100字范文 > 辛差分 Difference method in symplectic system英语短句 例句大全

辛差分 Difference method in symplectic system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-23 21:31:03


辛差分 Difference method in symplectic system英语短句 例句大全

辛差分,Difference method in symplectic system

1)Difference method in symplectic system辛差分


1.The Symplectic Difference Method of Elasticity Based on the Hamilton System;基于Hamilton体系的弹性力学辛差分方法

2.Symplectic Difference Format of Elasticity Problems with Mixed Boundary;弹性力学混合边界问题的辛差分格式

3.Stability and Order of Variation of Energy of Several Symplectic Schemes;几种辛差分格式的稳定性与能量变化的阶

4.Application of Mur Absorbing Boundary Conditions Based on Symplectic Difference Scheme in the Computations of Electromagnetic Fields辛差分格式的Mur吸收边界在电磁场计算中的应用

5.The Length Comparison of Cones,Seeds and Seed Scales of Spruce Distributed at Different Altitudes of Xinjiashan Forest Area of Shaanxi陕西省辛家山林区不同海拔云杉球果、种菱及种子长度差异分析

6.difference curve温差[差分,减差,差异]曲线

7.octanol-water partition coefficient Kow辛酸与水的分离系数

8.Wisconsin Card Sorting Test威斯康辛卡片分类测验

9.continuous on-line octane analyzer联机辛烷值连续分析仪

10.Working too hard is a drain on his strength.过分辛劳使他精力衰竭。

11.A gas chromatography method for the quantitative analysis of isooctyl acid was introduced in this paper.建立了异辛酸合成过程中异辛醇、异辛酸和酯的气相色谱分析方法。

12.Resolution of Racemic Ethyl 6-hydroxy-8-chlorocaprylate by Microorganism;微生物拆分硫辛酸中间体6-羟基-8-氯辛酸乙酯

13.Hsin-mei said, "I don"t come anywhere near your Mr. Ts"ao.辛楣道:“我比你们的曹先生,就差得太远了。

14.The Discrepancy of Su Shi and Xin Qiji on Bold and Unconstrained Style;试论苏轼与辛弃疾豪放词词风的差异性

15.The Relative Error on Solving Schrdinger Equation of Wave Function of Particle Spin with Symposium;粒子自旋薛定谔方程辛算法解的相对误差研究

16.On Su Shi s and Xin Qiji s Difference in Creating Powerful and Free School of ci;试论苏轼和辛弃疾在豪放词创作上的差异

17.variance components method方差分析法 方差分析法

18.It"s ten to six.6 点差10 分。


symplectic difference schemes辛差分格式

1.Symplectic geometrical theory andsymplectic difference schemes for solving scattering field of objects;辛几何理论和辛差分格式算法在目标散射场计算中的应用

3)Symplectic difference format辛差分格式

1.Symplectic difference format for elasticity problems under stress boundary condition;弹性力学应力边界问题的辛差分格式

4)symplectic difference scheme辛差分格式

1.Discussion is given on the existance of conservative laws ofsymplectic difference scheme for the Hamilton System and the relationship between them and the stability of thesymplectic difference scheme.讨论了Hamilton系统辛差分格式守恒量的存在性问题以及它们与辛差分格式的稳定性间的关系。

2.Somesymplectic difference schemes for a quantum system were constructed in terms of thesymplectic difference schemes of nonautonomous Hamiltonian system.根据非自治哈密顿系统的辛差分格式,构造了适用于一个哈密顿显含时间的模型量子系统的辛差分格式。

5)multisymplectic difference schemes多辛差分格式

6)symplectic finite difference time domain辛时域有限差分

1.Maxwell’s equations in the time direction were discretized using sympletic propagation technique and then the equations in the spatial direction with fourth-order finite difference approximations were evaluated to constructsymplectic finite difference time domain (S-FDTD) scheme.在时间方向上,借助辛传播子技术对方程进行离散以保持方程的内在结构;在空间方向上,采用四阶精度的有限差分格式对三维旋度算符进行差分离散,建立了求解Maxwell方程的辛时域有限差分(S-FDTD)方法。

2.We discretize Maxwell\"s equations using sympletic propagation technique combined with fourth-order finite difference approximations to constructsymplectic finite difference time domain(SFDTD) scheme.利用辛传播子技术结合高阶差分格式对方程进行离散以保持方程的内在结构,建立了求解Maxwell方程的辛时域有限差分(SFDTD)算法。


差分格式差分格式difference scheme。尽of)中考虑.利用高速计算机解常微分方程和偏微分方程的典型差分格式的有效数值方法已经发展起来.下面给出差分格式的一个简单例子.假设给定微分方程。I,‘:卜a ox、u‘x卜汀‘x).)a(x))0 .0”·)区域G二{o
