100字范文 > 浸泡 immersion英语短句 例句大全

浸泡 immersion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 06:20:15


浸泡 immersion英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects ofimmersion disinfection on the three-dimensional stability of silicone rubber impression material;浸泡消毒对硅橡胶印模三维尺寸稳定性的影响

2.Study on the Mechanism and Treatment of Delayed Wound Healing after Seawater Immersion;海水浸泡延迟伤口愈合的机制及救治研究

3.Early treatment with small dose dexamethasone attenuates seawaterimmersion-induced acute lung injury in dogs with open chest trauma早期小剂量地塞米松对胸部开放伤后海水浸泡致犬急性肺损伤的影响


1.To steep in or as if in the manner of tea.泡开浸透,如同茶的浸泡

2.To become immersed in or as if in liquid.浸泡浸在液体中、沉浸

3.soak in marinade; of foods.把食物在腌泡汁中浸泡。

4.steep in or as if in the manner of tea.用泡茶的方式进会浸泡。

5.To soak(meat, for example) in a marinade.腌泡,浸泡把(例如肉)泡于腌泡汁中

6.soaker-jet-type washer浸泡-喷水式洗瓶机

7.soak-brush-rinse bottle washer浸泡-刷洗-喷淋洗瓶机

8.soaker-jet-type super sonic bottle washer浸泡-喷水式声波洗瓶机

9.The dirty clothes were soaked in soapy water.脏衣服浸泡在肥皂水里。

10.The strawberries were swimming in cream.浸泡在乳脂中的草莓。

11.Immerse the plant for a few minutes.把那棵植物浸泡几分钟.

12.To galvanize or plate(metal)by immersion.电镀通过浸泡镀涂金属

13.heat a metal prior to working it.在加工之前浸泡金属。

14.Soak the dirt out of the clothes.浸泡掉衣服上的污垢。

15.immersed the tomatoes in boiling water;在沸水中浸泡土豆;

16.The Optimal Soak Time and Temperature of Germ Recovery for the Modified Dry-Grind Process of Ethanol Production;胚芽回收的最佳浸泡时间和浸泡温度选择

17.pickle cured in brine and preserved in sugar and vinegar.用盐水浸泡后保存在糖醋中的泡菜。

18.To immerse, preserve, or pickle in salt water.用浓盐水处理(浸泡)在盐水里浸渍、保存或腌制



1.A study onsoaking processing in the production of the germinated brown rice;发芽糙米浸泡工艺的研究

2.Effect ofsoaking processing on the texture of instant Channel catfish skin;浸泡工艺对即食型鮰鱼皮质构的影响


1.Study on stability of daidzein in soybean duringsoaking processing;浸泡处理对大豆中的大豆苷原稳定性影响的研究

2.The areca nuts weresoaked in a solution with some flavors, and then dried.用香料配制一种浸液,将槟榔浸泡其中,入味后,烘干就成为成品。

3.Based on thesoak experiments,the solution reactions of inorganic salt and heavy metal ions of sulfide are researched in several different conditions including time,temperature,rate of acid and alkali,and rate of solid and liquid,etc.基于浸泡试验,在不同的时间、温度、酸碱度、固液比等条件下研究硫化矿物中无机盐和重金属离子的溶出反应,得到影响该溶出反应的重要因素,为实际矿业生产过程中硫化矿物的堆放和处理提供了理论依据。


1.The effect of cellulase onsteeping technology in corn starch wet milling process;纤维素酶对玉米淀粉生产中浸泡效果的影响

2.Study on Steeping Principles, Process and Intelligence Expert System for Corn Wet Milling;玉米淀粉湿法加工浸泡机理、工艺及智能专家系统的研究

3.The effects of different production methods (includingsteeping method and fermentation method) on the flavoring compositions in wolfberry wine were investigated.研究浸泡法和发酵法制备的枸杞酒对枸杞酒香气成分的影响。


1.Based on the testing conditions including leaching media,immersing time,mixing time,andimmersing temperature,the leaching properties of soluble phosphorus in phosphogypsum were investigated in detail.试验研究了磷石膏废渣中污染物可溶磷的淋溶、浸泡特性,考察了淋溶介质、浸泡时间、搅拌时间及浸泡温度等因素对可溶磷释放行为的影响。

2.This paper mainly introduces the whole industrial process of control ling the decorating machine with PLC, which includes the transmitting of the tow el, theimmersing of the towel, the printing and dyeing of the towel, and the mi xing of the coloring agents, etc.主要介绍了用PLC控制毛巾印花机的整个工业流程,包括毛巾的传输、毛巾的浸泡、毛巾的印染以及颜料的混合等过程。

3.The groups of aging andimmersing had five specimens of each.目的研究老化、浸泡和刷牙对光固化复合树脂色度及表面显微结构和内部官能团的影响,探讨色度改变与微结构改变之间的关系。



