100字范文 > 文化体制 cultural system英语短句 例句大全

文化体制 cultural system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-22 10:03:10


文化体制 cultural system英语短句 例句大全

文化体制,cultural system

1)cultural system文化体制

1.Since the third session of the 11th central committee,thecultural system reform in our country has roughly experienced three stages.十一届三中全会以来,我国文化体制改革大体经历了初步探索、系统展开、纵深发展三个阶段。

2.The cultural construction of China must deal with five relationships and the government should solve the hotspot in the reform of thecultural system.政府在文化体制改革中要解决热点问题。

3.This paper holds that to further the reform ofcultural system must start from theoretical innovation and solve the "dead-end" problems from the furthermost point - the d.传统文化体制是一种管办不分的事业型体制。


1.To Deepen the Reform of Cultural System and Accelerate the Development of Cultural Industry;深化文化体制改革 加快文化产业发展

2.Cultural Development and Restructuring文化建设和文化体制改革

3.VI. Cultural Development and Restructuring六、文化建设和文化体制改革

4.We must lose no time in working out overall planning for cultural restructuring.抓紧制定文化体制改革的总体方案。

5.The Alert of "Culture Desert" and the Urgent Reform of Cultural System;“文化沙漠化”的预警与文化体制改革的急迫

6.Study on Cultural Policy Issues of Deepening the Cultural System in the New Era新时期深化文化体制改革中的文化政策问题

7.The Issue of the Theoretical Periodization in the Reform of Cultural Institution and the Tactics in Deepening the Reform of Cultural Institution in China;我国文化体制改革的理论分期与深化文化体制改革的策略问题

8.6. Continue to deepen cultural restructuring.(六)继续深化文化体制改革。

9.We should deepen structural reform in the cultural field and actively develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries.深化文化体制改革,积极发展文化事业和文化产业。

10.Management Innovation of Public Funding for Cultural Affairs in China s Process of Cultural System Reform;文化体制改革与我国公共文化资金管理创新

11.The Cultural Reform and the Development of the Olympic Culture;我国文化体制改革与奥林匹克文化的发展

12.The Reform of Cultural System,the Existing Policies and the Development of Culture Industry;文化体制改革、政策环境与文化产业发展

13.On the System Reform of Culture from the Development of the Culture Resource Property Right;从文化资源产权属性的演变谈文化体制改革

14.The Study of Personnel Work and Labor Work of Cultural Institution in the Reform of Cultural System文化体制改革中文化事业单位的人事劳资研究

15.We will press ahead with formulating an overall plan f or cultural restructuring and a program for cultural development.抓紧制定文化体制改革总体方案和文化发展纲要。

16.Some VIews on the Further Reform of Culture Supervisory System;深化文化管理体制改革的几点思考——兼论文化体制与文化产业发展的关系

17.The Control of Confucian Culture to Chinese Sports Culture;儒家文化对中国体育文化的文化控制

18.Culture,System Culture and System Culture on God s Image Sport(I);文化·制度文化·人体运动制度文化——中国人体运动制度文化通论(一)


cultural system reform文化体制改革

1.The ongoingcultural system reform is transforming China s conventional cultural affairs management institution.正在进行的文化体制改革改变着中国单一的事业型文化部门类型,社会化、市场化、公共化、多元化的文化发展格局日益呈现。

2.The prospective of series of such journals and even all scientific and technical journals in China is also explored here,in the context that the timetable and the route chart of thecultural system reform in China have been determined.在中华医学会第5次杂志工作会议召开之际,回顾中华医学会系列杂志的发展历程,总结经验,探讨在我国文化体制改革时间表、路线图已确定的情况下系列杂志乃至我国科技期刊的发展前景。

3)Reform of cultural system文化体制改革

1.At present, the key points in Beijing s culture are cultural industry, the reform of cultural system and the preservation of traditional culture.当前北京文化的重点在于文化产业发展、文化体制改革及传统文化的保护。

4)Culture system reform文化体制改革

1.The Sixteenth National Party Congress stressed the important position and function of culture construction and put forward a series of new requirements on culture construction and culture system reform.党的十六大突出强调文化建设的重要地位和作用,对文化建设和文化体制改革提出了一系列新的要求。

2.The first one refers to effective improvement of culture system reform.第一类是涉及文化体制改革工作有效推进的问题:文化体制改革工作的推动与释放和激活文化单位的发展活力之间存在"间隙";文艺院团的改革要取得突破的条件还没有完全准备到位;机制、机构、人才同文化发展的实际要求不够协同。

5)reform of cultural institutions文化体制改革

1.It is only emancipating the mind and deepeningreform of cultural institutions that may promote the grand cultural development in China.期望真正实现文化大发展大繁荣就必须继续解放思想,大胆推进文化体制改革。

6)systematic culture体制性企业文化

1.Thesystematic culture of China s enterprises are still at the primary stage.我国企业的体制性企业文化建设尚处于初级阶段,还存在许多不足。


