100字范文 > 遗传网络 genetic network英语短句 例句大全

遗传网络 genetic network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-11 17:10:35


遗传网络 genetic network英语短句 例句大全

遗传网络,genetic network

1)genetic network遗传网络

1.Based on discussing the selection in training data,this paper establishes thegenetic network by means of the combination of genetic algorithm and BP neural network,which evaluates sand liquefaction.在探讨训练样本选取的基础上,耦合遗传算法和BP神经网络构建了遗传网络并应用于砂土液化的评价,通过与动量梯度下降算法改进的BP神经网络对比,表明了基于遗传算法的BP神经网络在砂土液化评价中的优越性。

2)genetic algorithm and BP neural network(GA-BP NN)遗传BP网络


1.Oil Identification Research Based on Rough Sets-Genetic BP Network;基于粗糙集—遗传BP网络的油种鉴别研究

2.The Research in the Sugar Price Forecast Using Improved GA BP Network;基于改进遗传BP网络在糖价预测的研究

3.Securities Market Prediction Based on Genetic BP Neural Networks;基于遗传BP神经网络的证券市场预测

4.The Handwritten Number Recognition Method Based on Genetic Algorithm and BP Network;基于遗传—BP神经网络的手写数字识别

5.BP Neural Network Weight Optimization Based on the Improvement Genetic Algorithm基于改进遗传算法的BP网络权值优化

6.Research on the Optimization of BP Neural Network Based on Genetic Algorithm and Its ApplicationBP神经网络的遗传优化及其应用研究

7.Prediction of Rockbursts Based on Genetic Algorithms and BP Neural Network基于遗传算法和BP网络的岩爆预测

8.Model of BP Neural Network Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm基于免疫遗传算法的BP神经网络模型

9.End Temperature Prediction of Molten Steel in LF Based on Genetic Algorithm and BP Neural Network;基于遗传算法和BP网络的LF炉终点温度预报

10.Prediction of Rockbursts Based on Genetic Algorithms and BP Neural Network;基于BP网络和遗传算法的岩爆预测研究

11.The Using of Blended BP Algorithm with Genetic Algorithm in Subway Construction s Sink Predicting;遗传BP神经网络在地铁工程沉降预测中的应用

12.The BP Network-forecasting Model for Flood Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm;基于自适应遗传算法的BP网络洪水预报模型

13.Short Term Load Forecasting of Power System Based on GA-BP Neural Network;基于遗传BP神经网络的电力系统短期负荷预测

14.Data Mining System Based on Genetic BP Neutral Network and Its Application;基于遗传BP神经网络的数据挖掘系统及其应用

15.The Back-propagation Neural Network Meteorological Forecast Model Based on Genetic Algorithms;基于遗传算法的BP神经网络气象预报建模

16.The Application of Genetic Algorithm and BP Network in the Fermentation Medium;遗传算法和BP网络在发酵模型中的应用

17.Application of BP Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm on Electronic Load;BP神经网络和遗传算法在电子负载中的应用

18.Investigation into Application of Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm to Training of BP Network and to Blind Signals Separation;基于递阶遗传算法的BP网络训练和盲信号分离


genetic algorithm and BP neural network(GA-BP NN)遗传BP网络

3)genetic neural network遗传神经网络

1.Simultaneous determination of cobalt,manganese,copper and nickel bygenetic neural network-spectrophotometry;遗传神经网络-分光光度法同时测定钴锰铜镍

2.Simultaneous determination of bismuth and cerium in steel withgenetic neural network-spectrophotometry;遗传神经网络-分光光度法同时测定钢中铋和铈

3.Predictive control of alumina concentration based ongenetic neural network;基于遗传神经网络的氧化铝浓度预测控制

4)GA-BP neural network遗传神经网络

1.Calculation for high-pressure combustion properties of high-energy solid propellant based onGA-BP neural network;基于遗传神经网络的高能固体推进剂高压燃烧性能计算

5)genetic-neural network遗传神经网络

1.The method of environmental quality assessment which was based on rough sets andgenetic-neural network reduced datum from database by using rough sets reduction function,and then transferred the reduced datum to the BP neural network as training datum.基于粗集、遗传神经网络的环境质量评价方法利用粗集对属性的归约功能将数据库中的数据进行归约,并将归约后的数据作为训练数据提供给BP神经网络;再用遗传算法和BP算法相结合的混合算法来训练网络预测模型的结构(在得到最优网络结构的同时也得到网络的最优权值和阈值)。

2.In order to satisfy the demands of high precision of the coiling temperature,agenetic-neural network method to predict coiling temperature based on data mining is put forward.为了满足卷取温度高精度的要求,提出了一种基于数据挖掘技术的遗传神经网络方法。

3.A model of earthquake prediction based ongenetic-neural network is presented.提出利用遗传神经网络技术对地震预测建模,其基本思想是利用遗传算法具有全局搜索能力、不易陷入局部极小点的特点优化神经网络的权重和阈值,利用优化的神经网络挖掘地震前兆异常属性和震级之间的潜在的关系,从而实现地震预测。

6)genetic-neural network遗传-神经网络


《网络分析和反馈放大器设计》论述网络分析和反馈放大器设计的名著,H.W.博德著,1945年在美国出版。作者在本书中叙述并发展了网络的一般理论,首先提出在一个网络中任何元件的回归差F 等于该元件具有正常值时的网络行列式与该元件值为零时网络行列式之比,推导出回归比T和环路传输μβ的关系F=1+T=1-μβ详细推导了网络函数的实部和虚部之间的关系,并把这种关系应用于负反馈放大器的输入、输出和级间网络的设计上。
