is its research logic,advocating the dialogue of curriculum theory and the harmonious intergrowth of curriculum theory.文化自觉为课程理论提供了新的认识论视角、价值论支撑与方法论指导,具有重要的现实意义。


地理信息可视化地理信息可视化( geographic information visualization)地理信息可视化是将地理信息数据转换为人们容易理解的图形图像方式。随着计算机、图形、图像技术的飞速发展,人们现在已经可以用丰富的色彩、动画技术、三维立体显示及仿真等手段,形象地表现各种地形特征。
