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应变片 strain gauge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-14 17:17:12


应变片 strain gauge英语短句 例句大全

应变片,strain gauge

1)strain gauge应变片

1.Application ofstrain gauge on vibration platform test of small scale concrete structure model;应变片在混凝土结构小比例模型振动台实验中的应用

2.Testing principle of thestrain gauge and its application in the practical engineering;应变片测试原理及在实际工程中的应用


1.rosette gauge(玫瑰瓣状)应变片丛

2.A New Method of Measuring Stress with Strain Gage--Two-Directional and Three-Directional Stress Gage用应变片测量应力的改进方法——二向应力片及三向应力片

3.The carrier material also provides electrical insulation between the gage and the component after the gage is mounted.在应变片安装之后,传导体又成为应变片与零件之间的电绝缘体。

4.Contrast Analyses of Strain Measurement of Fiber Grating and Resistance Strain Chip光纤光栅与电阻应变片应变测量的对比分析

5.Selection Methodology Study of Strain Gages for Printed Circuit Board Strain Measurement印制电路板应变测量用应变片选用方法研究

6.The stability of the gage will be seriously impaired.应变片的稳定性将被严重削弱。

7.Real-time Detection of Curve Shape by Using Strain Gauges利用应变片实现曲线形状的实时检测

8.Research on Resistance Strain Gage Direct Current Bridge Measure Circuit;电阻应变片直流电桥测量电路的研究

9.The gage location then marked on the specimen and the gage is positioned by using a rigid transparent type.在试件上标出应变片位置,并用一片结实的半透明胶纸将应变片定位。

10.Equal-Strength Beam Used to Measure the Sensitive Coefficient of the Strain Ganuge of Electrical Resistance;应用等强度梁测定电阻应变片灵敏系数

11.Sticking Technology of Resistance Strain Gauge in Determining Test of Residual Stress by the Blind-hole Technique盲孔法残余应力测试中的电阻应变片粘贴技术

12.The design of strain gages in regions of high strain gradient is discussed.本文讨论了大梯度应变区电阻应变片的设计问题。

13.Two basic forms of the resistance strain gage are the bounded and the unbounded types.电阻应变片有粘贴式和非粘贴式两种基本形式。

14.strain-gauge sensitivity应变计[片] 电路灵敏度

15.The Stress and Deformation Analysis of Planary Blades of Half-Revolution Blade Propellers半转叶片推进器直翼叶片应力和变形分析

16.Implementation and Application of 2D-DCT Transformation Based on TMS320VC5402 Chips;二维DCT变换在TMS320VC5402芯片上的实现及应用

17.Application of 8031 Single Chip Microcomputer in PWM Frequency Chang-timing System;单片机在PWM变频调速中的开发应用

18.Application of Variable Frequency Speed Regulation in Section Water Supply变频调速技术在分片区供水中的应用


strain gage应变片

1.According to the mechanical structure and the load characteristics of a fighter airplane main undercarriage,the arrangement of the measuringstrain gages and the type of thestrain gage bridges were decided.针对某战斗类飞机的主起落架自身结构和其受力特点,确定了测量其载荷时应变片粘贴位置及其组桥方式。

2.This paper introduces the criterion of piezo actuators usingstrain gage for closed loop control.介绍了采用应变片测量压电陶瓷微位移驱动器位移的原理和设计思想,介绍了实验装置的结构,给出了实验结果,证明将应变片直接粘贴在压电陶瓷基体表面测量其位移的方法是可行性的;通过对压电陶瓷滞回特性的测定,提出了建立压电陶瓷的控制模型的基本思路。

3.When the suspensory rigging is loaded,it distorts thestrain gages,and then the strain measurements are obtained.在吊排上布置应变片,与电桥盒组成直流半桥单臂桥式电路,当吊排承受载荷时,吊排上的应力变形反映到应变片上,通过应变仪读出各测点的应变值,从而确定排体危险截面的最大应力和最大变形,为吊排的使用提供安全保障。

3)strain gauges应变片

1.By means ofstrain gauges,the effect of CaCO_3 addition on the inner stress during curing procedure of unsaturated polyester resin(UPR) was studied in this paper.分析了CaCO3填料的添加量对不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)浇铸体拉伸强度的影响,采用应变片电测技术考察了CaCO3含量对其固化过程的影响作用并对固化内应力进行了粗略的计算与分析。

2.According to a great dealstrain gauges are used in helicopter flight test,how to improve the measurement precision of them is always a main-studying task by the testing engineers.针对直升机飞行测试中电阻应变片的大量使用,如何在满足一定的性价比条件下提高其测量精度一直是测试人员研究的课题。

3.In view of temperature drifting caused by environment temperature whenstrain gauges is working,a temperature compensation method of Strain Gauges based on recurrent neural network is discussed in this paper.针对应变片工作时易受环境温度影响产生温漂,导致测量的准确度下降,提出了一种基于递归神经网络的应变片温度误差的补偿方法,利用神经网络良好的非线性映射能力,根据实际工作参数训练网络,从而实现应变片温度误差的智能补偿。

4)strain gages应变片

1.To the question of fatigue invalidating ofstrain gages in dynamic test(normally the zero drift value being bigger than the permissible value),the equations for calculating the fatigue life of thestrain gages are derived on the basis of the fracture mechanics theory.针对应变片在长时间的动态测试中疲劳失效 (一般是测量误差超过允许值 )问题 ,本文从疲劳断裂力学的基本理论出发 ,导出了应变片疲劳寿命的计算公式 ;实验表明 ,实验曲线与理论曲线吻合 ,这证明我们推导的公式的正确性 ,为应变片的疲劳寿命的预测、许可载荷的确定、失效判据的确立提供了理论基础。

5)Strain foil应变片

1.The strain foil will create micro-strain which is in direct proportion with the riding force.以应变片为传感器 ,贴在自行车的曲柄上 ,当人骑车时 ,曲柄受力 ,反应在应变片上则产生与登力成正比的微应变 ,经过积分器进行积分 ,从而求出自行车的平均功

6)PVDF strain gaugePVDF应变片

1.The straincharge constants of twoPVDF strain gauges were calibrated with a unidirectional strain block.研究了用PVDF压电薄膜进行动态应变测量的原理和方法,在单向应变块上对两种PVDF应变片的应变电荷常数进行了标定,并对一维应力杆中的应变波形进行了测量。


