100字范文 > 农村公共投资 Rural Public Investment英语短句 例句大全

农村公共投资 Rural Public Investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-08 02:27:47


农村公共投资 Rural Public Investment英语短句 例句大全

农村公共投资,Rural Public Investment

1)Rural Public Investment农村公共投资

1.Rural Public Investment,Rural Household s Consumption and Economic Growth in Rural Areas;农村公共投资、居民消费与经济增长——一个博弈论的分析框架

2.The paper analyzes the situation of rural public investment and its performance audit in China.分析了我国农村公共投资及其绩效审计的态势,并对国内外研究进行了简要的综述,在此基础上构建了农村公共投资绩效审计评价框架。


1.Direct Election,Rural Tax Reform and Public Goods Provision in Rural China;村民自治、农村税费改革与农村公共投资

2.The Study on Performance Audit Evaluation System of Public Investment in Rural Areas农村公共投资绩效审计评价体系研究

3.The Theory System Construction for Rural Public Investment Performance Audit农村公共投资绩效审计理论体系构建

4.Study on Impact of Chinese Rural Public Utilities over Private Investment;我国农村公共投资对私人投资的影响研究

5.Rural Public-investment Situation of Jiangsu and Expectations of Different Kinds of Rural Residents to Public Investment;江苏省农村公共投资现状及不同类型农村居民对公共投资期望的个案考察

6.A Research on Rural China s Public Investment,Social Expenditure and Poverty Issue;中国农村公共投资、社会性支出与贫困问题研究

7.Growth and Poverty Effects of Government Spending in Rural China;中国农村公共投资在农村经济增长和反贫困中的作用

8.The Correlation between Rural Public Investment and Rural Development;农村公共产品投资与农村经济增长分析

9.Public Capital Investment and Economic Development of Rural Areas and Improvement of Farmers" Living公共资本投资、农村经济增速与农民生活改善

10.Studies on Correlation of Public Investment and Private Investment in Rural Educational Investment;农村教育投资中公共投资与私人投资的相关性研究

11.A Study on the Public Investment on China"s Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Growth中国农村基础设施公共投资与农业增长研究

12.Research on Investment & Finance Institutional Initiation of China s Rural Public Goods Supplies;我国农村公共产品供给投融资制度创新研究

13.Choices of Public Investment System Model in Our Rural Compulsory Education;论我国农村义务教育公共投资体制模式的选择

14.An Analysis of the Investment Shortage in Rural Compulsory Education Based on Public Choice Theory;农村义务教育投资短缺的公共选择理论分析

15.China countryside public service’s investment situation and countermeasure research;我国农村公共服务的投资现状及对策研究

16.The Compatibility of Public Investment and Development Strategy of Countrysid;新疆公共投资与农村发展战略的协调性研究

17.On the Construction of China s Multi-level Investment Channels for Rural Public goods;试论我国农村公共产品多层次投资渠道的建设

18.Study of the Economic Growth Effect of Rural Public Goods Investment in Henan Province;河南省农村公共物品投资的经济增长效应研究


Studies on Rural Public Investments农村公共投资研究

3)Rural Public Goods Investment农村公共产品投资

4)Agricultural Public Investment (API)农业公共投资

5)Rural investment and finance农村投资

6)public resources in rural areas农村公共教育资源


公共投资性支出公共投资性支出 (The Expenditure Of Public Investment) 公共投资性支出 指在政府财政支出项目中具有投资性质的支出,如修建公共设施,经营公用事业,主持公共工程等方面的支出。
