100字范文 > 内部特征尺寸 internal character length英语短句 例句大全

内部特征尺寸 internal character length英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-28 11:13:09


内部特征尺寸 internal character length英语短句 例句大全

内部特征尺寸,internal character length

1)internal character length内部特征尺寸

2)local feature size局部特征尺寸

3)characteristic dimension特征尺寸

1.Neural network technology was applied to establish a modeling of thecharacteristic dimension of spray deposited preform, which described the influence of the spray forming parameters on the deposit dimension.采用神经网络技术建立了沉积坯特征尺寸模型,该模型描述了喷射成形关键工艺参数对沉积坯尺寸的影响规律,模型输出的相对误差为6。

2.Influences of side-wall slope of photolithography pattern oncharacteristic dimensions after ion implantation are analyzed.分析了光刻图形侧墙斜坡对离子注入后图形特征尺寸的影响。


1.Trends of Lithography Technology Based on Decreasing of the Feature Size从特征尺寸的缩小看光刻技术的发展

2.Extracting Human Body’s Characteristic Dimension Based on Pro/E基于Pro/E的人体特征尺寸提取

3.The Research and Application of Feature Size-miniaturization in Metal Gate Process;铝栅工艺特征尺寸小型化的研究与应用

4.Research on Measurement and Simulation of Neural Network Model for Dynamic Characteristic Dimension of Spray Columnar Deposit;柱状喷射沉积坯动态特征尺寸检测与神经网络仿真的研究

5.Influence of Characteristic Dimension upon Movement of Explosion-Driven Inert Metal Particles颗粒特征尺寸对爆炸驱动惰性金属颗粒运动的影响

6.Study on the Shoulder Characteristic Size Measurement of Workpieces Based on Linear Structured Light基于线结构光的工件台阶特征尺寸测量方法研究

7.When the characteristic size reach micron、 submicron degree, overcoming the“ limit” binding in order to increase the integration of device.当特征尺寸进入到微米、微米量级时,需要克服“极限”束缚,增加器件的集成度。

8.Oriental leaf tobacco--Determination of form and size characteristicsGB/T16449-1996香料烟形状和尺寸特征的测定

9.Having the size, form, or characteristics of a tree; treelike.树状的具有树的尺寸、形式或特征的;象树的

10.A Study on the Representative Elementary Volume of Fractured Rock Masses and the Size Effects of Mechanical Properties;裂隙岩体表征单元体及力学特性尺寸效应研究

11.Research on the Technology of 3D Intelligent Dimension Based on Feature-Constraint;基于特征约束的三维尺寸智能标注技术的研究

12.Do you want regular or king size?你要一般尺寸的还是特大尺寸的?

13.dimensions of special papers for photograph摄像用特殊相纸尺寸

14.A difficult measurement to take, and therefore you are advised to use the size chart by measuring the model"s bust size and then selecting the average measurement given.难量的尺寸,可以用尺寸图。量模特的胸围尺寸,然后选择一个平均数。

15.Relationship between Nugget Size and Characteristics of Frequency Spectrum of Welding Current in AC Spot Welding;交流点焊电流信号频谱特征与熔核尺寸的关系研究

16.Study on Size Effect of Induction Heatng and Characteristics of Induction Heatng Interconnection Technology for BGA Packaging电磁感应加热尺寸效应及其BGA封装互连新方法特征研究

17.Investigation on the Size Distribution and Microstructure of Sprayed Powder of GCr15 by Spray Forming喷射成形GCr15钢过喷粉末尺寸分布及组织特征的实验研究

18.Study on the relation among grain edge length,grain size and topology with Monte Carlo simulation晶粒棱长、尺寸与拓扑学特征之间关系的Monte Carlo仿真研究


local feature size局部特征尺寸

3)characteristic dimension特征尺寸

1.Neural network technology was applied to establish a modeling of thecharacteristic dimension of spray deposited preform, which described the influence of the spray forming parameters on the deposit dimension.采用神经网络技术建立了沉积坯特征尺寸模型,该模型描述了喷射成形关键工艺参数对沉积坯尺寸的影响规律,模型输出的相对误差为6。

2.Influences of side-wall slope of photolithography pattern oncharacteristic dimensions after ion implantation are analyzed.分析了光刻图形侧墙斜坡对离子注入后图形特征尺寸的影响。

4)feature size特征尺寸

1.The ITRS 2001and reduction of the chipfeature size;ITRS 2001与芯片特征尺寸的缩小

2.In the case that thefeature size is fixed,an estimation method for ascertaining the channel width is presented in order to minimize the delay of data output of the storage array.文章采用萨方程对CMOS工艺的6管静态存储单元结构进行分析计算,探讨了在工艺特征尺寸确定的情况下,晶体管沟道宽度为何值时存储阵列的数据输出延迟最小的估算方法;利用Matlab求解得到一个非线性方程;该方法适用于不同的存储阵列和特征尺寸,可以快速地估算出晶体管沟道宽度,为设计存储器单元版图时提供了方便。

3.The SEU effects of six CMOS SRAMs with differentfeature size(from 0.建立了中子单粒子翻转可视化分析方法,对不同特征尺寸(0。

5)characteristic size特征尺寸

1.This paper defines thecharacteristic size and shape of the microcrack zone of the combined modes I and I of rock and concrete by using the maximum tension stress theory and discusses the effect of the microcrack zone size on fracture toughness,so that the fracture criteria are improved.本文运用最大拉应力理论,确定了岩石混凝土微裂区的大小、形状和特征尺寸,并讨论了在叠加上静水压力的情况下,微裂区的形状和大小及其对断裂韧性的影响,完善了断裂判据。

2.This paper calculats thecharacteristic size of the three kind of the common salor energy absorption block by using the optimum design of these blocks, so the cost is decreased.通过对目前市场上常见的三类太阳能吸热板芯进行结构优化,得出各类吸热板芯的特征尺寸,进而达到节约板芯材料、降低板芯成本的目的。

6)dimension characteristics尺寸特征


内部内部interior囚都t加挽幻份;皿yT那二ocT‘J拓扑空间X的子集A的满足下列条件的所有点x的集合:存在X中的开集U:,使x任U:CA.集合A的内部通常记为IntA,且表示含于A内的X中的最大开集.等式IntA=x\「X\A」成立,这里〔X}表示X的闭包.拓扑空间X中集合的内部是正则开(化孚血r open)集或典范集(。口训jCalset).其典范开集构成拓扑基(b朋e)的空间称为半正则的(~一记gu~lar).所有正则空间都是半正则的.内部有时也称为集合的开核(open ken祀1 of the set). B .H,floH咖apeB撰【补注1亦见集合的内部(泊忱由r of a set).白苏华、胡师度译
