100字范文 > 审计本质 the nature of audit英语短句 例句大全

审计本质 the nature of audit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 05:32:45


审计本质 the nature of audit英语短句 例句大全

审计本质,the nature of audit

1)the nature of audit审计本质


1.Property Right, Agreement and Auditing--The Recognition of Nature of Audit;产权、契约与审计——对审计本质的再认识

2.Audit Information System Theory--a new approach to audit essence;审计信息系统论——对审计本质的另一种探讨

3.Re-understanding of Auditing Essence from the Historical Materialism View基于历史唯物主义的审计本质再认识

4.The research on "immune system theory" and the essence of national audit“免疫系统论”与国家审计本质探析

5.Means of Information Transformation: A New Thought on the Intrinsic Qualities of CPA Auditing;信息转化的手段:注册会计师审计本质新论

6.The Inherent Change of State Audit from the Perspective of the Evolution of Public Trusteeship--In Response to the Immunity Theory of Audit从公共受托责任演进看国家审计本质变迁——兼论审计“免疫系统”论

7.The level of cost of audit projects has important impact on efficiency,quality and the realization extent of the audit income.审计项目成本的高低影响着审计效率与审计质量,以及审计收益的实现程度。

8.Auditing risks and auditing quality confroted by auditing organizations;社会审计组织的审计风险与审计质量

9.On the Fundamental Properties of Taiwan Audit Law --Also on the Perfection of Audit Law Concerning the Fully Independence Regulation of Audit Institution on Mainland China;论台湾审计法的本质特征—兼评大陆审计法有关政府审计机关超然独立规定的完善

10.Research on the Normative Nature and Functioning Mechanism of Audit Committee;审计委员会的本原性质与作用机理研究

11.The Essential Perspective and Procedural Design of Criminal Default Judgment;刑事缺席审判制度的本质透视与程序设计

12.The Immature Comment on Promoting Audit Quality for Invested Beneficial Results of School Basic Construction刍议提高学校基本建设投资效益审计质量

13.This text for the economic responsibility audit the necessity that the quality of quality control builds up and how build up an economic responsibility audit quality a control system to carry on a study.本文就经济责任审计质量控制现状和如何建立经济责任审计质量控制体系进行探讨。

14.substantive testing audit plan实质性测试审计计划

15.A Study on the Nature and Function of Audit and Government Audit Responsibility--Based on the Functional Perspective Analysis of the Immune System审计的本质、职能与政府审计责任研究——基于“免疫系统”功能视角的分析

16.quality of audit work and report审计工作与审计报告质量

17.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Audit Tenure and Audit Quality;审计任期与审计质量关系的实证研究

18.Study on Audit Quality Appraisal of State Audit Institutions;国家审计机关审计质量评价问题研究


audit essence审计本质

1.The theoretical framework for auditing consists of message authentication,audit essence,auditing objective,audit hypothesis,and auditing standard,etc.以信息认证为逻辑起点,审计理论框架由信息认证、审计本质、审计目标、审计假设、审计准则等要素组成。

3)nature of audit审计本质

1.Main audit body,audit object,nature of audit and other concepts related to capital construction project audit are introduced.对审计主体、审计客体、审计本质等基本建设项目审计的相关概念进行了介绍,阐述了基本建设项目审计的现状,并提出了审计人员在审计中要注意的几个重点,以提高审计质量,从而改善投资管理,提高投资效益。

4)quality cost audit质量成本审计

1.This paper first explores the definition of quality cost,and then puts forward the evaluation of quality cost and quality cost control method in the manufacturing,and finally discusses thequality cost audit.本文根据质量成本的定义,分析质量成本的评估方法和生产过程的质量成本控制方法,进而探讨质量成本审计。

5)Nature of State Audit国家审计本质

6)The Nature of Government Audit政府审计本质


