100字范文 > 低循环疲劳寿命 low cycle fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

低循环疲劳寿命 low cycle fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-12 05:55:11


低循环疲劳寿命 low cycle fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

低循环疲劳寿命,low cycle fatigue life

1)low cycle fatigue life低循环疲劳寿命

1.Elastoplastic finite element analysis andlow cycle fatigue life prediction of an engine combustor case were completed.对某发动机燃烧室外套进行了弹塑性有限元分析和低循环疲劳寿命预测。

2.Accounting for creep and stress relaxations long-term life andlow cycle fatigue life prediction method for gas turbine engine hot section is established.建立了考虑蠕变和应力松弛的航空发动机涡轮叶片等高温构件的持久寿命和低循环疲劳寿命预测方法。

3.On the basis of before-mentioned circs,the factors affecting the componentlow cycle fatigue life were investigated.以某型发动机一级压气机轮盘为对象,应用该方法进行了关键部位榫槽的模拟件设计和低循环疲劳寿命考核试验。


1.Reliability analysis method for the low cycle fatigue life of a disk轮盘低循环疲劳寿命可靠性分析方法

2.Disk Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Based on Multiaxial Fatigue Model基于多轴疲劳模型的轮盘低循环疲劳寿命预测

3.Reliability Analysis of Multiaxial Low Cycle Fatigue Life for Turbine Disk涡轮盘多轴低循环疲劳寿命可靠性分析

4.Research on Prediction Model for Disc LCF Life and Experiment Assessment Methodology;轮盘低循环疲劳寿命预测模型和试验评估方法研究

5.Analysis of Low Cycle Fatigue Life for Second-stage Turbine Blade of an Aeroengine某型发动机第2级涡轮叶片低循环疲劳寿命分析

6.Multiaxial Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction under Irregular Loadings;多轴非规则载荷下低周疲劳寿命预测

7.Analysis of Low Cyclic Fatigue Life of the Valves on the Secondary Unit of Steam Turbine;汽轮机中压主汽阀低周疲劳寿命分析

8.Research of multiaxial fatigue-creep life prediction for turbine blade涡轮叶片多轴低周疲劳/蠕变寿命研究

9.New Method of Forecasting the Life of Low-cycle Fatigue预测材料低周疲劳寿命的一种新方法

10.Research on Behavior and Life Assessments of Low Cycle Fatigue and Fatigue-Creep Interaction for Typical Pressure Vessel Steels at Elevated and High Temperature;典型压力容器用钢中高温环境低周疲劳和疲劳—蠕变交互作用的行为及寿命评估技术研究

11.Mechanical Properties and Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Solder under Multiaxial Loading;焊锡钎料的多轴力学性能与低周疲劳寿命研究

12.Fatigue Analysis and Simulation of Maglev Bogie in Low and Middle Speed Maglev Train;中低速磁浮列车转向架疲劳寿命分析和仿真

13.Research on Fretting Fatigue Life of Dovetail Joint under Low Cycle Load;低周载荷作用下燕尾榫结构微动疲劳寿命研究

14.Numerical Analysis and Investigation of Low Cycle Fatigue Life Damage for Steam Turbine"s High Pressure Rotor600MW汽轮机转子低周疲劳寿命计算及研究

15.Cause for Short Contact Fatigue Life of S55C Ball Bearing SteelS55C轴承钢滚动接触疲劳寿命较低原因分析

16.Research on low cycle-multiaxial fatigue-creep life prediction at high temperature for turbine blade涡轮叶片高温多轴低周疲劳/蠕变寿命研究

17.Analysis of the Low Cycle Fatigue Lifetime of Agricultural Machinery农业机械的低周疲劳寿命分析方法研究

18.Thermal Conductivity Measurement of GlidCop~ in a Half-life Low-cycle Fatigue State半寿命低周疲劳Glidcop~材料导热系数的测量


LCF life低循环疲劳寿命

1.Considering the features of P/M superalloy,the traditional strength andLCF life design must be modified and validated to ensure the reliability of P/M superalloy turbine disk.由于粉末高温合金材料的特殊性,为了保证粉末高温合金轮盘的可靠性,需要修正传统轮盘强度和低循环疲劳寿命设计技术并进行验证。

2.TheLCF life of the turbine disk is evaluated using the method provided by SPEY MK202 engine stress standard(EGD-3).对某涡桨发动机高压涡轮盘进行了有限元应力分析,结果表明:在各工作状态,涡轮盘的应力水平在各工作状态都处于弹性范围,最大应力点始终处于轮盘的偏心孔处;采用斯贝MK202发动机应力标准(EGD-3)提供的方法,对该涡轮盘的低循环疲劳寿命进行了估算。

3)Low cycle fatigue低循环疲劳

1.Probability analysis for the low cycle fatigue life of a turbine disk涡轮盘低循环疲劳寿命的概率分析

2.The effects of trace Mg and Zr on the high temperature north rupture strength and low cycle fatigue of GH 4113B turbine disk were investigated.研究了微量镁和锆对GH4133B合金涡轮盘高温缺口持久性能及使用性能下的高温低循环疲劳性能的影响。

3.The modified formula was derived referring to correlative literatures,which can consider the effect of multiple critical features in the low cycle fatigue(LCF) life prediction.航空发动机轮盘低循环疲劳危险部位一般是多个,而且具有相同的温度和应力水平。


1.Research on Prediction Model for DiscLCF Life and Experiment Assessment Methodology;轮盘低循环疲劳寿命预测模型和试验评估方法研究

5)low cycle fatigue life低周疲劳寿命

1.Evaluation of thelow cycle fatigue life of 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo steel under complicated stress state;2(1/4)Cr-1Mo钢复杂应力状态低周疲劳寿命评估

2.By means of low cycle-fatigue test controlled by constant strain amplitude(△_ε),the relation among cycle stress amplitude(△_σ),maximum stress (σ_(max))and cycle number(N) of a low carbon low alloy ultra-high strength steel wire was determined and a high carbon Patenting steel wire was adopted as reference, The effect of warm deformation treatment onlow cycle fatigue life was also studied.结果得出,低碳低合金钢丝比高碳Patenting钢丝具有高的低周疲劳抗力,温形变处理又可提高低周疲劳寿命30%~35%。

3.The effect of warm deformationtreatment on thelow cycle fatigue life of these steel wires were studied.研究了温形变处理对钢丝低周疲劳寿命的影响。

6)LCF life低周疲劳寿命

1.A new method for reliability analysis of discs′LCF life is presented.从Manson-Cofin公式出发,建立了新的低周疲劳寿命失效临界函数及其对随机变量的导数公式,并结合概率有限元法求得轮盘低周疲劳寿命的可靠度,从而解决了采用Landgraf寿命公式的不足。


