100字范文 > 独立气囊 isolated air bag英语短句 例句大全

独立气囊 isolated air bag英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-06 13:11:19


独立气囊 isolated air bag英语短句 例句大全

独立气囊,isolated air bag

1)isolated air bag独立气囊

1.Through comparative analysis of the varieties of draft cradle with pressure regarding the operation performance,the direct pressurized pneumatic cradle withisolated air bag lead the way.通过对各种牵伸加压摇架的性能进行比较,推荐独立气囊直压式气压摇架是今后发展方向。

2.Analysis is done to the pneumatic cradle QYJ200-160 withisolated air bag regarding the structure.分析了以独立气囊为加压元件的QYJ200-160型气压摇架的结构特点,重点从独立气囊、加压组件、锁紧组件、固紧机构和气路供应及其控制系统几个方面详细对该气压摇架的结构进行了分析,并分析了棉型细纱牵伸的型式及技术特征,其直压式加压组件加压准确、互不干扰、调节方便;采用四连杆式后锁紧机构,"哈夫"式握持空心方形支管轴的紧固机构,锁紧可靠、操作轻便;摇架体高度偏心调节轴和活塞阀门式的气路控制系统,结构新颖。

2)independent gas circuits独立气路

3)separate atmosphere独立气氛

4)Individually ventilated cages(IVC)独立通气笼盒


1.Evaluation of Individually Ventilated Cages System in the Rats;IVC-B型大鼠用独立通气笼盒的卫生学评定

2.Environment Parameters of Four Types of Individually Ventilated Cages(IVC)四种独立通风笼具(IVC)的检测

3.Women have four goals: Independent thoughts; Independent ability, Independent in transportation& mobilization; Financially Independent.女人要有四立:思想独立,能力独力,交通独立,经济独立。

4.But independent reports said a stubborn gray haze shrouded Beijing throughout the test period.但是独立报导则说,实验期间北京仍然笼罩在挥之不去的灰雾之中。

5.Independence Number、Connectivity and Hamilton-connectivity;图的独立数、连通度与Hamilton连通性

6.Two rooms with an interconnecting door could be set independently over a wide range of air temperatures and humidities.这两间房间用门相互连通,室内的空气温度和湿度可以在很大范围内独立地加以调节。

7.One way to do this that is getting more popular is to force more air into the engine then it would normally draw in on its own.单程为了做变得更受欢迎的这不强迫更多的空气然后的发动机它通常独立拉进来。

8.During all these conversations the utmost frankness and usually a spirit of cordiality prevailed.所有这些会议都笼罩着极其坦率而且通常是热诚亲切的气氛。

9.Hospital lavatory shall have independent exhaust.医务室卫生间应当有独立的排气管。

10.Ideas of Electric Information Talents Training in Independent Colleges;独立学院电气信息类人才培养新思路

11.Feasibility study on independent legislation for CBM industry in China中国煤层气产业单独立法可行性研究

12.Discharge of the tank is by a separate line.容器的排放是通过独立的管线实现的。

13.Rectangular freestanding sink that is usually placed against a wall.通常靠墙放置的矩形独立式水池。

14.Round freestanding sink that is usually placed against a wall.通常靠墙放置的圆形独立式水池。

15.Central Bank Independence and Inflation: Theory and Evidence;中央银行独立性与通胀:理论与实证

16.Study on Governance Structure of Independent Colleges in China s Ordinary University;我国普通高校独立学院治理结构研究

17.On the Party Building Work in Independent Colleges;普通高等学校独立学院党建工作研究

18.A Romantic Naturalist--My Review of A Unique Pig by Wang Xiaobo浪漫的自然主义者:独立、自由和勇气——读王小波《一只特立独行的猪》


independent gas circuits独立气路

3)separate atmosphere独立气氛

4)Individually ventilated cages(IVC)独立通气笼盒

5)Independent air suspension独立空气悬架

6)Individually ventilated cage独立通气笼具


