100字范文 > 中印文化交流 Sino-Indian cultural interaction英语短句 例句大全

中印文化交流 Sino-Indian cultural interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-20 10:37:29


中印文化交流 Sino-Indian cultural interaction英语短句 例句大全

中印文化交流,Sino-Indian cultural interaction

1)Sino-Indian cultural interaction中印文化交流

2)Sino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road中印丝路文化交流

1.Summary of Academic Conference on theSino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road中印丝路文化交流学术研讨会会议综述


1.Summary of Academic Conference on the Sino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road中印丝路文化交流学术研讨会会议综述

2.The Southern Silk Road and the Outward Economic and Cultural Interaction of the Ancient Shu Before the Qin;南丝路与先秦古蜀对外经济文化交流

3.Discovery of Ancient Silk and Sino-Western Cultural Communication;西方早期丝绸的发现与中西文化交流

4.This could be a symbol of the East and West cultural exchanges on the Silk Road.可以认为是丝绸之路上东西文化交流的象征。

5.Sangye Temple, Tibet Route and Sino Indian Buddhist Exchange;桑耶寺、吐蕃道与中印佛教文化交流

6.The “Silk Road” and the “Book Road”--A Unique Pattern of Cultural Exchange in East Asia;“丝绸之路”与“书籍之路”——试论东亚文化交流的独特模式

7.Buddhism from India entered China along the Silk Road and had a huge influence on Chinese culture.佛教从印度沿丝绸之路传入中国并对中国文化产生了巨大的影响。

8."The famous Silk Road, a thoroughfare for cultural and economic exchanges between China and the west in past dynasties, is a treasure trove of historic sites;"著名的丝调之路,是过去中西文化和经济交流的通衢大道,是具有丰富历史遗迹的宝库;

9.The Significance of the Tibet-Qinghai Railway in the Opening Policy;中印经济文化交流新观察——兼论青藏铁路建成通车在对外开放中的重要意义

10.The Indian form in Chinese Reading and Singing Literature from the Angle of View of Cultural Exchang;从文化交流的视角看中国讲唱文学中的印度构成

11.The Interactive Exchange of Agricultural Science and Technology Between China and India During the Qin-Han Period--A Brief Introduction to Agricultural Sci-tech and Culture Exchange Between China and India in the Qin and Han Dynasties;对等主体间农业科技文化的互动交流——浅谈秦汉时期中印农业科技文化的交流

12.Baoqieyinjing Pagoda and Cultural ExchangesBetween the Kingdom of Wuyue and Japan;“宝箧印经塔”与吴越国对日文化交流

13.The Maitreyavyākara■a as Evidence for Cultural Exchange among China,India and Adjacent Regions从百颂体《弥勒授记经》来看中印及周边的文化交流

14.International Cultural Exchange Center of China中国国际文化交流中心

15.these people of the Silk Road are sharing their many different cultures with one another and more than one-million visitors.这些来自丝绸之路沿途的人们将互相交流,并与100多万参观者分享不同的文化。

16.China s Cultural Routes to Korean Peninsular and Japan and its Cultural Exchange in the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty;汉唐时期中国通往朝鲜半岛和日本的文化线路及文化交流

17.2000 BCE: India - Cultural exchange between the Indus Valley civilization and MESOPOTAMIA (present day Iraq) is especially prominent.印度——印度河流域与美索不达米亚(今天的伊朗)的文化交流尤为显著。

18.The cultural perception and memory in intercultural communication;跨文化交流中的文化感知与文化记忆


Sino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road中印丝路文化交流

1.Summary of Academic Conference on theSino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road中印丝路文化交流学术研讨会会议综述

3)Indian-Chinese exchange中印交流

4)China Japan culture communication history中日文化交流史

5)history of Russia"s contact with China中俄文化交流史

6)cultural exchange中西文化交流


交流-交流直接变频调速交流-交流直接变频调速variable frequency AC motor speed control by direct AC-AC converterJ一Qoi一u一J一oollu zh一J旧blonP一nt一oosu交流一交流直接变频调速(variable frequeney给定值相对应的三相基准电压。再经过比较器形成触发晶闸管的触发角,并产生触发脉冲,经放大后触发晶闸管。由于交流一交流变频器中,交流输人侧会产生很大的无功功率,从而降低电源设备利用率;交流输人侧存在着高次谐波电流,将使电源电压的波形发生畸变.如要降低无功功率,可采用中点偏压法、环流控制法、级联法等控制方法。如要降低高次谐波,可采用输出电流波形控制法、两台交流一交流变频器谐调运行等。近来,价格低廉、性能良好的微机控制电路已经产生,从而简化了电路、提高了控制性能。应用交流一交流变频器为一级(直接)换能,效率可高达90%以上;其换流为电源自然换流,不需要辅助换流电路,简化了主电路;直接变频容易实现四象限运行。但由于交流一交流变频器中晶闸管是靠电网电压进行换流,变频器最高输出频率不超过电网频率的1/2~1/3,否则,输出波形将发生严重的畸变和不对称。因此,这种变频调速适于低速大容量的电动机负载,如球磨机、矿井提升机、轧钢机、卷扬机、风洞等传动;或者将中频变为较低频率供电给电动机进行调速,如电动车辆上将I000H:中频发电机的电能转变为400H:以下的电能供给电动机进行调速。如果交流一交流变频器所带负载是容性的,例如在无换向器电动机中,电流超前于电压,或者采用其他措施进行强迫换流,使晶闸管能及时关断,则交流一交流变频器的输出频率将不受限制,甚至可以做到输出颇率高于电源频率,从而可能实现对高速电动机进行调速。AC motor speed eontrol by direet AC一AC eon-verter)采用交流一交流直接变频器实现交流电动机调速的技术。交流电动机的极对数一定时,其同步转速与供电电源频率成正比,改变频率就能调节电机的转速(见变频调速)。交流一交流变频器就是直接将恒压恒频的交流电通过电力变流器变换为变压变频的交流电源,供电给交流电动机进行调速。常用的交流一交流直接变频调速的线路如图1所示,图l(a)为三相零式线路,图1(b)为三相桥式线路,均采用三组晶闸管反并联可逆变流装置构成三相输出。
